400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Active Member
I have been pushing it... i gave her like 1 and 1/2 the dose they told me to give her lol !
Instead of like burning her or anything she exploded with pistils and grew like 5 inches in one day.
desert dream is shedding leaves though like every night, it seems reasonable where shes shedding since the spots aren't getting much light, but still 6-7 fan leaves a day?

gracias for the compliments
6 or 7 is a bunch for a day, something is going on. What about air circulation?


Well-Known Member
Air circulation is fine, temperature is fine, everythings fine... and it was worse yesterday after the wilting incident.
I think it might be the larvae eating my shit since I just watered her maybe? fucking frustrating, im currently doing research on other ways to grow.
not using FFOF anymore lots of complaints and bullshit about it having fungus gnats like crazy and how it isn't what it use to be with all these sticks and twigs and shit in the soil.
i mean im better making my own soil with all the same ingredients to be honest and i think i'm going to, cause i dont want to throw a potential monster into some soil i'm unsure about.
hopefully i can just find a better company for soil, about to read up on FF happy frog though.


Well-Known Member
"I didn't end up going with OF because I had read a bunch of people stating that it can be buggy and they had gnat and other pest infestations when switching to OF. Subcool himself says that he will not use it or advise anyone to use it due to its buginess. That sealed the deal for me. I haven't had any bug issues with my HF. I am sure that they will both probably perform similarly it is just going to be up to your personal preference" -NightbirdX

That settles it for me. No more research needed.


Well-Known Member
I do it will all soil regardless of price.. even if it leaves fox farms clean.. who knows what warehouse or hydro store has been storing it.. If you go to Riverside discount hydro.. they have pallets of the stuff sitting outside.. so its just a precaution.. And I only pay 10-12 a bag for ffof.... so its marginally more expensive then other soils.. Pest are gonna be a problem in soil regardless of brand.. your bringing the outdoors .. into your bedroom.. all you can do is learn to deal with the situations. Not saying that ffof is the best soil.. or you cant use another brand ect.. but the pest are gonna be there..figure out how to eliminate them.. changing soil might be a short term solution.. but your gonna see pest again no matter what. Have you done a azatrol drench.. or gognats.. Fungus Gnats are one of the easiest pest to eliminate.. and it would take a ton of them to cause a bunch of damage.... Are you finding dead ones on your leaf surfaces by chance?


Well-Known Member
Well, I only found like four adult gnats and yea they are all near the nugs and shit... just annoying you know?
I might just mix other shit into FFOF to make it more like happyfrog, I just hate to do everything when it comes to nutrients and whatnot just fine, then lose this shit to fungus gnats.

it's not as bad as other people explainining how bad their gnat problem is but still you know?
and yea I got what you mean bringing it indoors...

also, I read aug is the worst time for fungus gnats.


Active Member
All my moms are in Happy Frog. Not as hot as FF. I think I might have seen a few gnats,but figured it was just a stray, that found my plants...No pest strip in every cab after the spidermite attack last run. Your right, when you pay top dollar for a product you should expect top quality....not bugs.


Well-Known Member
I hate happy frog.. if you go into my journal.. I started mixing it on some of my plants.. 1/3 OF 1/3 Happy 1/3 perlite .. the happy frog is just like the FFOF just less airy and more bark ect.. after 2 months it was noticably compacted compared to the straight FFOF.

Have any of the sticky traps caught any of the gnats.. could you take a picture for me of one .. reallyy close up with the loupe you have.. Ill tell you why after I see it. I just dont wanna type it all if it doesnt apply.


Well-Known Member
All my moms are in Happy Frog. Not as hot as FF. I think I might have seen a few gnats,but figured it was just a stray, that found my plants...No pest strip in every cab after the spidermite attack last run. Your right, when you pay top dollar for a product you should expect top quality....not bugs.
I agree.. but how do you know where the bugs/pest came from??? It could be from storage of the soil during shipping.. or anything .. anytime you have a soil that is SOOO fertile and moist.. it invites pest.. You could of had a gnat fly in your house.. it could come from anywhere..

But for quality.. i mean .. even if you have to bake/ sanitize FFOF.. ( WHICH YOU SHOULD DO WITH ANY SOIL) It is a great product.. Very airy.. and in most cases you can go 3-4 weeks without even feeding in veg because of what it contains.

Can you make a homemade soil for cheaper that is nearly as good if not better .. YES. But where? In your living room? Or if you do it outside.. pest can get into it.. its always a risk.. From miracle grow to FFOF.. you need to have precautions for every situation.

To me .. ill pay 10-12 bucks for ffof... because I dont have to worry about anything during veg.. just water and feed if im bored..


Active Member
I hate happy frog.. if you go into my journal.. I started mixing it on some of my plants.. 1/3 OF 1/3 Happy 1/3 perlite .. the happy frog is just like the FFOF just less airy and more bark ect.. after 2 months it was noticably compacted compared to the straight FFOF.

LOL, I hate soil...all soil....lol I have no reference for soil at all. I'll take your word on the difference. I've managed to keep 2 happy in soil for over a year now.. The 2 new moms are fine as well. 2 parts HF one part perlite is what was recommended to me...
But I'm still a hydro guy....


Well-Known Member
No pest strip in every cab after the spidermite attack last run
These kick ass for pest.. but can only be used in veg... ( if you care about the people smoking your product).

Its not an option for Steez though.. From what I remember his grow is currently in his bedroom.. So unless you want to poisen yourself and at the same time.. You will have to use a less drastic option.

Azamax / neem drench will help.. with the perlite on the soil.. and make sure to spray drench the bottom of the pots too.. the adults can come through the drain holes.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I hate soil...all soil....lol I have no reference for soil at all. I'll take your word on the difference. I've managed to keep 2 happy in soil for over a year now.. The 2 new moms are fine as well. 2 parts HF one part perlite is what was recommended to me...
But I'm still a hydro guy....
Its alot easier to keep the pest at bay when you have no soil for them to live in lol... I shouldnt of said I hate Happy frog... its not bad.. its actually better then some others I have seen.. But it is noticeably different the FFOF .. atleast when in comes to the texture.. its more woodchippy lol.. is that a word.


Active Member
Well, I've only gone through about half of one of those big bags, I paid something like 25.00. But I haven't had any wood chips to speak of. I started with MG soil a couple years ago, and it was very very woodchippy.....(works for me)...Maybe, I got a clean bag...


Well-Known Member
Have you used FFOF? I bet the Happy frog is tons better texture wise then Miracle grow.. I prob just noticed the difference because I had a FFOF and perlite right next to it.

25 a bag.. that is steep.. no wonder you would be mad if there was pest in it .. it should grow the plants for you at that price.. I forget at times I am in cali and spoiled and can get stuff pretty cheap compared to other locations.


Active Member
If its in a local hydro shop, you have to pay high prices... I do a lot of ebay or craigslist when I can.....Tough to get soil online .... I guess they know that and beat up over it....I try to support local business when I can. I pick up the phone and tell my local guy if he can match it I'll gladly buy from him...Sometimes he can, often he cant...I don't think it makes him to happy to see me.....too bad...

I'll try the FFOF next time I pick up soil it was priced the same....thanks


Well-Known Member
Natural I do the exact same thing.. I explained to the owner .. that I prefer to support the local business's.. and if they can match or come close I prefer to spend my money with them.. and Like you said... sometimes they can.. other times .. its just not possible with the overhead of a store front. I dont mind paying a little more for the convenience though...

Prob best bet due to ur pricing .. is to make your own..

I look at it this way though... If you spend 20 bucks on a bag of soil.. thats about 2-3 plants worth of soil.. in return you get 6-18 ounces of bud for a 20 dollar investment in soil.


Well-Known Member
In my grow I'm using FF OF, Happy Frog and worm castings. I have gnats but not very many from what I can see. Each time I feed I see two at most. Is there somewhere I should be looking for the larvae?? I've never noticed any...


Active Member
If its in a local hydro shop, you have to pay high prices... I do a lot of ebay or craigslist when I can.....Tough to get soil online .... I guess they know that and beat up over it....I try to support local business when I can. I pick up the phone and tell my local guy if he can match it I'll gladly buy from him...Sometimes he can, often he cant...I don't think it makes him to happy to see me.....too bad...

I'll try the FFOF next time I pick up soil it was priced the same....thanks
Try FoxFarm stores in your area

I checked a few months ago and nothing. Then i checked a week ago, there was a store, not only was it close, i know the guy who owns it, and now he says whenever he gets new stuff from them in, he would give me a call. And i got 2 big bags of HF for 28usd....

Point being keep checking that site from time to time. Might find a local business like i did that has it cheap.

Edit: sorry for the topic jack OP


Active Member
I didn't like how many pests I got when I grew in soil. I was really disappointed to find out they were coming from the soil I was buying to grow the plants. So far the only problem I have had with my medium and nutes is me not as alotaball puts it,"dailing" them in. Spidermites just started creeping in, but I have been moving the plants a lot over the last month or so. I unno personally (that means IMO) I just simply prefer the cleaner environment you get with a hydro grow. I don't dream of sleeping in the next room with a bunch of pots of poo. That's right I said it, poo...

If you aren't laughing at the word poo you are silly. Lots of luck and big ups to you Steez-y my knee-zy.