First Time Under the Sun.

So a friend of mine recently dropped off about 8 of his plants at my house a week ago. Just thought i'd post some pics up for you guys to look at and maybe help me out with some tips. [:

The didnt get much water the first few days that i got em but heres one picture for now that i took earlier today. Im gonna post a few more closer up tomorrow.


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I would consider transplanting them to a bigger pot.
And introduce some light nutes.
Lets say 1/3 of the ammount said on the fert bottle and work it up from there.
Thats the plan tomorrow, need to go pick up a new bag of soil. Got some bag pots im gonna put em in. Any nutes you recommend in specific?
I don't know much about fertz which are sold in the US. But i've heard that miracle grow and foxfarm nutes will do just fine. They should start flowering soon so i would buy something with higher P. 10-20-10 or 10-30-10.
I've heard alot of good things about fox farms. I'm actually picking up some Fox Farms Happy Frog soil tomorrow.(if anyone has any comments on soils please share) The original owner of these just transplanted some that he kept and threw them back outside started flowering within a few days.

-edit. Any suggestions on a mushroom compost mix instead of a FF soil?
first of all , your friend really did good job with those plants because they looks good, althought they need nutes :) i cant recommend any soils for ya since you have to feel comfortable which you re using soils as for myself i love the soilless , its easy for me, lightweight, easy to leach, and diffcult to overwater and sterile too. and i would say give a try with trio of foxfarm nutes.
Wow, nice starts, and first time under the sun! Good Luck, hope it goes really good for you. For some good advice talk with veggiegardner on this site. Oregon, man I so badly want to move out there, I did live there once upon a time, many moons ago. A place called florence, its on the coast just loved it out there, aahhh well good luck.
Thanks guys, yeah the guy i got them from has been growing for the past 15 years and has a semi-legal grow op with these babies but around 6ft-7ft.

Yeah, i've been reading alot into mushroom compost, and im really thinkin of giving it a try, anybody have any experiences with it? good mixture ideas?

Hopefully got enough cash around to go pick up some nutes today as well.

i'm thinkin transplanting needs to wait till tomorrow, i'd really like to get it done today, but unfortunately money limits my abilities. :[
Went out today to check out my babies, some new lighter green leaves. Heres a few pictures, unfortunately have to wait another day on transplanting. :l upsetting.


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What's the difference between a plant becoming a Male & Female? Threatening the freedom/ confining the root system. With a confined Rooting area, as you have now, Nature knows, the Female knows She can't go to full term (making Buds & seeds) with such a restricted area to feed upon/in. She will Male-out. Males develop pollen a lot quicker than the time it takes a female to come to full term, so to save the specices, at least do SOMETHING helpful, a potential female will be a male. Plenty of (rooting) freedom, no stress, etc., your male/female ratio can be 80% female/20% male. Mother Nature knows that 1 Male can 'fuck LOT'S of Females, so the ratio, in a very good, idea enviroment will result in more Females. I hope it's not too late.
I lived a few miles from a Mushroom Farm. $20 bucks a pick-up truck load of Mushroom Compost. There is few things that you can plant straight into, without anything else. The list is, #1.) Rabbit Manure; #2.) Alpaca Manure; #3.) Mushroom Compost; #4.) Wormfarm Soil. That's the 4 that I know of. Lot's of people use it around the area, straight, if they want. A worm farm, using straight Rabbit Manure is the best shit in the world. Second is Rabbit Manure, which Rabbit Raisers will give you for free. I got 2 truck-loads at $10. per truck load. If you must pay good money for Mushroom Compost, add seaweed & molasses immediately to the soil/compost. Vortex by Lady Bug is good to add. Hope this helped.
Thank you! I'm heading to go pick up some mushroom compost (a shop here sells huge bags for a little under $10 dollars.) and hopefully pick up some mollasses and seaweed. Also have a few sample things of mycorrhiza that ill throw in.
Thank you! I'm heading to go pick up some mushroom compost (a shop here sells huge bags for a little under $10 dollars.) and hopefully pick up some mollasses and seaweed. Also have a few sample things of mycorrhiza that ill throw in.

