But the criminal also knows that he will be in jail for a very long time if caught. So they rarely bother as they know it is simply not needed in any shape or form. A knife or crowbar will suffice. This whole debate seems to be quickly veering off simply what would you do if someone was burgling your house. Most gun incidents in the UK are "drive by" (normally on pedal bikes
) revenge killings in the gang areas of London or Manchester. Other than the guns i've fired myself or when out in phesant country, i have never heard a gunshot in my life.
And personally, if i killed someone who was burgling my house, i wouldn't really care too much about my 2 plants in the cupboard being found. The police are going to have a hard time in my situation proving that the burglar was either after my plants or that they had any relation to the situation at all. It would be an independent issue which would warrant well, case law i'd get a slap on the wrist for my plants.