Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

...WTF? ...we've got another one....I call Bullshit! or it didn't happen. 1 gram a watt is about as much as your going to get from any HID.

you need to get out more bro..... this was accomplished with 1800w of light. google heath robinson, this guy grows trees.

you need to get out more bro..... this was accomplished with 1800w of light. google heath robinson, this guy grows trees.


...he has vertically positioned bulbs all the way around these plants, hanging 1/3 into the canopy....I'm aware of this technique, I'm been "out" alot bro....but, you said 5 pounds off of one light....I think you made that up, that's all I'm sayin'.
...he has vertically positioned bulbs all the way around these plants, hanging 1/3 into the canopy....I'm aware of this technique, I'm been "out" alot bro....but, you said 5 pounds off of one light....I think you made that up, that's all I'm sayin'.

i didnt realize he used 3 600s till i looked up the vid right now. i just knew he grew a 5 lb plant indoors which is insane.
yeah i have seen that vid before. love the rolling coaster idea, really slick. doesnt that dude work for advanced nutes?

..yeap. I'm more interested in the grow operations he visits, I block out all the advertisements....but as you see, vertical growing is rewarding. All the light is being utilized directly, rather than being reflected....nice big chuncks thoughout the whole tree. It seems like he would have major heat issues with his bulbs being exposed like that (not aircooled/watercooled).
Give the guy a break, i seen 3/4 grams a watt in some grows, forget the record or whatever that is it aint all that true. Saying that i would consider 1 gram a watt to be pro but still there are those who can seriously yeild a lot more.

Even if the guys story is a bit sketchy i really think you should back up off critisising him, i liked the story and his grow and didn't think i had to or would dispute him.

If you aint got nothing nice or constructive to say go post elsewhere. Guys got a right to say whatever he wants, if you dont believe him then leave him alone, i dont see him being an ass just like your being.

Some members just seem to be here so they can knock others, obviously you should spend more time on your grow!
How refreshing to find another grower that really knows his stuff!! I'm pulling up a chair Professor.

I am humbled and honored potpimp. Hopefully I don't disapoint. Like yourself I still learn everyday and more importantly I WANT to learn. When we become complacent we stop growing, not good for a grower.

I have never seen your PF picture before and I am a big fan of course. Did you watch the "Echos" video? David Gilmour A night to remember, live at the Royal Albert Hall. In my opinion it's as good as rock gets. Artists at the top of their game. Also on the same dvd is David Bowie doing lead volcols on Comfortably Numb, truly makes it his own. Worth the trip to youtube. FYI, Echos is two parts
hey prof i have a question for you

I have 8 fat ladies under a 600w in a 4x4 tent. they are in 3gal pots. I have to keep my light further(around 18'' some more:cry:) from the plants in order to light them all. They dont even take up the whole tent, the reflector just doesnt seem to spread it enough (its a radiant).

I have temps pretty much under control mostly in the high 70's max temp was 84 on a hot day. I can bring the AC hood within inches of the plants with no heat issues but can't because the outer plants wont get enough light.

Would a 1000w solve my lighting issues? would the increase in yield be worth it the extra $350+ it would cost?

I can put up some pics if you need a better idea what im lookin at


Here is the reality of your ighting situation, 600 watts at 18 inches translates to around 200watts actually on the plants. You lose half of your energy every 12 inches away from the plant it is. 600 watts becomes 300 watts a foot away which becomes 150 two feet which beecomes 75 etc etc.

The buds in my avatar were grown in a room the same size as yours, one difference is that mine had 2,000 watts. I also supplied surplus C02. If your high temp is 84 you're doing well, my highs in that room were 105....To hot many would have said but then look at the results, 3 foot plants with half pound buds. Adding C02 allows you to have temps 10 degrees higher.