If you use mycorrhiza, which is a wonderful additive, check out "Thrive", they came up with this product because the regular Mycorr's only had one fungi, Thrive has LOTS of Bacteria & Fungi.
Sooo i did get them transplanted today. Thank god. Using mushroom compost, perlite, seaweeed, and mollasses. Hopefully they take to their new pots well [: crossing my fingers.
Sooo i did get them transplanted today. Thank god. Using mushroom compost, perlite, seaweeed, and mollasses. Hopefully they take to their new pots well [: crossing my fingers.
For the Nitrogen fix, use fish emulsion. For your trace minerials, use Greensand & Epson Salt. To stave off bad Fungi, root rot & scale, use Whole Ground Cornmeal. To incease the Migrobial Life, use or make Compost Tea. A good calcium additive is egg shell powder or tea. Never boil water when making tea, it kills good microbes.
So since the transplant they've been looking decently healthy. A few more dead leaves here and there.. a little droopy on some.. some yellowing leaves.. not sure whether to give it a few days or what. Fed them all a little seaweed and fish emulsion. :p (tryin to go organic for the most part.) took a bunch of pictures though. Anybody care to take a look and give me some feedback? can take closer up pictures if anyone wants to examine them closer.

-the top leaves are not yellow as they look in the pictures. It's the sun : p


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They will pick-up nicely with the fish juice. That stuff is VERY strong, be careful with it. Once they get settled in, I'd top the rangy ones. If it has, say 10 branches, I'd top 5, then 7 days later, the other 5. Also, you can top the top to cause the growing energy to concentrate on the lower branches. But I'd just top half & half for now. My 20 branch Lady ended up being 80 branches, due to topping.
Topping, I mean just to pinch 90% of the new growth off, so it will fork/double. A good healthy plant, you can do things like this & never have a problem. The short, stocky Babies, I'd do only the top for now.
They will pick-up nicely with the fish juice. That stuff is VERY strong, be careful with it. Once they get settled in, I'd top the rangy ones. If it has, say 10 branches, I'd top 5, then 7 days later, the other 5. Also, you can top the top to cause the growing energy to concentrate on the lower branches. But I'd just top half & half for now. My 20 branch Lady ended up being 80 branches, due to topping.
Topping, I mean just to pinch 90% of the new growth off, so it will fork/double. A good healthy plant, you can do things like this & never have a problem. The short, stocky Babies, I'd do only the top for now.

Yeah they're looking greatt. Would too much fish emulsion explain the little bits of spotting and yellowing(sometimes white spots within yellow spots) here and there on a few leaves? Or is that something else i should be concerned about. and i actually did top about 3 of them just on the main branches the other day. Not sure if i did it right or not but they're still living.

Also is it safe to top anymore this close/into flowering? All of my girls are growin in their little hairs and what not. So im a little reluctant to start cutting away at them.
I would use FF Ocean Forest or FF Happy Frog.......The mushroom compost is to high in nitrogen & you should be getting close to flowering if not already, so alot of nitrogen wouldn't make much sence..........I'd invest in some flowering Bat Gauno or some other organic flowering nutes but with 15 years under your wing I'm sure already know this........As far as mushroom compost I think its great stuff.....I've used it mixed with Pro-Mix & had great results.....just remember its HOT so cut with soil or a soiless mix.........
I would use FF Ocean Forest or FF Happy Frog.......The mushroom compost is to high in nitrogen & you should be getting close to flowering if not already, so alot of nitrogen wouldn't make much sence..........I'd invest in some flowering Bat Gauno or some other organic flowering nutes but with 15 years under your wing I'm sure already know this........As far as mushroom compost I think its great stuff.....I've used it mixed with Pro-Mix & had great results.....just remember its HOT so cut with soil or a soiless mix.........

I was planning on using a FF soil, but time/money/availability led me to use mushroom compost and the girls seem to be alright with it as well.

Yeah was going to pick up some bat guano in a few days, i may actually make the trip to go check out the hydro store for some fox farms.