Reductio ad absurdum
This is an intolerable misrepresentation of an atheist view, and demonstrates that you do not even begin to understand the question atheism is an answer to. This would lead me to suspect that most atheists have thought about the issue of creation far more than you ever have, since you demonstrate such a basic fundamental misunderstanding. "nothing exploded, creating planets, then nothing became bacteria" is a meaningless jumble of words, not even a real conveyable idea. The statement was purposely designed to sound ridiculous, and is nothing more than a
straw man. It's an absurd thing to say, and from that sheer absurdity you can either assume all atheists are idiots, or that the statement does not reflect the atheist's stance. I guess it's easier to just assume the more dismissible conclusion, especially if it makes you feel more justified in your beliefs. But pretty much any page of this thread should have cleared up what our stance is, had you bothered to look. This suggests a lazy mind which is willing to be critical of others, but not itself, also known as hypocritical.
The ironic thing is, we do not have to reduce or misrepresent the creationists argument for it to sound ridiculous and for it to be incompatible with every discovery science has ever made in support of evolution and the big bang.
This is a young earth creationists view, which are the people who invented and promote the statement you cited.