To answer your question, yess the 1000 watt light would be more then worth it. I will assume that being inside a tent you can vent your light. If I was in your spot growing in a tent, which aren't my favorites, I would invest in a 1000 watt digital ballast with an adjustable power setting. I would purchase a Hydrofarm Magnum XXXL hood with 8 inch vent holes. That hood has an outstanding, wide, throw and is only 9 inches from top to bottom. I would buy an 8 inch max fan and puch air straight through. Seal the seams of the reflector hood very well and get your light as close as you can to the girls without burning them. The increase in light is the single best investment a grower can make, never to much.

I've said this in other threads but it warrants repeating. There are three things that directly effect your yield. 1: strain 2: size of your rootball 3: amount of light.

600W 18 inches away covering 16 square feet fueling 8 plants I would be surprised if you yield more then a couple ounces, if that. Now look at my avatar, same space with 1 more plant, 1400 additional watts, and C02 and the buds in that bowl alone must exceed 3 lbs. You should have seen the colas, lol (joke).

The single most beneficial thing a new grower can learn to increase yield is light. Having adequate light and spending the time to manage it will pay off huge. I move my lights every single day. I spend more effort on lighting then most everything else combined. I do everything I can to put more watts as close as I can on my plants.

In the space you have. I could easily produce 16 to 20 lbs of top grade bud each year with one 1000 watt light. A recent student yielded 4.5 lbs in 6 weeks in the same space. With my insanity to get more light on the girls I would probably put two 600W lights in one hood. Thats how important it is too me. Means everything.

I can't stress enough how much the little details meen. I would put any of my novice students in the top 80 percent of growers. There are only so many things to monitor, those who do it with purpose and dedication will produce like big dogs. Those who half ass things will produce a qp in the same space. Big difference
Whoa sweet jeasus! 11 lbs in 43 days from a 6ft by 6ft room with only 2000 Watts? Do I have that right? That's 2.46 g/w...amazing! Heath Robinson is the only other guy I've seen with results like that! I hope you don't mind if I ask some questions because I always love to learn from the masters. Here are my initial queries:

1. What strain gave you such phenomenal results and if it's not one that's available from a seed bank,(i.e. clone only) could you perhaps throw out a few recommendations that have worked well for you?

2. How many plants did it take to get you 11 lbs?

3. What style did you grow them in? For instance, SOG (lollipop - just main colas, no side branches), SCROG, LST, supercrop etc.?

4. Why the extra 15 minutes of darkness instead of just straight 12/12?

5. Do you use CO2? If so, how much would you estimate it boosted your yield?

6. Insofar as nutrients, I'm currently using GH flora series, what do you think about GH and are there any other additives you like or different nutrient lines you recommend? (I often think much of the stuff out there is kind of a gimmick. GH also works well in aero because its very clean which is what I require)

I'm sure I will want to ask you more stuff but I don't want to pepper you with too many questions at once.... Well I do, but I wont ;)

43 years growing helps no doubt, no replacement for experience. You ask relevant questions so glad to answer. First off, make no mistake, the stars must line up for results like that. I think an average yield of 7.5 lbs is comfortable to me depending on certain factors. First I'm anal about growing, I want things perfect. Why bother doing it if it's not your best?

Strain is a major factor. Several pure Indica's will produce that well. The fastest, largest yielding I have worked with is called C4, available at Not sure which breeder but you can find it there.

Number of plants 60. Typical flower facility is 400 sq ft with 12 systems.

I use an Aeroflo2-60 with 2 Hydrofarm Magnum XXXL hoods/8 inch ventes 1000W HPS on digita,l adjustable ballast. Water chiller and added oxygen.

C02 set at 800ppm bottom, 1400ppm top on a sniffer. 8 burner system on natural gas. I believe C02 done right provides gains of 20% and more.

I recomend growers with multiple timers fudge 12/12 15 minutes each way to compensate for slow/fast timers or bumps that move clocks accidentally. Just pads your dark period. I put all 24 lights on a post and single timer so there are no mistakes.

I don't like GH. I use exclusively Home and Gardens package. I don't believe the same amount of food is right for each week. Different needs at different stages of the life cycle. For a more basic opperation I like Botanicare Natures blend soil for both dirt and hydro.

