PM maybe? LOL
Sorry you think my opinion makes me an idiot.I will, however, be trying one of them very soon, so I'll keep you posted.
Dude. I'm going from what I read from PiHKAL. I'm just drawing my opinion from what I read. Sorry you think my opinion makes me an idiot.I will, however, be trying one of them very soon, so I'll keep you posted.
Another thing man arguing with aattocchi, the dude seems to know his shit so I would just back off the guy and I dont mean to offend you with this post just lettin you know people with personal experience usually know more then people who read it in a book.
Im not sure about that I havent read any of the great doctors books but DMT and 5-MEO-DMT are tryptamines not phenethylamines so you prob. read them in TiHKAL! 5-MEO-DMT I find a little less visual then DMT and a little less intense but thats just me they are both fine chemicals with alot of VERY weird things to show so enjoy when you do dose.