Is this Mite Damage??!!!


Well-Known Member
No im at work right now but I will take some when I get home tonight and post some. Search spider mites and u should def be able to find some pics


Well-Known Member
Sure looks like mites to me. Don't bother using a microscope looking for mites, as soon as you see spots like that just rip the leaf off and look at it with a HID behind it, if the mites are there you'll see them as darker spots.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised that no one has suggested this.
If you don't see any mite eggs then it is probably THRIPS. They are hard to spot. They can fly but prefer to run. I have had them several times as it is a problem in my area.
Ever feel any bites when you are near your plants? Thrips will bite you and feel like a gnat or something.
They are tough to get rid of but if you are persistent you can do it.
I use Azamax or Conserve but a week before harvest I wouldn't spray anything but high pressure water to rinse them off. After harvest, clean your room and spray your plants regularly w/ Neem, Azamax or a spinosaid until they are gone.
If you don't stop them they will rob your plants of vigor and your yield will go way down.


Well-Known Member
nope, no bites ever.....never seen anything flying....I'm using DWC, too? don't they like to live in soil?
They can live in DWC...they don't have to be soil-borne.
Here is a guy that had them pretty bad:

I had them for a LONG time before I found out what they were. It ended up costing me a lot in reduced yield.
Usually to find them I looked on the top of the higher fan leaves under the light. They are very small and will run away soon so when you first go in, look for them.


New Member
I am surprised that no one has suggested this.
If you don't see any mite eggs then it is probably THRIPS. They are hard to spot. They can fly but prefer to run. I have had them several times as it is a problem in my area.
Ever feel any bites when you are near your plants? Thrips will bite you and feel like a gnat or something.
They are tough to get rid of but if you are persistent you can do it.
I use Azamax or Conserve but a week before harvest I wouldn't spray anything but high pressure water to rinse them off. After harvest, clean your room and spray your plants regularly w/ Neem, Azamax or a spinosaid until they are gone.
If you don't stop them they will rob your plants of vigor and your yield will go way down.
Leaf miners leave little trails, not spots. Thrips attack the leaves at the edges. And to control thrips youu also need to break the breeding cycle. The spots on his plant are rusty and very close to the veins for the most part, both are dead clues of a early calcium deficiency. Mites prefer the softer tissue within the margins away from the veins. The 'tender' stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I think it's because he filters his water with an R/O that removes the calcium and magnesium too.
doesnt make a difference in soil but it does in hydro.


New Member
I think alot of growers under estimate the importance of calcium and magnesium. Having a nice balance between those 2 elements greatly increases the plants ability to uptake and move elements withing the plant. It shouldnt just be NPK. But rather NPKCaMg.....and also do not want to overlook the importance of sulfur during transition and early flowering......


Well-Known Member
I have those EXACT same spots on one of my plants and I think its from not giving it enough Cal/Mag. Its definitely not Spider mites, which I've had before, you'd see white webbing, eggs, and adult mites, especially under a microscope. Im sure you already figured this out though. Just figured I'd give my 2 cents since I have those spots as well.


Active Member
IMO its not mites, mites leave small white eggs all over the place, especially if they have done that degree of damage. if there are no eggs i'm guessing there are not mites, and on top of that the mites are pretty easy to see.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Like others have said it can be a nute deff but also check your PH of your DWC system because that could be to high or to low that some nutes that the plant needs can be locked out. Also it could be because the plant is using the energy in the leafs as food.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
ph is stable 5.5 to 6.0 i use RO and supp with calmag at 5ml/gal? to late now but maybe i'll up it to 7ml/gal??
You could stick with 5ml/gal but you can go 6ml/gal maybe 7ml/gal. I wouldn't go high fast with out upping it slowly to see how much they react to it and if its a good or bad reaction.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Just flush. Once your plants are drying lay some sticky take under your bud so that if you do have mites they will fall off and onto the sticky tape because they are wanting to look for food. Also make sure you wash your grow area just to be safe.