yes, they are. they are from nirvana.Are they seeds from a bank? Everyone on the site has just some killer killer strains floating around! Bein a apart of the patient program is awesome I must say!
I think (knock on wood) that I have a handle on the worms. I didn't find one this morning. But as with all paranoias, just because I can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there!hey fumble!lol im goin crazy over here!i found a worm on a one big cola,but hadnt done anything!craziest thing,i fail to believe it hadnt ruined somtin! i got company thru monday,so all early morning tending for few days! got the thai,and the tops on 2 mamadudes comin down next week!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo! took time off work next week to geter done! ill update asap tho!lol
How big are they? I say a tiny ass one that was hanging from a string/web it was clearish and super super small thats the only one ive seen and it was in the first couple weeks of veg. I have little holes in my leafs like from a flee beetle or something but i see no bugs. I treated with azamax so we'll see if it continues on the new growth. And i hope you dont get a chance to show me too losing nuggets is always a drag. Any new video or pics buddy?i have a pic of the final damage-the rot that turns brown to grayish web lookin shyt.on the plant the area with a worm/caterpillar will look wilted.its weird.another way to tell iswhen your lookin at your buds and you see a deadish brown died off leaf/leaves in your bud.not like a dying fan leaf,but actually part of the bud.i pray i dont find anymore to be able to show you!!!!lmao
you can see how i meant looks wilted.that is 1 bud torn open,and u can see the dead leaves i was talkin bout rt side qtr way up.just a dead leaf?nope.thats where the rot/damage is.i find it by find ing the dead leaves in thebuds.
Damn! Sorry KMK. Rotted from the worms? I know you are just itching to get out there and look. Gook luck bro.phuuukk! my 2nd biggest pineapple thai cola is rotted in the middle! got a house full of company so itll havte too wait till 5ish.i feel soooo paniced inside! sheeesh!lmaoi got a case of xenergy and a tub of vianilla beans ground! ohhh its on when house is empty!!! hahahaha