Yes ... if you are in soil, forget all the fancy stuff. Here's some great ferts for you:
For vegging use: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.
For flowering use: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 10-30-20.
Here's where to order:
Use these at only 1/4 strength throughout your grow and you will have beautiful plants producing great buds.
dont use jack's classic in hydro set ups, because the major ingredient used for nitrogen is urea form, which everyone knows that you cant even utilize that form of nitrogen in a hydroponic setup
urea nitrogen is mainly used in soil medium, because there's something in soil that allows the plant to use the nitrogen, but since you're not using soil, than you'll become nitrogen deficient.
i haven't used jack's yet, but i plan to use them because i've heard wonderful things about them. instead of jack's classic 20 - 20 - 20, im gonna use jack's general purpose 20 - 10 -20 instead. in the general purpose blend, the nitrogen main ingredient is something like 16%+ nitrate nitrogen, which is the best form to use in hydroponics.
i will use:
- jack's general purpose 20 - 10 - 20
- jack's blossom booster 10 - 30 - 20
- liquid karma
- canna pk 13/14
- cannazyme
- dyna-gro foliage pro
- magical
if im missing anything major, please, i'd love all feedback, but so far, this is definitely the best combination of nutes i've found