test grow


Well-Known Member
Alright here is the first batch. This is my solo cup beauty. Out of the 4 I have this is my favorite. She is short, fat, and has super thick hairs. If you scroll back and see some old pics she is the one that had all the stubbly spiky looking hairs. They have grown out some and are turning a beautiful light orange color, hope they turn super dark because of all the crystals that are finally forming. There are a couple seeds on her and I'm sooooo happy because it means i can grow another one just like her but bigger and the one I believe its crossed with that must have had a hidden male sack is the next one that's dense and covered in hair so it should be a nice plant. But enough jib jab here she is.....
P.S. I think I spot some purple showing up but I doubt there is any way of that from some bagseed. If you look at the 3rd pic at the top left you can slightly see it if you zoom in. If you can see this, is this good or bad purple?


Well-Known Member
Alright for the other short bloomer she has soooo many thin orange hairs all over it. The buds are airy but i feel that's from being root bound and the cfl's. I believe she has a male sack hidden somewhere because there are alot of seeds showing up on her. This is good and bad because I like her and may end up with some fem. seeds but at the same time she has polluted the rest of the garden.

bongsmilie :weed:


Well-Known Member
And here is my huge lady. I love this girl. I may have went a little over board with the trim job but wanted nothing but 6 large colas. Her story if you haven't been following is she was on the edge of my box and humpty dumptied herself to the floor and broke her top. I decided to keep the main stalk tied down and put her in 12/12 shortly after. She started on 7/9 and sexed on 7/21. We are now 4.5 weeks in and this is how beautiful her and her 4 main tops are. Im thinking about cutting the other 2 off because they are tiny. Might just leave them tho wont hurt much.

:bigjoint: :hump: :bigjoint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Alright y'all that's all I have for now. I will get more pics soon, some of the tall solo cup ladies, close ups of the new flower members, and members of the veg box. Knowing me it may take a couple days to get them and get them up. Even tho I may slack at posting pictures I am not slacking at taking care of these ladies. Hope y'all enjoy these. Like always I'm open to questions, comments, pointers, and concerns, but please if you have a question like what size is your box or what kinda light are you using read thru the last couple pages most of its there already.

Well here is that blue box :clap:


Well-Known Member
ok so I was sitting here and decided to do some editing to one of my buds. well here it is my bud art


Active Member
Those are lookin real nice 7, its a really interesting thread you have here its awesome how nice those party cup plants grew so nicely cant wait to see the finished product.. im subscribed and will be watching your updates!!


Well-Known Member
Those are lookin real nice 7, its a really interesting thread you have here its awesome how nice those party cup plants grew so nicely cant wait to see the finished product.. im subscribed and will be watching your updates!!
Thanks green. The party cups have been interesting. I was hoping for mini bushes but since it havnt really done this before I didn't know what to expect. Im uploadin a couple more pics now and you will be able to see how I have changed my strategy for more of a bush. They seem to be taking forever to finish but they should be done soon. Glad your goin to tag along


Well-Known Member
no problem might try it myself next time keep up the good work!!
I am going to like doing more of them since im doing a perpetual they are small so they can fit into the spaces between pots. This however will be unhelpful if I do decide to go to square pots so I can maximize my root area.


Well-Known Member
Hey man girls looks good. Sorry to hear that it is growing seeds. I don't see any male flowers tho so hopefully everything isn't going to. Keep up the good work and keep those girls happy. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys here is week 5 of my tall lady. she has had a great life thus far and hopefully a better one to come. She is looking pretty with all her blonde hairs all over her. These are her 6 buds. If you look at the last pics i posted of her she is just a main stalk that is tied down and happen to break leaving her "topped" and after i trimmed her up she was left with 6 nodes. I cut all of the popcorn off up to the colas. The 2 bigger branches have bigger colas left on them with some popcorn down the stem thru the curve in the stem to where it is super cropped at a 90 degree angle. Hope y'all enjoy because I'm sure the next pictures of her she will be fattening up and becoming a red head.
:bigjoint: bongsmilie


Active Member
They are comeing along nicely 7, buds the whole way up on pic 3 & 4 gonna be a good yeild i thinks!! Looks good man Keep them comeing, i wanna see some end results....


Well-Known Member
thinking back on it i should have left a couple untrimmed and then trimmed a couple just so i could compare but i hope to get nice fat colas here.


Well-Known Member
got a call from the boss this morning and she said well we dont seem to busy so if you want the day off take it, so i did. looks like im going to be clearing out a diff. spot in my room for my box to see if i cant get my humidity down and maybe lower my temps a little.


Active Member
nice always good to have a day off lol my days off are soon comeing to an end within the next couple months!! whats your humidity and temps at?


Well-Known Member
humidity sits at 50% during the night unless i turn the dehumidifier on in my room then its at like 43% but i have to sleep in an 82 degree bedroom and sweat all night. the temp during the day is like 90 while im home and the door can be left open but from 1-7 it is more like 98. Im going to move the box to a different wall and connect the intake to the ac vent and hope that helps pull in cooler air.