I don't use addatives at any stage. I believe in genetics, environment, knowlege and attention to detail. Most growers will get more gain by paying attention then from addatives. Paying attention is free.

You want bullshit? Just swallow the line of crap that urban grower shows on those videos with "Advanced" Nutrients. Anybody stupid enough to believe they are growing that bud using just their products is delusional. There is no telling how long they vegged those plants for and I'm sure they use CO2 and every other amendment necessary. It's all for show - to sell you their overpriced "Rocket Fuel" and "Snake Oil" garbage. Marijuana is a plant, not unlike other plants, and it responds to the simple laws of botany. If you want to see what a simple grower can do, check out Uncle Ben's past grows. He's a master gardener and he's got the journals to show he knows his stuff.
...that's what the man said. This coming from a guy that calls himself Professior Marijuana, mind you. I call Bullshit.

And so it begins, I'll just touch briefly then move on. Certainly Trichome it's just like TV, you can always change the station. Do you see anything for sale or see any spamming?

"This coming from a man calling himself Professor" If you look at HempfestSeattle2010 speakers list you'll see they also call me Professor. I don't recall a single one of the 250,000 people I spoke to call "Bullshit." Niether did anyone when I was keynote speaker at the Rocky Mountain Cannabis Convention or the Sacred Herb Fest Denver. Even when I addressed the US Congress last year I wasn't called a BS and they don't like anyone in the Marijuana Community. My column "Time to Grow" and "Growing with Professor Marijuana" Both call me that. But the judge hearing my testimony as an epert witness didn't call me Professor Marijuana, he called me Mr. Marijuana. I must admit that you are not alone however, when I became the first person in US history to have marijuana growing equipment returned by the Federal Government after putting my ass on the line and fighting the DEA for our rights, EA called me a "life long pot smoker" so right, but not meant as a compliment. As far as yield, I would guess you could ask any of the 200 plus people who paid $300 to attend my last seminar if I can produce that you might get an arguement. I am sure the 43 years I have been cultivating falls short of your experience since you are certain you know the boundaries of what can be, so I will gladly let you tell me what is possible for me to produce and ignore what the scales say. Could you please tell me what the limits are so I can digress to your boundaries? I wish you would have told me before the BBC came and filmed their documentary on me, how embarrassing it will be when it's released.

I have come here asking nothing from anyone. I have tried to answer all questions and will leave it to readers to determine it's worthyness and value. I certainly could find other ways to fill my free time, and certainly can't think why anyone would spend hours trying to blow smoke up the skirts of strangers. Am I missing something here, something to be gained?

I will say to those who wish to push the boundaries of cultivation don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. If you believe it can't be done, then it can't. Nobody told me it is impossible, and I'm to damn old to learn.

Trichome, you can see my work in my avatar. Show me your work... You want a QP? Let me break a bud in Google "Dana K May, Professor Marijuana" and you can learn a little about me before passing judgement. All done, not going to bantar
@ Professor. have you ever grown sour diesel? what type of yields did you get. did u prune them? if so how far up do you prune.
i usally prune about 3/8 of the plant from the bottom.
I got one for ya, what's the most purple strain you've seen/growed? I love purple weed, and my grow now is using Kings Kush, what would you recommend for my next one?
The professor hasn't run off or was scared. I don't have 6 hours a day to sit and respond to somebody who knows nothing about me and yet post ten times trying to slam me. Just for reference, and because I don't like saying things about somebody I have know idea of, I would love to have a brief bio on you. How long you've been at this and the contributions you have made for the cannabis community along with the sacrifices you have endured?

I can point out one main difference between myself and the haters, if I were younger and ran into a grower with 40 plus years of knowledge I would see him as a resource not a threat. What possible gain is there for me investing my free time here, AND, what is it you gain from trying to put me down?

What are the "holes" that have been poked in my words? Which advice I have offered is incorrect? Why do I need to prove anything to you? It won't take you long to get information about me and my work. If you spent half the time doing a little homework as you do trying to put me down you would know I'm not full of shit.

