found 6 plants what to do

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Hey all , I found 6 female plants that are flowering and I was wondering what I should do? I was gonna either chop them and transplant them in a new spot or come back and pinch them before the other guy harvests them? What to do..
you leave them alone and grow your own :D its that simple
i guess its true what they say about americans being dumb as fuck if any one read the shit i wrote they would see that i did grow these plants, lol its not hard to grow marijuana..... i dont consider it a great feat to grow some dope plants unlike alot of you unemployed losers on this thread, i grow a few each year for shits but i am a full time tradesman for my real job...
i guess its true what they say about americans being dumb as fuck if any one read the shit i wrote they would see that i did grow these plants, lol its not hard to grow marijuana..... i dont consider it a great feat to grow some dope plants unlike alot of you unemployed losers on this thread, i grow a few each year for shits but i am a full time tradesman for my real job...

shut ur hole you little theif
lol bring it on fat ass get a job loser its not hard to grow weed its a hell of a lot harder to get and keep a real job not my fault your wife cheated on you because she didnt want your limp dick
if u rip thm off i hope sum 1 ripps u off nd i mean literaly rips u off the face of the planet i wait for kunts like u with a 12 gauge watching waiting for u to come nd EAT BUK SHOT BITCH dont even think of it u lil kunt grow it urself nd see wat u feel like whn sum lil kunt rips u nd thn c how it feels u kunt nd nice fish hooks thats rather nice i have thirteen beer traps around i hope he runs into thm coz i never chek thm so he will be up ther with a broken hackd up leg in a trap forthe duration of ma grow so haha im waiting for u boi watch urself
if u rip thm off i hope sum 1 ripps u off nd i mean literaly rips u off the face of the planet i wait for kunts like u with a 12 gauge watching waiting for u to come nd EAT BUK SHOT BITCH dont even think of it u lil kunt grow it urself nd see wat u feel like whn sum lil kunt rips u nd thn c how it feels u kunt nd nice fish hooks thats rather nice i have thirteen beer traps around i hope he runs into thm coz i never chek thm so he will be up ther with a broken hackd up leg in a trap forthe duration of ma grow so haha im waiting for u boi watch urself

I have no idea what you just said but i totally agree
hahah fat ass cant get a job so he has to grow weed on land he doesnt own cuz he lives in his parents basement and then hope they grow cuz there his only source of income your main skills include putting a seed in soil and watering maybe you can apply at the local garden shop and make minimum wage? thats a big maybe tho i wouldnt want a fat sweaty pig like you in my shop id be afraid to leave my lunch around
this guy is nothing but a pussy ass little bitch with no self esteem. He feels the need to get on here and pump himself up. Why? Are you lacking in all the important areas? You poor little thing. It really doesn't matter how big or little you are. Like I said, I am 5'7" and a middle age woman. You wouldn't even see me coming.
hahah fat ass cant get a job so he has to grow weed on land he doesnt own cuz he lives in his parents basement and then hope they grow cuz there his only source of income your main skills include putting a seed in soil and watering maybe you can apply at the local garden shop and make minimum wage? thats a big maybe tho i wouldnt want a fat sweaty pig like you in my shop id be afraid to leave my lunch around

post some pics of your trade work, or u having a job never happened.
hahah fat ass cant get a job so he has to grow weed on land he doesnt own cuz he lives in his parents basement and then hope they grow cuz there his only source of income your main skills include putting a seed in soil and watering maybe you can apply at the local garden shop and make minimum wage? thats a big maybe tho i wouldnt want a fat sweaty pig like you in my shop id be afraid to leave my lunch around

The fact that you talk shit on a forum shows that you are a loser.
Northside.roost just needs some friends and a hug


BLAH BLAH BLAH MY DICK IS BIGGER, serously guys. Thats all I see on this thread. If you ask me it looks like some fucktard found someones plants, jacked them, then tried to make it look like they were his all along, which EVEN IF IT IS TRUE, still makes him look like an ass. And on the other end of all this, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. An entire week went by without this crap being on the first page, and then north side posts in it again to bump it so everyone can restart the shit storm ALL over again. Which on northsides end is pretty immautre, and yes its the internet man, but that doesn't mean you gotta be going around babbling like one of the crazy dudes in venice beach.

I'm sick of seeing this thread, its my first post in it, and my last.

Grow the fuck up, grow your plants, smoke, and be merry.
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