911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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Well-Known Member
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911Blogger.com

i thought this one was pretty conclusive!!!!!

there are not many implications on who was to blame, but certainly from a structural point of view its impossible that the 3 WTC buildings would fall from plane crashes/ fires!!!!!!!!!
There is your problem. Gage and his cronies attempt to prove the ridiculous and ignore the obvious factors. I am sick of explaining "the structural point of view", as to why this moron is wrong. About two thirds of the structural engineers polled believe all of Gage's "facts" are off. His stupidity bores me to tears. He should be too embarrassed to come out of his house and face the world. Mr. bin Laden is clearly a much better structural engineer than Gage is an architect. I hope I NEVER set foot in a building he has worked on.


Well-Known Member
There is your problem. Gage and his cronies attempt to prove the ridiculous and ignore the obvious factors. I am sick of explaining "the structural point of view", as to why this moron is wrong. About two thirds of the structural engineers polled believe all of Gage's "facts" are off. His stupidity bores me to tears. He should be too embarrassed to come out of his house and face the world. Mr. bin Laden is clearly a much better structural engineer than Gage is an architect. I hope I NEVER set foot in a building he has worked on.
lmao!!!!! sorry.... i dont study structural engineering, so i guess i just took what the dr said as truth.

can you point out some of his "facts" that are "off"..



Well-Known Member
I believe the official report says the steel beams basically melted from the fire from the jet fuel, however jetfuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt the metal they used for the wtc, you would need something like thermite! Pools of molten metal were found weeks after the attack, this could not have happened just from jet fuel. Furthermore, if the jetfuel(which was basically burned up in an instant) caused the beams to melt, how did Atta's passport come flying out of his pocket through the flames and wreckage only to be found perfectly intact at the bottom of ground zero.....hmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
FURTHERMORE, who even brings a passport on a domestic flight, especially if you know you are going to die!


Well-Known Member
Also, do you know what they found it atta's suitcase which somehow magically didnt make it onto the flight, a video on how to fly a commercial jet and the quaran. Come on, he might as well have left a letter that says, I DID IT.


CFL Cabinet Grower
I believe the official report says the steel beams basically melted from the fire from the jet fuel, however jetfuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt the metal they used for the wtc, you would need something like thermite! Pools of molten metal were found weeks after the attack, this could not have happened just from jet fuel. Furthermore, if the jetfuel(which was basically burned up in an instant) caused the beams to melt, how did Atta's passport come flying out of his pocket through the flames and wreckage only to be found perfectly intact at the bottom of ground zero.....hmmmmmm
Can you show me where you found that information? Now I'm curious about this one. :peace:


Well-Known Member
lmao!!!!! sorry.... i dont study structural engineering, so i guess i just took what the dr said as truth.

can you point out some of his "facts" that are "off"..

I am NOT an engineer, but I come from a long line of builders and engineers. My uncle is a famous inventor and aircraft engineer. So I understand concepts when they are explained. There are several facts that bin Laden understood that Gage has no concept of. Since you are so interested, I will explain this again, as I have in the past, in this forum.

bin Laden attempted to blow up the WTC once and failed. He then bought a copy of the "as builts". The final drawing set of the plans as the building was constructed. These documents can be purchased through channels when you want to understand design features for some reason. Anyway, the as builts showed the change in the fire insulation method on the beams. The EPA code on asbestos changed as these towers were constructed. The planes went in just above the insulation change line. The new fire cover was no where near as efficient as the old covering. When you add 40,000 gallons of jet fuel in a closed space the steel twisted and melted. Also, the weight per square foot had been maxed out because the buildings were occupied for so long. That is a common issue with all commercial buildings. Finally, the fuel load was enormous because the buildings were full of paper documents.

These are only a few of the facts Gage overlooked. There are other numerous issues as well. Gage is an empty suit.


Well-Known Member
Can you show me where you found that information? Now I'm curious about this one. :peace:
You should be curious, this is important stuff. If you want to learn more about 9/11 and all the evidence that it was an inside job, look up the movie loose change, if you want to learn about who really controls our gov't and the rest of the world, watch the movie zeitgeist, we tarded put a bunch of links on the first page of this thread I think.


Well-Known Member
I am NOT an engineer, but I come from a long line of builders and engineers. My uncle is a famous inventor and aircraft engineer. So I understand concepts when they are explained. There are several facts that bin Laden understood that Gage has no concept of. Since you are so interested, I will explain this again, as I have in the past, in this forum.

bin Laden attempted to blow up the WTC once and failed. He then bought a copy of the "as builts". The final drawing set of the plans as the building was constructed. These documents can be purchased through channels when you want to understand design features for some reason. Anyway, the as builts showed the change in the fire insulation method on the beams. The EPA code on asbestos changed as these towers were constructed. The planes went in just above the insulation change line. The new fire cover was no where near as efficient as the old covering. When you add 40,000 gallons of jet fuel in a closed space the steel twisted and melted. Also, the weight per square foot had been maxed out because the buildings were occupied for so long. That is a common issue with all commercial buildings. Finally, the fuel load was enormous because the buildings were full of paper documents.

These are only a few of the facts Gage overlooked. There are other numerous issues as well. Gage is an empty suit.
My uncle is a stuctural engineer and the 9/11 thing leaves him scratching his head. The wtc was built to be sustained even in the event of MULTIPLE planes hitting it. And what about wtc building 7, how the hell did that collapse, huh?


Well-Known Member
My uncle is a stuctural engineer and the 9/11 thing leaves him scratching his head. The wtc was built to be sustained even in the event of MULTIPLE planes hitting it. And what about wtc building 7, how the hell did that collapse, huh?

Great question. I have no answer for that. It is the closest anyone comes to making me believe this was an inside job. I have speculated (here before) that there was extensive after event collusion of the facts. Even a Federal Government collusion would not suprise me. But, so far, no one convinces me that bin Laden did not start the chain of events. I do not believe bin Laden and Dick Cheney were working together here.


Well-Known Member
There is SOOOOOOO much evidence, irrefutable evidence, I could go on and on. Have you seen the movie loose change, 2 hours of nonstop evidence!


Well-Known Member
for example the fact that there were war games simulating the exact same scenarios that day, which is what confused norad so much. We have policies in order to stop hi jacked palnes, f16 shouldve immediatly been scrambled to stop the planes once they got off course. Have you seen the course the planes took, it is ridiculous! an unexperienced pilot could never fly a 747 into the pentagon, the turn the plane made was physically impossible. WHy was there no wreckage at the pentagon, or shanksville? usually when a plane crashes there is wreckage, bodies, etc...not at the pentagon, not at shanksville.... it goes on and on. The FBI recovered 80 surveillence videos of nearby places that recorded the crash into the pentagon, within minutes, NONE of these tapes have been released. If the gov't has nothing to hide, why are they hiding so much?


New Member
1. Were the passengers in the planes part of the conspiracy?

2. Building 7 was felled by debris from the twin towers.

3. If covert operatives planted explosives in the towers, why did no one see or hear them?



Well-Known Member
1. Were the passengers in the planes part of the conspiracy?

2. Building 7 was felled by debris from the twin towers.

3. If covert operatives planted explosives in the towers, why did no one see or hear them?

1. No they were not, they were innocent victims, like all of the victims of 9/11
2. No the "official" reason was fire, making it only the 3rd skyscraper in histroy to collapse due to fire damage, the twin towers being the first two of course.
3. People did hear and feel them, hundreds of people heard and felt explosions, firefighters report hearing/feeling secondary explosions. Watch the news from that day, they even mention reports of secondary explosions, of course that was the only mention of it.