Post... That Sandwich You Just Made!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Just a demi-baguette today :p Peppered salami cream cheese, rocket, tomato and balsamic at one end with spanish chorizo without cream cheese at the other :) i had 2 similar ones for dinner last night, finished up with a pot noodle :D


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Another baguette for me today, salami and cream cheese at one end, roast beef and dijon mustard at the other. With lots of rocket, I'm a fiend for rocket :)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
The inspiration is palpable. Man. I need ingredients. Fuck it I'm going to the store. If I remember...I'll take a picture...


Well-Known Member
yea same with me. i could be starving, but if i take a rip right before i eat i end up loosing my appetite. I Get thirsty as a mother tho.
Yea. I was on my way to smoke in the park last night when I walked by Jimmy Johns and thought it smelled amazing and got super hungry. But on the way back when I was high I saw it again and it looked unappetizing.