How can i dry my cut buds from plant only outside?

Got 3 plants. 2 are only about 3' tall but the other is about 5' and bushy and, as I JUST checked, are now in preflower. My wife doesnt frown on the idea of outdoor stuff but would be a bit paranoid about me doing anything indoors. And since my room is her room, the bedroom thing is totally out of the question. Don't get me wrong, i totally appreciate the advise and if I was single that would be perfect. It just doesnt fit my situation.
Good Lord.. I never really realized, just how many kids/teens that are members of this site, that are growing in their parents houses. Do they not realize the severe consequences, if they were to ever get caught by the authorities? I mean, not only are you looking at doing time in a Juvenile Detention Center.. but you are also putting your parents lives in danger but you're also risking the chances of the state (whatever state your from) taking possession of your parents house. The house that they work their butt's off and provide for you. Your also taking advantage of your parents, in a way because your growing in their house! Sure, its your house too.. that's not what I'm trying to say here. I'm trying to tell you, that you should have more love and respect for your parents than that man. Regardless of the situation, rather your parents have a career/job or not.. they're still the ones that love you (or should).. and they're still the ones that provide food/shelter/ and whatever else that they give you.. they're the provider(s) of the house.. and you should have more respect and love for them IMO.

I don't know you and I don't know your personal situation that you have with your parents. I mean, I don't know anything about you.. so I don't know how your relationship (if there is one) with your parent or parents is.. and I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to save your parents, and you, .. the horrible chaos that could come you way, if you were to ever get busted for growing cannabis in their/your house.

Just stop and think about it, is all I'm saying. Stop and think about the consequences.. before doing something. I'm sure some of you have some mean or possibly abusive parents.?..?.... Maybe stop and think, if you were to get raided and busted.. think of what your abusive parent(s) or mean parents would do to you. Think about what they possibly might do to you.. if the house is paid for.. or almost paid for.. and the state takes possession of their house, the same house that they provide for you.

Anyhow, I'm also not trying to preach to anyone. It's not my place to tell people what to do.. but I feel that if I don't give out my advise, in certain occasions such as this thread.. I feel that I haven't done my part in helping educate people, especially teens and kids.. about the extreme consequences of growing cannabis in their parents house, and if they were to ever get raided/caught, that's all I'm trying to do here.


I think you need to chill, def not a big deal. its not like kids are cooking crack in their room. it's long as its not grown on a massive scale illegally .. it's totally fine to grow a couple here and there. not a big deal.

someones paranoid
Even if you got would just get a fine as we'll and cultivation ticket. you wouldn't go to jail..maybe an overnighter. Only way you would get caught is if the person who was growing was telling everyone "HEY I"M GROWING AT MY HOUSE". otherwise it's pretty chill. as far as your parents getting in trouble...they wouldn't.. all they have to say is...i didn't know.
Anyone go back there like parents?
if not and it has hydro hook up a fan nd hang them up back there

i have no elctricity back there , its just one plant so i dont expect more than half an ouce or so and just put the buds in a small box with two holes in it and get a little battery powerd fan and put it in the box. or if you got any better ideas be sure to let me know!
im in your same situation my parents dont care that i grow on their property but they don't want it stinking up their house PS im 20 im not a little kid im completely aware of the consequences if i get caught so pls no stupid little speeches . i was just going to get a big cardboard box put some holes for alil ventilation run strings thru it hang my buds in their and put the box in my shed for a few days and let it dry that way then i would cure it in jars in my house after that.
i dnt see y drying in there house is a problem if they let u grow on the property, unless u have probation or police officers regularly coming to ur house, ur more likely to get caught growing on there property than drying in thier house
There is a forest behind my house personally. No problem there. Having other parents with little kids stop by and my house reeking of reefer would be a bit of a problem though. And my paranoid wife is even worse than that. I'de rather deal with the cops than her lol.
i dnt see y drying in there house is a problem if they let u grow on the property, unless u have probation or police officers regularly coming to ur house, ur more likely to get caught growing on there property than drying in thier house

Some people are just repulsed by the smell of marijuana, i know people like this. And no matter how strongly your opinion is on the subject,
You jsut gotta respect peoples space & work around it.
How about drying in my shed? I'm not a kid anymore buy any means but I am married and there are certain "little" reasons why I can't dry inside. I figure drying in the shed would at least stop rain and sunlight from hitting them while they are drying. Things that suck is the fact I can't control temp or humidity. Oh also, should i run an extention cord out there and setup a small fan or 2 to help things along?

We don't have room in the house....

So I built a 10 x 12 shed. During drying I keep two fans running. I limited ventilation in the design to slow the drying process. The buds are cured by the time I trim them. As long as you have good air movement and dry weather, everything works well.
View attachment 1725737
A shot in my shed, Fall of 2009.
take a look into water curing as well. apparently its discrete and kills a lot of the smell. also you stick it in the water right after you harvest and it only takes a few days to dry after one week of water curing
Awesome, thanks veggiegardener. Just the kind of info I needed. Water curing huh, i'll have to check into that. Sounds interesting.
i think ima get some moisture absorbers and put em inside the box that im drying them in, should that work good?