All fan leaves dying from the bottom up; 3rd week of flowering


I've got a serious issue here and cannot figure it out. It's killed 3 batches at the start of visable buds

I move my plants into the flower room, and in about 2 weeks I see the following:

- yellowing edges, followed by burning of the fan leaves from the bottom up eventually leading to a total freeze in growth and bud production. THe plants actually shrink in size a little, I'm used to them doubling in size in the first 2 weeks of flowering.

I put 6 plants (20" tall ) in a 4 x 4 ebb and flow table with a 1000k above it.....never had an issue ...I start a new batch every 3 weeks Using the same setup.

Major thing out of the ordinary is brown slime in the resivior and all over the tubing. Ph raises daily and must be adjusted.

It seems to be a fungus or disease.....but how can it transfer to different tanks? I've tried flushing and total clean out of tables pumps and hoses, using h2o2 but these plants are just fucked.

Any ideas.? Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this issue?

The pictures are of a plant that has been flowering for 20 days, it came from veg healthy, leafey and about 2" shorter than shown.....

Please help I've lost 18 plants and 9 weeks of effort.

.........can't figure out how to upload photos from my iPad ....standby


Well-Known Member
Probably a N def, can you post some pics? If using hps lights, shut them off before taking pics


Well-Known Member
sounds like root rot mate. total sterilisation is the only thing that might get rid of it, but it hangs around for years we got a bad problem with anything we plant in our outside garden, it even gets our spuds.and it got into our bubble pots.


Well-Known Member
Get some Hygrozyme! Sounds like rott get ahold of it know..... You dont want that getting to all of them. I would go buy Hygrozyme first thing in the morning!!!


Well-Known Member
Get some Hygrozyme! Sounds like rott get ahold of it know..... You dont want that getting to all of them. I would go buy Hygrozyme first thing in the morning!!!

I did the same thing and told him to listen to you. Then i re read and deleted my post... Rez temp is a good point! also do you have a chiller?


Well-Known Member
If not then he could freeze plastic bottles and set them in there..
That would work just make sure your res temp is around 65.... There are several reasons for this The two biggest are combating root rot and the water holds allot more oxygen at 65. With hydro thats what its all about.....