Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

Interesting thread! my opinion is using cheap or expensive nutrients isn't the straw that broke the camels back! Obviously cannabis isn't a "weed.." although it is known for being able to grow in a variety of conditions around the world. But being able adapt to different climates and adjust based on plenty of variables very easily is what makes cannabis desirable to cultivate. Many would agree cannabis has a similar look to different type's of wild weeds. The real deal is that cannabis is a flower, one I particularly cherish and when it comes to my own grow I like the create the absolute ideal controlled indoor environment so I can have the right amount of everything in the equation to yield dank frosty bud. fresh air, watering, soil, and lighting are all key players to get big tasty buds...so whether growing in soil or hydro nutrients play an important role in your harvest, but the overall environment one creates for their cannabis plants, and the strain being grown in combination to one's own particular methods used to grow will produce results either way just depends on your own personal situation.
I got here late... I just opened a bottle of nutes yesterday.
So after I read everything now Im feeling my nutes are insuperior because they were only mentioned once or twice.
I got some Foxfarm grow big, Foxfarm Tiger bloom, and some botanicare cal-mag.
I can actually return the Tiger bloom and Cal-Mag because their unopened, I might try to sneak the Grow Big back too.
So whos nutes are winning in the long run?
From what I saw most of the people who did their research and cannabis grow tests are supporting this post:
the people who go to college and get a real education in horticulture use dyna-gro

I highly recommend you get the following

dyna-gro foliage pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133215
dyna-gro bloom - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133534
dyna-gro pro-tekt - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133537
dyna-gro mag-pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133535

and then if you want a good root accelerator get some great white - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/134358
Some bs, lady at the hydro store said I cant return un-opened nutes because she doesnt know how I stored them. Guess im just gonna get that pro-tekt from dyna to add along.
Bro. if they are an on line company post who they are and their address and I will make it a point to drive them nut's! I can let a friend or 2 know as well :~). I can understand about the opened bottle but the other stuff they should take back.
I have been reading about bat guano.........it appears to be inexpensive.....does anyone use it? is it any good? if so what brand is best?
Why does everyone try to humanize or mysticize this plant? Hey ...it is a dicot...period...give it what it exhibits it wants and needs and it will give back...pretty simple...really

dunno if this was talking about me, but i wasnt trying to humanize or myscticize mj

im just saying its like anything else - the better its cared for the better it does
cats and dogs in caring homes live longer and healthier lives than strays do

everything does better when carefully and mindfully attended

Some bs, lady at the hydro store said I cant return un-opened nutes because she doesnt know how I stored them. Guess im just gonna get that pro-tekt from dyna to add along.

thats a good argument for Advanced Nutrients
you can get your money back on it regardless
funny how many kids still believe labels and think food matters this much....lol but yet most dont even ph...food is food for the most paret. and pics mean nothing to quality. unless this is photo 101 and quality of a picture
still dont get hwy people use genral hydro or botanicare as comparison to pro growing foods. those are reg over the counter general foods...just like the name is telling you
people need to focus more on the room conditions and not food so much. seeds n food should be least to be concerned about. every co lies on labels .
every grower will get diff results testing nutes so all tests unless in a multi million dollar lab are bullshit...influenced or not by free foods. been doing that shit for years and no 2 grows are thew same..its impossible
every gfrower4 will get diff ruslts testing nutes so all tests unless in a mulkti million dollar lab are bullshit...influenced or not by free foods. been doing that shit for years and no 2 grows are thew same..its impossible
I tested Connoisseur from AN and the results are exactly what any educated grower would expect. A 1-1-2 NPK ratio grows leafy, low density flowers as compared to 1-2-2 or a 1-3-2 ratio. 1-1-2 is delivering too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus late in flower. It's really as simple as reading the label.
an educated grower will tell you it means nothing. those small diff wont make a visual diff. gaurranteed. unless you can repeat it every single grow..not 1 grow...and call it a test then an educated grower might concider it factual. and again you believe labels so all your facts .,..arent. labels lie dood. thats a fact
especialy advanced. ...should i show the facts from oregon agricultrue proving he1s a lier...and many many others
an edgucated grower will tell you it means nothing. those swmall diff wont make a viual diff. gaurranteed. unless you can repeat it every single grow..not 1 grow...and call it a test then an educated grower might concider it factual. and again you believe labels so all your facts .,..arent. labels lie dood. thats a fact

I'm having a little difficulty reading your post, are you typing with your feet? ;) In regards to NPK values/ratios, of course they mean something. If you're under the impression that the mineral content of your fertilizer is unimportant, then I don't know what to say to that :shock:.
who said anything about ratios arent important. you read with your ears?..lol. anyways i said that little diff in ratio isnt going to make any diff. a plant knows more than a ny of us what it needs and will only uptake that. so a tiny minuscule diff in a ratio like those you posted wont effect the uptake of the ellements. when we have major diff sure then lots of one makes for hard uptake of another.
i also said...from experience..every nute co out there missleads us on labels. go look at oregons agriculture web site and search stop sales orde4rs and look who is number 1. almost every product is recalled for lies by advanced.
here ill share the facts. when the shops in orgeon where ordered to pull everything from shelves this list has multiple diff reasons and number 1 was miss labeled. now that he has no desire to expose truths he wont even bother selling or trying to get his fake sugar passed there. this isnt my facts..its the governments. i dont think they lie. they bust liers like here.....and its not just advanced being ordered stop sales. youd be surprised if you knew what was realy in nutes. lots pout fake shit just to have an n/p/k to make it pass the agri guys or for customs paper work. the rulke is if it wont harm human or envirnoment you dont have to have it on a label, just like restaurants. you dont see recipes for them do we. bout only diff in advanced why tis more money is the amounts of chelators he uses. so the rest of us use other stuff to chelate to save money.


ive yet to see a grow room be consistant conditon to the "T" each and every grow after grow to do a real test.
anything but advanced. i wont stick to any 1 line. some have things i like but only in a couple bottles. and im not saying his is crap either. my food choice all depends on what the plant says it wants at that time
who said anything about ratios arent important.
You did in post #191

anyways i said that little diff in ratio isnt going to make any diff. a plant knows more than a ny of us what it needs and will only uptake that. so a tiny minuscule diff in a ratio like those you posted wont effect the uptake of the ellements.
The difference between a 1-1-2 ratio and a 1-3-2 is three times the amount of phosphorus. That's not miniscule and it can absolutely make or break a grow.

ive yet to see a grow room be consistant conditon to the "T" each and every grow after grow to do a real test.
We're still talking about indoor growing here, right? There are things you can buy, say air conditioners or dehumidifiers and even fans that can give you a very consistent indoor environment every month of the year. If you take this hobby seriously, that's kind of our job. No offense but maybe you're just not dialed in enough to see small differences from grow to grow.
the people who go to college and get a real education in horticulture use dyna-gro

I highly recommend you get the following

dyna-gro foliage pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133215
dyna-gro bloom - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133534
dyna-gro pro-tekt - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133537
dyna-gro mag-pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133535

and then if you want a good root accelerator get some great white - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/134358

And people at NASA and Antarctica researchers use General Hydroponics.....

****Most of you make it a lot harder than it is, use what works well for you.
Growing since 1979, I have used Earth Juice, AN, Dyna, GH, Dutch Master and Botanicare ......and yes way back in the day miracle grow.
In my particular setup the most bang for the buck is GH, period. I do use a couple of non GH items like DM Gold Zone , and a couple of others adds, strain dependent, but my basic nutes are GH.

Retired outdoor grower, ex indoor soil and now I run LP Aero/NFT, LP Aero and DWC. GH has done me right for a long time.