pre mixed branded soils


Active Member
i keep seeing that most growers here in riu uses a branded pre mixed soil, why ?. do you have bad soil where you live?. do all of you dislike to put together your own soil?. no one can put together a better soil that the one you buy?. i dont understand & ill apreciate if you explain me


Well-Known Member
Some soil (FFOF and others) are pretty much made with marijuana in mind. At least around here, outdoor soil is shit and too dense. Sure, you could buy perlite and other additives and mix it up, but why go to all the trouble, and STILL spend money on the additives when you can buy a sterile bag with all the stuff weed needs already in it, stick it in a pot and be done with it?


Active Member
Some soil (FFOF and others) are pretty much made with marijuana in mind. At least around here, outdoor soil is shit and too dense. Sure, you could buy perlite and other additives and mix it up, but why go to all the trouble, and STILL spend money on the additives when you can buy a sterile bag with all the stuff weed needs already in it, stick it in a pot and be done with it?
thank you for the answers.
why so lazy man? if you mix the additives up, and experiment with different mixes you will aquire the knowledge learned from mistakes to know what plants need. its not trouble for me, its fun its science :)
for me this branded soils just contribute to ignorance, do you even know what the soils are made of, can people here even discuss or really make a good soil mix??
in my country all the growers do their own humus and compost & we take the undertow from rivers ourselves & i think we develop certain knowledge and have more evolutionized soils.
for example people here still uses perlite & vermiculite which are obsolete neutral materials used during war times to cheapen soil, but i see in this forum everyone seems to continue using them. you don experiment just use stuff that comes in a bag, spending money to contribute with lazzyness & ignorance its weird for me, sorry :(.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I respect your opinion.. But i don't like being called lazy just because I didn't till my own soil and forage for my own humus..



Active Member
i said im dsorry, but anyone here mixes his own soil, or know about mixing proportions? or all of you buy his own pre-mixed soil?


Well-Known Member
i said im dsorry, but anyone here mixes his own soil, or know about mixing proportions? or all of you buy his own pre-mixed soil?
Sorry.. RIU is full of lazy pre mixed users.. Jk.. Look under the organics forum or outdoor forum.. Lots of soil threads for you to check out :)


Well-Known Member
Subcool has an organic soil mix recipe thread in the organics section. People that have made some say it's an excellent soil


Well-Known Member
Making super soil is fun but it is a lot of work. FFOF with a few extra additives like extra perlite and bone meal is a lot easier but more expensive. If your making your own soil I would recommend that after mixing you let it "cook" for a few weeks before using it.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
your views on perlite and verm. are a little strange, wile i do respect your interest in something you dont understand, alot of what your saying isnt adding up,

why is the fact perlite was used in war times make it bad and for lazy people?are you finding something in the bottom of the river that does the job better?

when you are asking for info from from new people dial the attitude down a few notches.

whats your soil recipe?


Well-Known Member
*hi'gh. sorry about moving your thread out of AMC, but i feel you would get more in-regards to your Qs in this forum. thank you for posting @t RIU:leaf:


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
mmm i tried mixing my own soil this year and i can say that if you have the time and need some exercise then go for it. but im a hardworking mofo who could have used that time to make some loot. i would rather buy a perfect mix made for what im doing like cannawiz said.


RIU Bulldog
i keep seeing that most growers here in riu uses a branded pre mixed soil, why ?. do you have bad soil where you live?. do all of you dislike to put together your own soil?. no one can put together a better soil that the one you buy?. i dont understand & ill apreciate if you explain me
I think it's cause most of us live in the city where there's little emphasis on argiculture and gardening. My guess is if you asked, about 90% people couldn't give you a simple 3 part soil mix recipe.
Working with composted chicken, pidgeon/earthworm/horse/steer manure is fucking nasty, and it stinks, and we city-folk don't like getting dirty. Then after you mix your soil, you have to compost it more or 'cook' it. For a person trying to grow secretly in their house, it wouldn't make sense if one day they dumped a pile of dirt in the front yard to cook for a month or two....and then one day, drag it back into the house. And when most growers need soil they don't think far ahead enough to have some composting. The usually need it right then and there.
I myself am just diving into the world bio-organic growing and, so far, I like what I see.


RIU Bulldog
i said im dsorry, but anyone here mixes his own soil, or know about mixing proportions? or all of you buy his own pre-mixed soil?
There's a large group of people here that use subcool's 'super soil' mix, but he uses Root Organic as his base.
If you look around long enough, you'll like minded people. Don't assume were all the same cause of the majority....


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I can't get most of the materials to make my own soil. I live in the middle of nowhere. A lot of people are in this predicament which is why I have a guide in my sig. Most organic soils people make are basically prenuted so I'm not sure why people hate on pre-mix soil. Apart from my guide I'm working on a mixture of Miracle Gro only materials to make a soil that would be comparative in NPK to what you would really want, a lot of combining of types and such but it's still a make your own :grin: Plus it's cheaper and faster, I make my own soil for my garden, I use a lot of stuff I wouldn't use indoors like composted manure.


Active Member


Active Member
its not strange at all, see, people uses perlite for aeration, this is erratic becouse perlite generates this air spots which makes the roots to rotten, i call ir "air spots" and its very bad to the roots.
Also people use perlite to keep the moisture of the soil, this is erratic also, do the test, put watered perlite in a cup and watered vermiculite in another cup, you will see that perlite dries out very very quickly while vermiculite really keeps the moisture in.
Also these are neutral minerals which dont contribute on nutriens, so if you are using it, probably you are wasteing like 30% of your soil in that, you will save some money, but if we want to perfectionate the soil, its useless.
It is much better for aeration and keeping the soil moisture to do a mix of peats (blonde, spanghnum, river undertow) which also provides organic nutrients ;)
when adding a lot of worm castings the acid of the peats gets neutralized. Im sorry for my attitude bro, but its really sad for me that all of you uses absolete soils from the past, unless you wanna cheapen the soil out.

my mix is:
30% worm castings
20% river undertow
20% compost
20% mix of peats
10% vermiculite
So I guess the soiless/soil people wanting a higher watering frequency in their gardening practices are ignorant. :roll:

If root rot is an issue due to air spots by perlite use, wouldn't frequent watering(caused by inert perlite) eliminate those conditions that cause root rot in the first place?



Well-Known Member
no shit perlite is "neutral"(inert is the word i think your looking for there) thats why we like it. have you ever seen a plant grown in straight pearl light? big fuzzy white roots.

if you wanna feel sad for people on the internet take all this super know-how and check out the make a wish site.

are you mining your own verm?
got a bin of worms making your worm compost?


whats the differance in buy a bag of worm casting,peats,and verm and mixing them, to buying a bag that has them premixed,

just cause you dig up river bottoms dont make you grand poobaa of soil,your soil mix is very weak,

i grow my own alfalfa, have chickens, make my own feather meal,turn compost piles every day and hand mix my soil, why does the fact i leave a store with a bag of patio plus or black gold make me lazy,

your talking out of your ass and your soil mix just proved it,go play top dog some where else.