What do you do when someone tries to break in?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
OK here is what i dont get, gang banger dude gets killed in london, you guys riot for three days, our media tells us its because england cant pay for the welfair state they have and never mentions the dud getting killed by cops? actually had to look on you tube days later to get the real story, or at least a more real story. Thats why england and major metropolitan areas dont want citizens armed, cause it makes the people harder to control, like trying to turn american citizens against the rioters by making them appear like lazy socialists/communist welfair recipients rather than the disgruntled masses that we might feel a connection, in many ways this was an intentional manipulation to promote fear of america's own economic disparity and civil unrest
Aye, i was quite intrigued by the international spin put on the story. The rumourmill has it that it all kicked off at the peaceful protest outside the police station where clubs were raised against a young black girl who confronted some officers. As you say, they don't want us armed for a reason, so in one respect i dislike that we don't have any right to arms, but at the same time, as history shows, the authorities are so hell bent on retaining control that they go to utterly ludicrous lengths to maintain it. Tis a tricky one. Burnm the lot to the ground and problem solved :D If only things were that easy ahha, Guy fawkes certainly thought so :D


Well-Known Member
I have a large gun collection. I don't think I'd want to have to use one on a human.

When I was 21 I came home drunk as shit to my house at 3 am ( I had two other roomates, both sleeping) I went to walk to my bedroom door, and saw shadows behind it. Thinking it was my girlfriend at the time, I went to open the door. The door was shoved closed in my face, and a dudes voice said "hold on WE are busy in here". I froze...behind that door was my life...also a .22 a .45 and two 12 gauges at the time. I ran downstairs as fast as I could to the basement to wake my roomates up...we all ran up (one of my roomates butt naked) to find two guy, one black and one white running out our front door...I didnt go after but called the cops.

They didnt get anything, but at the time I had 6 guitars hanging on my walls...all of which where on my bed wrapped in my sheets....ready to go.


Well-Known Member
w8 for them to come into my room, then blast this on my 1000watt speakers. i think they actually might die from suprise. ive done it to a few friends before and it knocked them on their ass hahaha! (chosen for the fat bass at the beginning)


Pickle Queen
Damn depends, if the burglars r sexy i might request to be raped, while he's tied up and watching, is it wrong to want to look him in the eyes and smile the entire time, i will scream NO, just for fun ;)


Well-Known Member
It was 10:15 tonight. I hear my front screen door open. I get up go look out front. Prolly just the wind. 10 min later I hear a big thud on the front door. I spring up out of bed grab my pistol and head to the front door. I ran them off , but I had no other options. Can't shoot or beat them down. 20 min later the cops show up on the block because they tried to enter someone else's house. Kinda stuck. What would you do?
hmm, depends how many are they lol if its one oh man ill just strike him once n kill him and if its alot well ill strike n kill cuz they in my house my propety.


Well-Known Member
Damn depends, if the burglars r sexy i might request to be raped, while he's tied up and watching, is it wrong to want to look him in the eyes and smile the entire time, i will scream NO, just for fun ;)
u need to get out ur room n get some dick lol cuz robers will kill u after,well sorry if thats even if they want to have sexual intercourse with u. yup shit happens,


Well-Known Member
lol everyone is so quick to grab a gun.

ever hear of a bat? or maybe a crowbar? you're really just going to kill a robber? thats fucked up
shoot now ask questions later. it's the law in plenty of states.

p.s. put a lock on the grow room and the cops can come inside to investigate the shooting and won't go into the grow room if the house don't smell like a skunks ass...


Well-Known Member
Nice breath, nimble fingers and a giant pork sword, what asking 2 much?
Oh and nice eyes if he insists on wearing a ski mask.

Ewww my kitten fluffed and walked away lmfao
Ha yeah it's free and easy sex the least you can do is have some requirements. Good luck finding the right burglar to please your needs.:hump: