
Well-Known Member
damn you'd be fucked if you blazed up right before that

I was on a natural HIGH....The crux "the hardest part" of that climb comes at about 100ft off the deck, once you make it past that then you are committed to finishing what you started...Ohh so good! If I had the life style that I used to have, and I could play on rock as I wished, then I live off of endorphins not THC...


Well-Known Member
Jamiemichelle I have a pool you can float around in if you like

but its down the street at this apratment complex and I have to jimmy the lock on the pool gate to get in but if the pool guy isnt around (he usually is on mon, wed, and fri) we could hang around for about an hour until the apartment manager shows up to throw us out (like she usually does)

I'm game if you are :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol or is anyone from boston? i want to start a grow club lol:hump:
im on the outskirts of boston...im really not to comfortable with saying exactly where im at...but i can get to boston within 30-45 min driving.
u should recruit people all over new england!:hump:


Well-Known Member
yea dude its nice.......
ive done it now for 5 years scatered around..never got caught other then a few deer eatin 'em up...:evil::evil: