So Much Sweeter the Second Time Round (I Hope)


Well-Known Member
lol i was wondering that too, up at ten past six smoking haze blunts, whats going on kev?.

some more detailed pics of the light setup wow, the fans push air through the lights then up into the loft and down into nextdoors closet, you can see the ducting is all twisted to fuck because i use the fans to push instead of pull, still works though. i've got a 12000btu ac sitting around doing nothing so i may as well throw it in there and see if it makes a difference.


the lights come on at 1 am and go off at 1pm so temps are easily dealt with. usually starting at around between 72-80f on a cool day and 80-90f on a warm day i'm hoping the addition of ac will help me get an extra few oz in weight and maybe even some nice purpling. look how much they have grown in the last 6 days.......


found a little stash of cheese i had forgotten about in a lil plastic tub, there was also a nice sample of blonde and brunette in there too, BONUS!



Well-Known Member
you running a sealed room then ghb? I only ask cause your pushing air from your room ... or have you got scrubbers on at the other end? how come you decided to push rather than pull? 21 questions lol

holy shatflaps

JACKPOT :D now you can rub it back in kevs face lol


Well-Known Member
not quite up to the sealed room level yet, thats maybe 2 or 3 grows down the line, just sucking air out at the minute, no in vents, the 3 x 8 inch fans create a nice vacum in there, if you undo the latch on the door it flings open, plants seem to be happy though.

i choose to push rather than pull for a couple of reasons, 1 thats the way i have always done it and it works fine and 2 i reckon i might get an extra couple of grows out of the fans because the motors in them are operating at a much lower temperature, the air coming out of the end of the 3 lights is over 100f if i had my fans sucking i would be scared of burning them out after one or two grows. no carbon filters as of yet, i will put them on in a couple of weeks when it gets stinky, detached house and no in or out vents so it shouldn't be too smelly to the neighbours.


Well-Known Member
not quite up to the sealed room level yet, thats maybe 2 or 3 grows down the line, just sucking air out at the minute, no in vents, the 3 x 8 inch fans create a nice vacum in there, if you undo the latch on the door it flings open, plants seem to be happy though.

i choose to push rather than pull for a couple of reasons, 1 thats the way i have always done it and it works fine and 2 i reckon i might get an extra couple of grows out of the fans because the motors in them are operating at a much lower temperature, the air coming out of the end of the 3 lights is over 100f if i had my fans sucking i would be scared of burning them out after one or two grows. no carbon filters as of yet, i will put them on in a couple of weeks when it gets stinky, detached house and no in or out vents so it shouldn't be too smelly to the neighbours.
im sure you will be at some point man, youre just working your way up by the looks of things. to be fair, dont see the need if youve got this one down! that does make sense about the fans, I suppose when youre dealing in 5.4 watts heat does rear its ugly head


Well-Known Member
im with you G, i aint no greedy bastard either! no need to fuck people just because you can. how the fuck do you get in to tend those plants?


Well-Known Member
slh day 25, just given them a light dose of pk 13/14.


og 18 clones and the top of a mystery plant i was given, the rest was thrown away because it was in soil and very poor quality.


slh with one week veg in 0.5l pot just transplanted to 12l pot, going to be topped and vegged for one more week and flowered for 10-11 weeks



Well-Known Member
the main room is looking real good! should be a nice 7 weeks to come! i think the SLH run on the bottom is the smallest ive seen you do?!?! dont you think you can throw a few more in there or are you counting on the filling out more?


Well-Known Member
fuck man, didnt realise they were all that big!

gives a better perspective of how much ganj that room is gonna produce! quality mate, those OG clones look real nice and healthy as well!


Well-Known Member
the main room is looking real good! should be a nice 7 weeks to come! i think the SLH run on the bottom is the smallest ive seen you do?!?! dont you think you can throw a few more in there or are you counting on the filling out more?
i will probably top them in a couple of days then do a light bit of lst, these do grow a lot though when put into flowering so i'm hoping to get 13x 3 oz plants. i know it looks small now, this is the least amount of plants i've had in a tent, this strain is a good one for topping though, they will bush out like this space.

fuck man, didnt realise they were all that big!

gives a better perspective of how much ganj that room is gonna produce! quality mate, those OG clones look real nice and healthy as well!
unfortunately they aren't all that big wow, that is just my fav plant, it is just at the entrance to the room and more or less has a 600 to its self, i'm thinking atleast 6-7 oz, but we'll see.
the og#18 is a lot harder to clone than the slh, i stay optomistic though, maybe 10-12 days and most of them should be done (with the lemon it's 5-7)

Eyup ghb hows it goin pal?
Everyting be lookin spot on matey keep it up!!!
What size airpots you got?

all good cheers pukka,i'm happy with how it's going at the min, here is where it gets interesting.
they are supposed to be 20l air pots mate, but even with a couple of inches of pebbles in they are using up half a bag of coco and leaving a gap at the top of the pot so i'll say 25ltr, i have them overlapping by one hole so maybe they are.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately they aren't all that big wow, that is just my fav plant, it is just at the entrance to the room and more or less has a 600 to its self, i'm thinking atleast 6-7 oz, but we'll see.
the og#18 is a lot harder to clone than the slh, i stay optomistic though, maybe 10-12 days and most of them should be done (with the lemon it's 5-7)
lol fair enough, 27 of them would be ridiculous. you'll easily get more than 7 on that, especially if they're 20L pots!

how many OG18's you gonna be running in there do you reckon? I chopped mine today, know what you mean about it being a very unique smell!


Well-Known Member
i will flower all but one of the og( don't know how many yet). i had to kill the mother off because she was too unruly and not looked after well so one is being kept as a future mum if it turns out ok. i won't be doing another grow here after this one, moving on to some where else more likely, don't want the nosey neighbours getting too wise. i like the og 18 i would love to try the dog or the original og kush to see how that compares, heavy stoner when it goes for 10+ weeks.

i bet the psycho is stinking your gaff out


Well-Known Member

27 days,
e.c 2.2 ph 5.8
2.5ml/l A+B
1 ml/l pk 13/14
0.5ml/l canna n

sulphur is burning 4 hours a night when the fans are off, i will turn it off every other day for the next couple of weeks. i need to do a lot of work on these girls pruning and detangling them, i don't want to give bud rot a chance to hurt them.

kevin murphy

New Member
im sure u will get it sorted that a excellent looking grow room mate
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27 days,
e.c 2.2 ph 5.8
2.5ml/l A+B
1 ml/l pk 13/14
0.5ml/l canna n

sulphur is burning 4 hours a night when the fans are off, i will turn it off every other day for the next couple of weeks. i need to do a lot of work on these girls pruning and detangling them, i don't want to give bud rot a chance to hurt them.


Well-Known Member
yeh what ^^^ said, madness. hows the noise in there? thought my 5" inline was bad lol, i can imagine those RUCKs kick out some noise?