ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
i think you were told to be a certain religion from the age of about 5 ? i believe you can not see a world without your religion ?
your outburst is nonsense , 'everyone submits to the creator' ........NO only you submit to your make believe creator I DONT ..............dude it sounds like you wanna believe in sumthin...if there is no god why preach that bullshit....everyone submits to the creator willingly or unwillingly,try speaking with your ass and shitting out your mouth,oh you cant becuzz the creator didnt design u that way..plant mj seeds in ice..the creator didnt design mj to grow that way either..
prove he doesnt exist an i will prove you wrong
omg a racist athiest..did u kno your god hitler was a FAG?
Naw man. My bad! I guess when I said I was raised christian I meant by christians(kinda the same thing). Seems you got me pegged all wrong.i think you were told to be a certain religion from the age of about 5 ? i believe you can not see a world without your religion ?
well dont be so shy , we are all friends here , im sure you can explain what you be4lieve in , everyone has a stance ?Naw man. My bad! I guess when I said I was raised christian I meant by christians(kinda the same thing). Seems you got me pegged all wrong.
repeat in common english so we all understand what you mean .......its a simple rule in my thread ty .dude you werent created?there are laws of nature/ did you get here u morphed outta thin air? oh no the big are so smart you are stupid lol
Aside from your premise being false, you are arguing for final consequences. The myth of Santa Clause brings many people joy, yet we do not treat it as truth.sativa since you're an athiest... You bring me one person who has had their life changed for the better, one prostitute, gangster, murderer, adulterer, thief, any criminal. You show me one person that has turned their life around because of atheism. For every one you mention i'll show you 100 people such as these who have changed their life because of christianity and accepting the existence of God.
Appeal to consequences, also known as argumentum ad consequentiam (Latin for "argument to the consequences"), is an argument that concludes a premise (typically a belief) to be either true or false based on whether the premise leads to desirable or undesirable consequences. This is based on an appeal to emotion and is a form of logical fallacy, since the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise