How can i dry my cut buds from plant only outside?


once i harvest my plant here soon how can i dry the buds safely only outside, i cant dry them inside cause of my parents llol , should i get like a box and put em in that outside?
its gonna be tough to get a good dry outside due to not being able to control the temp and rh

Also your gonna get flamed for growing without parental permission so prepare for that
Also your gonna get flamed for growing without parental permission so prepare for that

bahaha,......but seriously, i'v never tryed it, but i'v have done TON's of reading on the subject and i hghly dought your gonna get a good smokeing bud from cureing outside..not saying it cant be done, but i wouldn't risk destroying by bud's....i sugest finding a safe inside spot
People have been doing silly things for a millennia also, doesn't make it a good idea. Light degrades THC so in the sun isn't a great plan.
Im also going to have to cure outside. I live in a apt and im not letting a pound + of bud dry in my place. Thats asking for trouble

But come october you really dont have to worry about humidity as it will be down due to cooler weather just have to watch out for rain

What im going to do is rig up a rubbermaid bin cut some holes for air flow and tie strings up. Then onto a long sloooowww cure for some dank smoke :)
My statement was in reference to muffy's post. Yes the sun does effect your trichomes when it is growing it helps produce them. However, after it is chopped high temps and light will in fact degrade thc.
I do not know the rate. I do know in fact that it bleaches them, degrades the thc. Debate that, you can't. You tell me what the rate is?
I take for granted that light degrades thc. If I have to chose between super potent moldy buds or perfectly dried and cured potent buds I'm going to choose the dried and cured potent stash every time.
once i harvest my plant here soon how can i dry the buds safely only outside, i cant dry them inside cause of my parents llol , should i get like a box and put em in that outside?

Good Lord.. I never really realized, just how many kids/teens that are members of this site, that are growing in their parents houses. Do they not realize the severe consequences, if they were to ever get caught by the authorities? I mean, not only are you looking at doing time in a Juvenile Detention Center.. but you are also putting your parents lives in danger but you're also risking the chances of the state (whatever state your from) taking possession of your parents house. The house that they work their butt's off and provide for you. Your also taking advantage of your parents, in a way because your growing in their house! Sure, its your house too.. that's not what I'm trying to say here. I'm trying to tell you, that you should have more love and respect for your parents than that man. Regardless of the situation, rather your parents have a career/job or not.. they're still the ones that love you (or should).. and they're still the ones that provide food/shelter/ and whatever else that they give you.. they're the provider(s) of the house.. and you should have more respect and love for them IMO.

I don't know you and I don't know your personal situation that you have with your parents. I mean, I don't know anything about you.. so I don't know how your relationship (if there is one) with your parent or parents is.. and I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to save your parents, and you, .. the horrible chaos that could come you way, if you were to ever get busted for growing cannabis in their/your house.

Just stop and think about it, is all I'm saying. Stop and think about the consequences.. before doing something. I'm sure some of you have some mean or possibly abusive parents.?..?.... Maybe stop and think, if you were to get raided and busted.. think of what your abusive parent(s) or mean parents would do to you. Think about what they possibly might do to you.. if the house is paid for.. or almost paid for.. and the state takes possession of their house, the same house that they provide for you.

Anyhow, I'm also not trying to preach to anyone. It's not my place to tell people what to do.. but I feel that if I don't give out my advise, in certain occasions such as this thread.. I feel that I haven't done my part in helping educate people, especially teens and kids.. about the extreme consequences of growing cannabis in their parents house, and if they were to ever get raided/caught, that's all I'm trying to do here.
