Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons


Well-Known Member
Its a crime to have weed. Simple fact. You get caught up, you get caught up. Tough luck. If they didnt get arrested for doing illegal things, they'd never be in court in the first place.
notice how you cleverly dance around the fact that the black person will on average face a tougher penalty than you.

but fuck equality, that shit is for pinko commies.


Well-Known Member
notice how you cleverly dance around the fact that the black person will on average face a tougher penalty than you.

but fuck equality, that shit is for pinko commies.
Striving for equality is striving for perfection. It doesnt exist. That doesnt mean we dont all have the same rights. Everyone is born with the same basic human rights, and no one is born equal.
Do i agree that they should recieve the same sentence as a white person? Absolutely. Thats more of a basic right to fair treatment rather than an issue of equality.


Well-Known Member
Striving for equality is striving for perfection. It doesnt exist. That doesnt mean we dont all have the same rights. Everyone is born with the same basic human rights, and no one is born equal.
Do i agree that they should recieve the same sentence as a white person? Absolutely. Thats more of a basic right to fair treatment rather than an issue of equality.
maybe if they just were more polite and had better manners, they'd get it.


Well-Known Member
im talking about those fucking ghetto ass people who act all crazy then expect the world to owe them something, or be afraid of offending them due to their blackness. Or that no one can tell them anything, because as one little hood rat sweetly told me one time "its black people business...". Yeah, its black people business when you try to intimidate your teacher, or another person.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO damn r u sure u wanna take on UB with this logic?
I enjoy a great debate but Urca this aint one ;)
Lol its how i feel. No one is equal in looks, intelligence, wealth, the love they recieve, etc... no one gets the same treatment from everybody. no one is equal. but we all have the same rights. freedom to speak freely, worship as we choose. to pursue life liberty and happiness. to fair treatment under the law.


Well-Known Member
:-P i say we all fire:fire: up the grill, enjoy the wonders:leaf: life gives us, have a few beers
with friends :peace:{black and white and everything in between.} and keep our handguns near.:!:


Pickle Queen
Lol its how i feel. No one is equal in looks, intelligence, wealth, the love they recieve, etc... no one gets the same treatment from everybody. no one is equal. but we all have the same rights. freedom to speak freely, worship as we choose. to pursue life liberty and happiness. to fair treatment under the law.
hmmm seems very few places will apply these "basic rights" , but i would love to live in ur happy bubble, guess mine bursted when i turned 25, and the reality of what's really going on set in. I would agree that many countries do not provide "basic rights", but i guess all the life experience i have means crap compared to ur broad world views.
Being stubborn and educated are not quite the same ;)


Well-Known Member
im talking about those fucking ghetto ass people who act all crazy then expect the world to owe them something, or be afraid of offending them due to their blackness. Or that no one can tell them anything, because as one little hood rat sweetly told me one time "its black people business...". Yeah, its black people business when you try to intimidate your teacher, or another person.
based on how you conduct yourself here, that 'hood rat' probably treated you better than you deserved.

Lol its how i feel. No one is equal in looks, intelligence, wealth, the love they recieve, etc... no one gets the same treatment from everybody. no one is equal. but we all have the same rights. freedom to speak freely, worship as we choose. to pursue life liberty and happiness. to fair treatment under the law.
we should have those same rights in theory, but try to open up a mosque near ground zero or get fair treatment as a black guy in a court of law and see what happens.

maybe if they had better manners and were more well-spoken, they'd get fairer sentences.


Well-Known Member
you dont even know how i act in public!
i told her to please stop being rude to me, and if she was gonna talk shit about people, then she could do her own damn work on her own, she didnt need my help.


Well-Known Member
Um, no. Im not a social retard. Btw, i already told you, no one can be equal to someone else. there is always something better about you or about them. They may be smarter, I may be more well spoken. They can be more attractive, but I may know how to do something that they cant.


Well-Known Member
Um, no. Im not a social retard. Btw, i already told you, no one can be equal to someone else. there is always something better about you or about them. They may be smarter, I may be more well spoken. They can be more attractive, but I may know how to do something that they cant.
thus making it perfectly OK that the ones with darker skin are 800% more likely to end up in jail and less than half as likely to get the interview for the job.

tall white males with facial hair like myself are more likely to get a raise than a chubby girl like yourself. it's only right, since equality is a pipe dream.


Well-Known Member
its the way of the world. I can work harder, be smarter, and rise above it. That just means Ill appreciate what i earn more instead of it being given to me.


Well-Known Member
these kids learn this in school and develop the hate from the things their teachers tell them..

trust me, I've witnessed it more than once.


Well-Known Member
Ok,you've posted tons of porn all over what gives.

Lemme guess,your one of those lil 15 year olds on your 1st computer with the parental controls taken off,now your all silly & freaking out like a little school boy all excited by all the nasty shit you see.

Only a year ago you could only dream of giant blue cocks to wrap your lips around, now their all yours so your sharing,how thoughtfull of you;-).

Try not to hurt yourself from whackin off to long dreaming of a big ole crank like the one you posted out of your personal collection.


Active Member
Spin this however you want to UncleBuck, those black kids are racist NIGGERS. If a white mob of kids did the same thing, I would think they are a bunch of dumb ass white NIGGERS too. You got something to say about that?