You will run across stories that will show I charge my commercial clients $250 an hour in addition to a $10,000 retainer to secure a place. You don't become an expert witness without very intense challenges. And the national director of NORML doesn't nominate you for Hightimes freedom fighter of the year if you're full of crap.

I will share a bit of insight regarding me. I was blessed with good fortune very young, I became a millionaire when I was 17. I was successful in the music industry in the 1970's. As one reporter mentions in a link I will provide, I played with Joe Cocker, Pink Floyd, and Blue Oyster Cult. I also have played with the Eagles, Elton John, Niel Young, Heart, SRV, and many, many more. That has allowed me to devote my entire life to this plant. I donate my product, my columns and speaking I do free, My expert witness testimony is all probono. I had many like yourself hammer me last time I came here, accused of selling and spamming. I gave anyone who asked free tickets, that were selling at $300, to my seminar. That seminar had 300 people so it grossed around 90k, I was paid $250 because somebody brought a cashiers check made out to me. I lost the damned thing.

I challenge you to find a single item for sale or even one event I am promoting. I am lost as to why you believe I am spending time answering questions?

For the life of me I do not understand why some insist on being negative or making waves. What do any of those who imply I am lieing or full of BS actually know about me, and please be fair and share the information about yourself that gives you the credentials to make such broad slanderous statements. I can't imagine dogging someone unknown to me or is "relatively unknown"

I have freely, openly answered any question posed to me on my own time and for merely community service to fellow growers. Unfortunately it is always those who hate who feel the need to attack vocally and those who are greatful remain silient. I keep thinking that one day those who have learned or been helped will step forward.

I will stop giving any more time to negative folks and continue answering question as time allows until it just isn't a positive thing. My first post coming back was titled Back again with high hopes and caution. Didn't take long. I'd love to know what the combined experience of the two or three people who are negative is.

Here's one last statement from me to new growers. Your plants are very intune with the energy you project. They will respond to both positive and negative energy. I said earlier that one of my beliefs is "that by giving we also receive" FYI; there is my motivation. Sorry no other agenda.

A few links for those who can't find the time to research. No more defending, done.
Dude, I knew I liked you from your first post on this thread!! I want to say - in public forum - how much I appreciate your efforts, your expertise, your sacrifices, your passion, and your willingness to endure the haters here for those wanting and needing your knowledge. Effective next week I will be a moderator here. If I see any more remarks like those from the haters they will pay dearly.
i didnt realize he used 3 600s till i looked up the vid right now. i just knew he grew a 5 lb plant indoors which is insane.
It wasn't a five pound plant, I either mis-spoke or you read it wrong. The buds in the bowl were from 9 plants in a 4x4 room under 2,000 watts, 1,200 HPS and 800 MH. They were grown in Hydrofarms drip bucket system, so hydroton in a lower water bucket and a continous drip ring. C02 at 1400ppm, three feet tall at harvest.

Those are a good example of the length I go to in search of the maximum this plant can produce. Perhaps this will give you a feel for the type of grower I am. I started from seed, Sensi Star, I grew and sexed the seeds to provide known females. With known girls I grew the plants large enough to produce 100 clones. I took the three best clones to raise again, then I repeated that 25 times to get the clones that grew those buds. The best 3 clones out of a hundred for twenty generations to find the best. When I grow I do so with that intensity, I expect each grow to be better then the last. I grow under scientific conditions, repeating a crop changing a single thing to learn the results. I have done exactly that for 43 years, if it were me I'd think long and hard before betting against me lol

Somebody tells me it's impossible you can bet your ass I'm going to find out. I read that the "Nutty Professor is growing horizontal" Funny you say that, would it surprise you to learn I have infact done exactly that. When challenged to grow outside with only a three foot fence I took rebar and pounded into the ground, eight inches above the ground it was bent to run horizontal. Clones were planted next to the bar and then tied on with cloth ties. It grew that way so only the branches from nodes were allowed to extend up. It was beautiful, an eight foot long bar just off the ground with dozens of cola looking buds rising to the sky. Unseen from the sidewalk:-) Ha, tell me I can't produce yields that size