DMT, Dimethyltryptamine

yeah tihkal will be your best bet and man you should pick it up the story is great and the information in the back is incredible
Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with basing your knowledge about any drug on scientific studies. to say someone's an idiot for doing so is like calling your mom an idiot because she read a recipe before making you a cake. that's what science is about: proliferating knowledge gained by one experimentor/scientist to the next. Basing my assumptions on what Dr. Shulgin and his students found by administering the drug in several routes, in a controlled setting, accompanied by constant observation and note-taking...well I think that's better than trusting some dumbass who has, at best, an elementary knowledge of chemistry and/or the human brain.

Why do you think I never answer any of your emails with knowledge?

You ask questions and then the next day you are giving answers to them based off what you READ. You even argue with the only few people on this site who KNOW and can HELP. Why do you think you are met with opposition?

My mom isn't going to argue with Emeril on how to cook a steak!
Why do you think I never answer any of your emails with knowledge?

You ask questions and then the next day you are giving answers to them based off what you READ. You even argue with the only few people on this site who KNOW and can HELP. Why do you think you are met with opposition?

My mom isn't going to argue with Emeril on how to cook a steak!

my mom isnt going to argue with emeril on how to cook a steak man i love you attochii
well since i cant find tihkal right now and itsnot gonna be how to make it from plants it will be some chemical shit i wont understand does anyone know how to extract smokable dmt from plants and which plants or could you point me to a website i was gonna look on the hive but then i found out they got shut down in 2004 ;( RIP to the hive
trust me trust me trust me trust me I just want to start this over say you won't go this is love i'll make weapons out of my imperfections lay back and let me show you another way only this one holy medium brings me peace of mind cleanse and purge me in the water twice as loud as reason euphoria i've been far too sympathetic no one told you to come I hope it sucks you down life feeds on life this is necessary
dmt cant be ingested to effectively produce psychoactie effects... sorry my buddy tried any way an threw up for like an hour and a half.
You would have to take it with a MAO inhibitor for it to be effective orally. Did he eat powder DMT or did they drink a tea or eat a plant that contained DMT?
There's gotta be someone here who's tried this before!

Anyway I think I've found what I need for a MAOI. Looks like a this:

(Banisteriopsis caapi)

But it's very young, so hopefully it'll have enough alkaloids in the vines. Funny thing is, it's been sitting in my kitchen this whole time. :mrgreen:

Anyway here are some pics of it, hopefully this is a Banisteriopsis caapi:

Mother Nature has treated you well ;)
"Joe rogan explains how crazy DMT is. Listen to him, when your in heavy REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, your body pumps doses of DMT to your brain. So in reality EVERYONE is having a DMT trip every time we go to bed! FUCKING AWESOME."

This is just a hypothetical theory... a truism in work! However, this is only speculative knowledge... but its a great concept that spawns much interest!
Joe is describeing 5MEO-DMT, its quite hectic stuff and not nearly as visual as n,n-DMT.
I always thought Joe Rogan was referring to the naturally occuring trympatmine in are brain n,n dmt. Are people familar with the artist Alex Grey?

I have smoked Dmt 3 times and drank ayahuasca once. All Very profound experiences, they have left me feeling humble and better then I have in a long time. BUT
Ive been extremely opened minded all my life, so other then the INSANE visuals, none of the things scared me, I was able to accept the experience.. well 90% of the time, but my fears were roadblocks I quickly let go of. Anyways, I know not everyone Is like that, and if you dont want an experience that can change your perspective on reality and life from a little to ALOT. This goes for religous views, they are often shattered.. Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, wrote this book with alot of in depth research he did with 60 paitents over 5 years, he also notes of many people feeling over all the negatives outweighed the price to pay to see this new dimension. Some of the people ,including hard time acid users were frightened terribly by Dmt. Almost all of these people had credibilty as a exceptional citizen, being doctors and scientist, teachers, ect ect. One buddhist monk who tried the drug couldnt cope with the conflicts of his beliefs and what he saw.
Often trips include alien or elves or some type of being, they talk,sing, interact, love , scare, rape,probe , experiment with, teach and talk with people. God and Some type of Buddha figure is often seen. Demons and angels too. I have seen blue elves once, and they sang, lol it is as crazy as It sounds.

One man immediately left Strassman's trials after he reported he was anally raped by crocodile aliens.

So assuming the people who were like "dude that sounds bad ass, so fun. I gotta try this" have left (not a party drug), the experienced physchonauts and maybe people wanting to try this with the respect it deserves. Ask yourself If what you "have" is worth the risk it can cost to have this experience.

Joe Rogan is spot on for the most part. Ill post some very informational vids and links soon