Round Three - 10 Pound Minimum Outdoor 2011

I was deciding between Texada Timewarp and the Mango but ended up choosing mango for a larger yield and supposedly a finish date of mid-sept but obviously thats not going to happen. Did you think the mango was a real couchlock?
All seed, I will pull the males out next week. I dont have a final count of male/female ratio yet.
I would not say couch lock but hi none the less I felt it was like a 7 out of 10 for a high. I have a fair number of seeds when you get your male female ratio you should post it and ill do the same with mine hopefully we get mostly girls!
Here ya go!

They still havent showed sex so I will go visit later next week. They have shown that they are mature enough with the non parallel branching on top.

Garden #2

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Garden 2.1

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Big Devils (autos)

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My 2 clones (the boss from garden #1) in plain bottle water after about 3 weeks.

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all of your plants look like sticks with leafs on them.....super skinny man!
you should have topped them several times to get bushes, i have a 5 footer that i topped more than 20 times and it looks bigger than all of your plants combined.

but your plants do look very healthy...nice grow.
I'm subbed and waiting for the final count.
10#'s........IDK we'll see. I hope ya do but it'll be a stretch.
I know the feeling of putting in all that work, expecting massive yields and only getting so-so results.
The biggest factor that I've learned to take into consideration is the amount of sun it gets. I was under the impression that a spot that was in full sun for 5-8 hours of the day would yield a decent amount. WRONG. Plants should be getting 9-12 hours of direct sunlight a day, during peak summer of course, to turn into the type of monster that will yield pounds!
But IDK your spots might be getting that much sun......Like I say we'll see in a couple months.(*fingers crossed for ya bro*)
Thanks everyone

Only time will tell. I know 10 is pushing it but that is what I was striving for since the beginning, even if I get half that I would be happy.
I picked the best spots that I could find for my plants to get the most light but your right they probably dont get more than 8 hours of direct light in a day. The least being at garden 2.1 because of large surrounding trees.
Thanks everyone

Only time will tell. I know 10 is pushing it but that is what I was striving for since the beginning, even if I get half that I would be happy.
I picked the best spots that I could find for my plants to get the most light but your right they probably dont get more than 8 hours of direct light in a day. The least being at garden 2.1 because of large surrounding trees.

8 hrs is still good dont get the impression that it's not, and your plants are gorgeous i think you just started late.
hey man I've silently followed your LST grow and now this grow and thought it was time I stepped up and showed you some love for the work you put into posting pics and explaining your gameplan. I like how you're keep pushin the limits with your grow ops. You have no idea how inspirational your threads have been. Your LST grow thread gave me so much insight into how a good blueberry LST should look and I've been following your example with my blueberries. Even when you have hit speed bumps, I have found it to be a learning experience for me as well lol. I gotta thank you for your dedication to your threads, keep it up man, YOU ON FIYAH:fire:
Please no negative coments, I have to change the title. Way too many males and bad weather, no where near 10 pounds but it was an attempt. Next year I will have a lot more prep time to start off with only females and not waste all that time digging holes and transporting water for nothing when they turn out to be males.
Sorry about the late update, just been very busy. Thanks for tuning in

Garden #1
9 Females out of 18. My most promising crop. I havent been able to get as much water as I need to this location and you can see there are deficiencies because of the lack of nutrients I was giving them.


Garden #2
Only 5 Females out of 21! These were almost all Mango from BCSeedKing, very nice looking and big plants but bad genetics?



Garden 2.1
Think it was 3 females out of 10. I dont know why so many males here either. These 2 gardens were planted later.



Big Devil
With the bad weather they didnt finish at all like my autos from last year. Very very airy bud, they did a lot better in my indoor micro grow.

Dude garden 1 is infected with leaf spot disease, very bad. It's a very common disease when guerrilla growing. I did a thread on it awhile back, but i had it this year and the past two years and didn't figure it out till now. I'd lay money that's what's all those dead and yellowed is leaves is from.
Treat it with liquid copper spray, there's a few other product's people are having success with like Eagle 20, immunox, if i remember correctly.
Dont you think the dying leaves could be from lack of water like he said? I know when i go too long without watering the bottom leaves always die off first. what you think?
Sucks to hear about your male count. I was really hoping you got your 10 pounds. With your new plant count doubtfulness. I have yet to find a single male! I am to return to the garden of Edan and search for males, I pray my ratio dose not go as high as yours did. I would not cry if I had a 50/50 ratio but we will see. Please keep us updated I am interested in seeing a final crop pic and weight if you were so inclined in the coming weeks. Good luck with the end of the season.
i will spray every year from now on before i see the disease on them, it's to easy to take preventive steps. This stuff is everywhere around me. And mine looked like his till i sprayed.
looks good i was begining to think you was done with the thread. Your plants look good not the biggest they could of been i say that is probaly because of lack of good soil,and nutrients. But i had same problem this year if you have time after this harvest go buy some cheap top soil and dig your holes out and fill with soil and lime and when you go back next year ground should be ready to produce big healthy plants just add new soil with with old soil in may and there u go you will have a big healthy plot keep up good work and dont be depressed i think u got the idea great work.
I was deciding between Texada Timewarp and the Mango but ended up choosing mango for a larger yield and supposedly a finish date of mid-sept but obviously thats not going to happen. Did you think the mango was a real couchlock?
All seed, I will pull the males out next week. I dont have a final count of male/female ratio yet.

I had a Mango last year. It took super long to finish (Nov, 15) could have went longer but it was about to snow so i had to chop her, but got 168 gm off it. Real tastey and stoney :)
700 Seeds

My successful Auto Assassin Soy Field Seed Run. I dont have pictures of the plants before harvest but I couldn't find my camera at the time. 2 females and 3 males, survived even after a round up spray!
Next year I plan to plant 200 seeds in a soy field.. after they spray this time of course.


Garden 2

I seem to have the same problem at this location for the dying leaves. I havent visited this location for some time but the buds are forming a lot faster than expected. Hopefully harvest this garden fully in a month. The largest one is over 8 feet tall.


Garden 2.1

Lack of sunlight have made these stretch a lot and the buds arent very big. They are around 5-6 feet tall.


Cool beans man, looks like you'll have plenty of good strong seed for next yr. A good breed too! The others look like they'll give ya several ounces all together, so all in all; you did what you set out to do which was grow some dank and get some seed(?) and now will be able to "dial" it in even better for next year! Congrats man, see ya next grow!