im suprised this hasent come up yet but has anyone read DMT: The Spirit Molecule? I read it and i am not even into hullucinogens and it was truely amazeing the properties of DMT. About the DMT making your dreams, that is true strait up bullshit that Joe Rogan made up. Like mentioned before DMT is "most likly" produced by your pineal gland in your brain. DMT has been found in the brains of humans, however it is not as straight foward as making dreams. Now all you will laugh at this, but the theory about why DMT is in the human body is to see parallel demensions. As corny as that sounds it makes sense as you only can see or feel what your brain interprets. By changeing the receptors of your brain you can see or feel or hear things that were still present, except you could not bbecome awar of these things before. Now towards the end of the book it talks about WIMPS which are particles of dark matter that we only know exist because they produce graviational pull. Besides that there is nothing there. And with DMT you become aware of these other particles of matter instead of the normal proton electron neutrons. The pineal glands function is unknown except it produces meletonin which is non psychadelic but has some light senseing ability or something like that. But the most interesting things about the pineal gland is unlike another structure in the brain it has no opposite, i.e. right/left lobes. Also the brain runs off of glucose which is the purest fuel. Besides blood going in and out of the brain, glucose is the substance the brain will expend its precious energy to get through active transport.(i think it was a sodium/potassium pump) Anywho untill recently that was the only thing the brain used, then DMT came around. There was a study shown that the brain has a "hunger" for DMT and will expend huge amounts (for the brain) of energy to draw this out of the blood stream through endocytosis. DMT is believed to be a key role in the most stressfull expenences of your life. The theory is it is released during death and birth as well as some other super stressfull times. anywho i've talked to much. go read the book. Peace.