Well-Known Member
k. i was not calling anyone names or directly calling on anyone. and I'm not trying to pick a fight. but if the shoe fits...
Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with basing your knowledge about any drug on scientific studies. to say someone's an idiot for doing so is like calling your mom an idiot because she read a recipe before making you a cake. that's what science is about: proliferating knowledge gained by one experimentor/scientist to the next. Basing my assumptions on what Dr. Shulgin and his students found by administering the drug in several routes, in a controlled setting, accompanied by constant observation and note-taking...well I think that's better than trusting some dumbass who has, at best, an elementary knowledge of chemistry and/or the human brain.
Why do you think I never answer any of your emails with knowledge?
You ask questions and then the next day you are giving answers to them based off what you READ. You even argue with the only few people on this site who KNOW and can HELP. Why do you think you are met with opposition?
My mom isn't going to argue with Emeril on how to cook a steak!
So why is this not talked about as much as LSD and shrooms? If it's known to have a heavier trip then the two stated above, why don't much people know about it?