How can i dry my cut buds from plant only outside?

Good Lord.. I never really realized, just how many kids/teens that are members of this site, that are growing in their parents houses. Do they not realize the severe consequences, if they were to ever get caught by the authorities? I mean, not only are you looking at doing time in a Juvenile Detention Center.. but you are also putting your parents lives in danger but you're also risking the chances of the state (whatever state your from) taking possession of your parents house. The house that they work their butt's off and provide for you. Your also taking advantage of your parents, in a way because your growing in their house! Sure, its your house too.. that's not what I'm trying to say here. I'm trying to tell you, that you should have more love and respect for your parents than that man. Regardless of the situation, rather your parents have a career/job or not.. they're still the ones that love you (or should).. and they're still the ones that provide food/shelter/ and whatever else that they give you.. they're the provider(s) of the house.. and you should have more respect and love for them IMO.

I don't know you and I don't know your personal situation that you have with your parents. I mean, I don't know anything about you.. so I don't know how your relationship (if there is one) with your parent or parents is.. and I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to save your parents, and you, .. the horrible chaos that could come you way, if you were to ever get busted for growing cannabis in their/your house.

Just stop and think about it, is all I'm saying. Stop and think about the consequences.. before doing something. I'm sure some of you have some mean or possibly abusive parents.?..?.... Maybe stop and think, if you were to get raided and busted.. think of what your abusive parent(s) or mean parents would do to you. Think about what they possibly might do to you.. if the house is paid for.. or almost paid for.. and the state takes possession of their house, the same house that they provide for you.

Anyhow, I'm also not trying to preach to anyone. It's not my place to tell people what to do.. but I feel that if I don't give out my advise, in certain occasions such as this thread.. I feel that I haven't done my part in helping educate people, especially teens and kids.. about the extreme consequences of growing cannabis in their parents house, and if they were to ever get raided/caught, that's all I'm trying to do here.


Did you even read the op? He just said hes living with his parents. I dint recall him saying hes growing on his parents property...
This is how to dry plants outdoors. Find a secluded wooded area, the more remote the better. Go on Craig's list or a garage sale to buy a used tent, I buy new ones but thats me, anyway you will probably ruin the tent so cheeper is better. Buy or get a camo tarp, the best thing to use is a party type canopy which you can get at any big box store, I tend to use the camo tarp it is easier to position over your tent. In a bushy area set up the tent, dig it in, than place the camo tarp over the tent, but do not let the tarp actually touch the tent, the tarp is for rain only so if you pick your weather you will not really need it, I use the tarp because it helps hide the tent as well. Camouflage the tent will branches and stuff, take you time in doing this, so close to the end there really is no reason to rush. Make sure the flaps on the tent are zipped to the top but leave a little space for air because if you have the money you can buy nice batterie operated fans, solar to but they tend to be kinda expensive. Use your imagination try different things your a pot grower and one thing pot growers are good at is using our imaginations. As far as curing goes it is done in jars that you open and close over time so this can be done behind the shed where you bone your girl friend so that is really no big deal. One thing UV from the sun degrades everything, to include tricombs on weed, the reason it doesn't when the plant is growing is because the plants is growing, if you leave the plant past flowering it will die and rot just like us. Good luck.
make a shed out of big branches or cardboard thats what we do here in jamaica

yeaaaaaaaaaaa maaaaan build a shed rite by da beach out of your main stalks like we do here in jamacia maaaaaan its how we dry all the ganja on the beach in a shed its the only way, and then when your done drying you can move in to your shack maan with your wife and have children maaan like we do here on the beach so u dont have to live at home anymore
yeaaaaaaaaaaa maaaaan build a shed rite by da beach out of your main stalks like we do here in jamacia maaaaaan its how we dry all the ganja on the beach in a shed its the only way, and then when your done drying you can move in to your shack maan with your wife and have children maaan like we do here on the beach so u dont have to live at home anymore

