i would take a picture of me in my underwear but i dont wear any.....
i would take a picture of me in my underwear but i dont wear any.....
that would be so crazy to walk up to a house and see everyone rollin and people playing catch and girls doing cart wheels and ppl blowing up and gfreeman running around naked jumping in the air like hes jumping over water puddleslol. oh well. i have no shame in my body. guy or girl i dont feel awkward. as long as they dont make it awkward. i mean we all got the same shit basically, just different sizes and colors but ultimately youve seen one nude, youve seen them all. i guess i did too much x in high school and ended being with 10-20 friends from school all butt ass naked. the funny thing was no one made it awkward. some of the guys were actually playing catch and shit. it was a beautiful, natural moment.
i know i could do that. but when you see what i am blessed with i might acquire a few lady stalkers lol
i only have baggy jeans i cant fit everything in those tight jeans...my legs are wider than my waste so i always have to go a size or two biggerhow about a suggestive pic in a pair of jeans?
i only have baggy jeans i cant fit everything in those tight jeans...my legs are wider than my waste so i always have to go a size or two bigger
that sounds a good idea. oral for a picture and 1 hour of orgasms for a video.i think ppl should start getting paid now, a little motivation goes a long way ahahaha