Sick Plants no idea (pics)


Active Member
Hi guys need some help.
About the plants 6 different strains growing in a green house in Ontario,Canada
Plants were started from fem seeds in June. Using organic fert (see pic) they were looking great until about 3 weeks ago.
They started to dry up at the ends of the leafs then turn yellow and die.
What I have tried.Flush and fert with mild solution no luck cooled down the green house no luck.
My Questions What is wrong? Should I cut the dying leafs off? Can I still have a good Harvest?
I have been growing outdoor for years never a problem. This is beyond my knowledge.
Hope someone can help.



Active Member
Looks like macro nute lockout. Also, how much are you watering?

Have you checked your ph? If it is within tolerable parameters, flush with clean water and give them a healthy dose of nutes.



Well-Known Member
Nute,water issues due to strangling of roots. Re pot now or they will get worse in flowering ,a time where root space is needed.


Active Member
Hi guys need some help.
About the plants 6 different strains growing in a green house in Ontario,Canada
Plants were started from fem seeds in June. Using organic fert (see pic) they were looking great until about 3 weeks ago.
They started to dry up at the ends of the leafs then turn yellow and die.
What I have tried.Flush and fert with mild solution no luck cooled down the green house no luck.
My Questions What is wrong? Should I cut the dying leafs off? Can I still have a good Harvest?
I have been growing outdoor for years never a problem. This is beyond my knowledge.
Hope someone can help.
you ppts are big enough for those need to check your soil run-off ph and get your water ph under control if you havnt yet.that looks like their burnt up from ph lockout.either that or over ferting them before flushing.and how did you flush? you need to use 3 gallons of water per every 1 gallon of a 5 gallon pot=15 gallons of ph'd water to flush.dont go cutting leaves off til you fix the problem because you will just stress her out more.wait until she comes back then trim some off.


Well-Known Member
How big of pots are those?
Watering every other day that's a lot
does the dirt dry out and the pot feels
lightweight? Then you flushed:lol:
the leave are hanging straight down
looking like they needs water. The roots
are suffocating?


Active Member
30 l pots the water drys up fast in the green house. I fill the pots up 3x with water let the water run off. The organic fert says to use with every watering. I am using promix. I guess I will test the ph. What's a good ph number 7?


Active Member
Plants look better standing up a bit more just need to find out whats turning them yellow.
Looking at my Fert pic anything I should add or is the mix ok?
Can't get bigger pots they are huge with lots of holes in the sides and bottom to let the water flow out



Active Member
Plants look better standing up a bit more just need to find out whats turning them yellow.
Looking at my Fert pic anything I should add or is the mix ok?
Can't get bigger pots they are huge with lots of holes in the sides and bottom to let the water flow out

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If the flush perked them back up then you had salt build up in the soil most likely so now they can take in nutes and should get their color back :)


Well-Known Member
Funny all the noobs saying pH issues...looks like classic N deficiency to me (leaf yellowing starting at the bottom fans working its way up) your using all Bloom ferts with little N?

And dont trim the leaves, they're yellowing cos the plant is eating them. If you start cutting leaves your gonna make your deficiency spread faster.

Its funny how people answer without having a f*****g clue.

Lol...people having pH issues in soil, never ceases to amaze me. Wish more people knew the only way you can fuck up the pH of decent soil is through your own stupid actions...noone heard of "buffers"?


Active Member
Ok so I guess I will start with the flush then cut back on the watering. I will see what the girls do.
Should I add any nutes to the mix.


Active Member
I was think the same n problem.
Organic fert has problem with n and calcium. I use cal max for the calcium any suggestions on the n problem?
Don't think I over feed. Organic fert has no salt so it's had to over feed.
I used the same fert in a indoor grow and no problems. The girls are 7 feet tall this year that's with branches all bent slowly over time ( lack of head room ) The taste of organic is the best I ever had.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you right clic you have the opption to rotate your pics, that would help a bunch

they need hitrigon..


Well-Known Member
Dont use organic ferts? ;) What you using, Biobizz?
Overwatering will cause lower leaves to yellow, locks out nutrients. I still dont think that soil dries enough in two days, there is a lot of it. Biobizz rocks too, very good ferts. Peace