New Member
Questions the people pushing this debate are refusing to answer:
1) Do you admit that accepting the opinions of commentators, no matter how brilliant they may be, is historically unwise when in disagreement with the CONSENSUS of scientific of scientifically published data? If not can you site a single historical reference to the contrary, will you at least admit this? (And don’t go with tectonic plates. Let’s try something relevant.)
2) If you’re still going to claim that science is not advanced enough to model climates could you please explain why you’re citing references that deceitfully misquote the facts pertaining to them? If you’re going deny this will you please address the example I previously gave?
3) Furthermore if you’re still going to claim that science is not advanced enough to model climates… would you please cite a scientific reference supporting this? (You’re scientifically minded right?)
4) May I see your best scientific study please?
Answer: Do your own goddamn research![]()
5) You’re argument is reduced to saying that the scientists disagree, but when I point out the similarly weighted consensus on UFO’s, 6,000 y/o earth, 911 conspiracy, etc. You completely ignore it. Could you please respond?
6) I offered you 4 published and renowned climatological research centers. I said pick one, or pick any one you can find… you’re a scientifically minded person right??? And let’s perform a search and choose the first 3, 5, 7, returns and see what they say.

1- Last years hurricane season. How many did the experts predict? How about next weeks forecast? Write down the figures today, and check for accuracy next week.
2- Models are just that, models (almost always, no working parts!). How many model cars have you seen on the street. Oh, thats right, they're not real, they're models.
3- Refer to answer 1.
4- Why, towenthelie? So you can ask me 100 questions in response, without ever having read my post?
5- You've made my point for me. Where's the definitive proof? Millions, billions of cameras around the world and the best we've seen is some "fuzzy" shots of a ?....beachball? frisbee? Oh, and you say 6000 sightings a year on Earth, how many sightings on Mars?
6- That, my "friend", is the problem, and why none of your historical references are applicable. Worldwide access to media, biased MMGW proponents media, have made the brainwashing very easy. It seems, to me, people act before they think, if they ever think, and the invent of radio, television, internet, etc. etc. has only furthered this trend, act before you think. After all, you can let the "scientists" and the news anchors do all your thinking for you, and then you can act on their "consensus". After all, wasn't it only 1 or 2 short years ago the consensus was all for MMGW. It seems now, in America at least, the tide is beginning to shift.
Cirque de Solar Power: New York Conference Puts Lie to 'Consensus' - HUMAN EVENTS