How do you say whats hard to say?


Well-Known Member
She wants our attention and she has it. Now she needs to say what happened, blush, and get over it.

i didnt do it for attention. i did it cause i actually wanted help saying what needed to be said.

fine. here's what happened. havent seen dude in two months, comes and sees me, we go out on the water, having a touching moment under the stars, (it was beautiful btw), and then he starts touching my chest. im like ok... it goes further and further, his shirt comes off. hop in the back of the car, doing our thing. pulls dick out. I say too fast. he's like ok.

Long story short, he ended up getting off, but i didnt get shit. Not a kiss, or touched (except for my boobs and hair). I didnt get off, as soon as he was done it was clothes on, lets go look at the sky, then listen to music, then lets take you home, i tried to leave without hugging him, but he wouldnt let me.

at least periodically through the night he cuddled with me, but seriously, who the fuck does that? made me feel like a whore. what kind of girl gets a guy off without getting anything back? not even a kiss?


Well-Known Member
I didnt suck his dick... i was gonna, but i was like, fuck that, you cant even kiss me on the lips but you ask me to blow you? nope!


Active Member
Oh ok, well then are you uglier than him? Usually when I am with a girl who is below me on the attractive scale I wont kiss her, because its fuckin gross


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, well then are you uglier than him? Usually when I am with a girl who is below me on the attractive scale I wont kiss her, because its fuckin gross
^ idk... its really really really hurting my feelings, especially since i waited two months to see him.
Havent been with any other dudes either...


Active Member
Well my advice is to not jerk a guy off on the first date. If he is interested in you he will wait for sexual pleasure. If you are just looking for a hookup however, go crazy


Well-Known Member
Well my advice is to not jerk a guy off on the first date. If he is interested in you he will wait for sexual pleasure. If you are just looking for a hookup however, go crazy
um, not the first date... this guy was my first kiss, only guy ive ever done stuff with. we've been doing shit like this since may


Well-Known Member
you told him "no". he respected that. now you're hurt?

i'm confused.
yea if she would just let him bang her she would got off too. sounds like you did it to yourself. takes over 2months of fwb's to bang with you?


Well-Known Member
you told him "no". he respected that. now you're hurt?

i'm confused.
Wtf? did you not read the story? I took care of his *needs*. Even though I didnt want to. I didnt say no except for the blowjob. Only reason why I didnt is because not at any point through the night did he try to kiss me, or even pleasure me except for playing with my chest a bit. But he sure was quick to ask me to get him off. I didnt get anything.


Well-Known Member
really not serious and wasn't worth making a thread about.
the thread wasnt about my story, i didnt even wanna tell it, it was about wondering how to say "Dude, did I do something wrong last night? Because you didnt do anything for me and it hurts my feelings, especially cause I ALWAYS make sure you have fun, have your needs taken care of "