...seriously its how its done, jamaica is poor country
Brown paper bags work wonders curing MJ. You just need to dry it a little first. Try to keep it out of direct light, and get in the bags as quick as possible is your best bet IMO.
ok id say the only person that gave u good advice was the person who recommended the tent idea good advice but my idea would be to build sumwhat of a shed(doesnt have to be all that complex) just a maybe 6'x4'x4'(LxWxH)box that u can go in and regularly check ur buds, and a piece of plywood to cover up ur doorway, and also put a tarp over the top of it to try 2 eliminate moisture from seeping through, this way u can eliminate sunlight from getting through,which, despite what that douche said earlier in the post, will degrade ur thc content, if uv ever built a fort when u were younger u shouldnt have a problem with this, the of most basic building skills
ok id say the only person that gave u good advice was the person who recommended the tent idea good advice but my idea would be to build sumwhat of a shed(doesnt have to be all that complex) just a maybe 6'x4'x4'(LxWxH)box that u can go in and regularly check ur buds, and a piece of plywood to cover up ur doorway, and also put a tarp over the top of it to try 2 eliminate moisture from seeping through, this way u can eliminate sunlight from getting through,which, despite what that douche said earlier in the post, will degrade ur thc content, if uv ever built a fort when u were younger u shouldnt have a problem with this, the of most basic building skills

Agree completely.

When building a shelter, keep in mind that any amount of direct sunlight will bleach your buds.

Last year, I had a glut ready to dry/cure. Even under black fabric, blocking 90+% of diffuse sunlight in a greenhouse, bleaching was visible, after two weeks. I trim dry, which means I leave all the sun leaves on the buds until time to trim. Those leaves help protect the buds from everything except mold. A couple 12 volt fans with some deep cycle batteries might be a good investment.
This is how to dry plants outdoors. Find a secluded wooded area, the more remote the better. Go on Craig's list or a garage sale to buy a used tent, I buy new ones but thats me, anyway you will probably ruin the tent so cheeper is better. Buy or get a camo tarp, the best thing to use is a party type canopy which you can get at any big box store, I tend to use the camo tarp it is easier to position over your tent. In a bushy area set up the tent, dig it in, than place the camo tarp over the tent, but do not let the tarp actually touch the tent, the tarp is for rain only so if you pick your weather you will not really need it, I use the tarp because it helps hide the tent as well. Camouflage the tent will branches and stuff, take you time in doing this, so close to the end there really is no reason to rush. Make sure the flaps on the tent are zipped to the top but leave a little space for air because if you have the money you can buy nice batterie operated fans, solar to but they tend to be kinda expensive. Use your imagination try different things your a pot grower and one thing pot growers are good at is using our imaginations. As far as curing goes it is done in jars that you open and close over time so this can be done behind the shed where you bone your girl friend so that is really no big deal. One thing UV from the sun degrades everything, to include tricombs on weed, the reason it doesn't when the plant is growing is because the plants is growing, if you leave the plant past flowering it will die and rot just like us. Good luck.

and when I build this shed in downtown Los Angeles, could you tell me how long before I get Jacked?
just kidding but we all don't live in Bumbfuck Egypt
hmm your in a pickle good sir. buy 50 car air freshners hangem in your room buy some insents and some spray and do it in your room just try to keep the rank from getting to intense open a window ....
Anyone have pictures of sun dried cannabis? I found some on the internet but they're all golden tinted landrace varieties from Central and South America.
How about drying in my shed? I'm not a kid anymore buy any means but I am married and there are certain "little" reasons why I can't dry inside. I figure drying in the shed would at least stop rain and sunlight from hitting them while they are drying. Things that suck is the fact I can't control temp or humidity. Oh also, should i run an extention cord out there and setup a small fan or 2 to help things along?
seriously how much bud are you planning on drying , cuz if its say a pound plus yeh a shed or some kind of outside idea would be great.. but if ur just pulling of 1 or 2 plants and barley pulling a zip , just frickin dry it inside a cardboard box in ur room and vent it with a fan and a dryer hose out ur window..

Your welcome ;)