Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
^i just chopped an early one 2 days ago, but the rest still have a good 3-4 weeks at least.

puck you gotta get a little digital camera, i got a nice one for cheap (didnt get a memory card so it only holds like 10 pics at a time but its all i need) they are filling in very nice. good job


Active Member
Mhhmh.....frosty! The hurricane missed my area, but 5 miles away it was brutal? Who knows man, glad your ladies are ok. Is the frosty one the exudous?


Well-Known Member
hey im in N.E to growing and i got one female left the other 4 turned out to be male and this is my first time so im just excited that i was able to get them growing next season will be much better but im just wondering when you guys in this area plan to harvest ? I no there are many variables but just like an estimate maybe and i will try to get a few pictures of mine to show you guys.
It's variety specific unfortunately... What you want to look for are the "hairs" start to shrink back and usually turn color but the biggest thing to look for
is the trich's getting cloudy and eventually slightly tan. (that frosty stuff that starts to form when in full flower) There is a hand microscope you can buy on Amazon for 10 bucks
that is 100x magnification that you can really see their color. Well worth the $ and it's really cool to look at other stuff to!!!


Well-Known Member
thought u werent supposed to take pics with a cell phone,...the files can be traced to where you took the pics
Disable your location feature on your phone, it disables the gps or disbles the geotags in the picture, one of the two things so you can't be traced.


Well-Known Member

Well, things are progressing pretty well. Most not filling out as well as hoped for. Maybe with the cooler weather things will pick up. The Ex. Cheese is still listing badly and I can't seem to get it to stay put. I have a problem that someone maybe could help with? I am going to the great state of Florida to see Mickey Mouse but have no way of getting things watered over the 9 day's I will be gone. The only thing I can think of is to duct tape the holes in the bottom of the buckets and put a couple gallons each pot and hope for the best. Any ideas anyone?????:?:shock:


Active Member
Being born and breed in NE, I love seeing these threads. Can try the aqua globe idea, but will probably need alot of them. They don't hold much water. May e make some out of tubing and soda bottles or milk jugs. Maybe I'll see yeah at Disney lol. I and the family are also making a trip very soon. A scenes behind the seeds tour may be in my future at epcot to gain some of their knowledge, although I think they would figure out what all my questions will be for.


Well-Known Member
Being born and breed in NE, I love seeing these threads. Can try the aqua globe idea, but will probably need alot of them. They don't hold much water. May e make some out of tubing and soda bottles or milk jugs. Maybe I'll see yeah at Disney lol. I and the family are also making a trip very soon. A scenes behind the seeds tour may be in my future at epcot to gain some of their knowledge, although I think they would figure out what all my questions will be for.
Yea, cool local threads are great! I was thinking milk jugs with small holes in them but when they heat up the water would piss out of them quickly. I'll keep an
eye out for people with N.E. gear down there lol. Thanks for the input!


Active Member
Sorry, been gone from NE for about 7 years. That's why I love seeing these grows, bring back memories. Won't see me in NE gear (be there from The 19-25, so just a couple weeks) as I get all grumpied out when there. With you going for 9 days, I am assuming you will hit Epcot too. It's not considered cool, but ride the "living with the land" ride in "the land pavilion" and check out their tomato plant scrog!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, been gone from NE for about 7 years. That's why I love seeing these grows, bring back memories. Won't see me in NE gear (be there from The 19-25, so just a couple weeks) as I get all grumpied out when there. With you going for 9 days, I am assuming you will hit Epcot too. It's not considered cool, but ride the "living with the land" ride in "the land pavilion" and check out their tomato plant scrog!

LOL Seen it MANY TIMES!!! One of my favorite rides. They used to have a barrel shaped thingy that used to spin with lettice growing
in it. Unfortunately most of the veggies are fake now. They used to be all real.


Well-Known Member

Took a peek today, I still don't have a solution to the vacation problem. I need to start to bring my hand microscope to check these, it's gonna be difficult to check the trich's in the early morning due to the dew. The first Kannibia to start flowering is starting to get close. I think I need to start flushing soon.

Peace to all of the victims of 9/11 and all our brave servicemen in far away lands that have served/died for our country:peace:


Well-Known Member
really startin to fill out puck, looking like ur gonna have some nice buds. is that the kannibia with the fat cola in the first shot? look out for mold on those babies! looking close, but judging by those white pistils, a week or two out. i'd probably give one more feeding with nutes, then either straight water or some molasses mixed in. keep a scope handy


Well-Known Member
really startin to fill out puck, looking like ur gonna have some nice buds. is that the kannibia with the fat cola in the first shot? look out for mold on those babies! looking close, but judging by those white pistils, a week or two out. i'd probably give one more feeding with nutes, then either straight water or some molasses mixed in. keep a scope handy
That's the G.H. Super Bud, I didn't take a pic. of the big Kannibia this time 'cause I thought I had taken too many of her. I was excited about
how the others are doin' so I paid more attention to the others. The Cheese is still lagging behind and am hoping it's not destined for the hash pile! I
will take some pic's of her next trip out to show. I did have a little mold on a small bud after the 4" of rain last week but I pinched it. I have to admit
I pinched a small bud from the Kannibia to test. It's still a little damp but I may fire it up tonight.... Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think I am going to wrap the bottom of my containers with pull string trash bags. I am going
to then put 2 gallons of water/nutes and pull the strings (not closed) so it still will get some air flow.
.....Hope this works!


Well-Known Member

Update, the moldy Kannibia Special Fem's that I cut just before vacation 80% molded on the drying rack while on vacation. It's a big blow to this years smoking supplies. I wasn't planning on cutting until I returned so that sucks.
As you can see I rode living with the land at Epcot and I have to retract my statement about there not real plant's anymore. THEY ARE ALL REAL! Before when I went they must have been having a disease problem and to keep the integrity of the ride they installed plastic plants. Rockwool and drip/spray irrigation was in full effect!
Notice the Brussle Sprouts hanging on a conveyer belt and going through a short wall that spray's the roots every 2-3 minutes.
So thankfully I still have 2 horses in the race, the big top cola plant is my G.S. Super bud and the Sativa pheno plant is my G.S. Ex. Cheese. I figure they will be chopped in the next week or two. I brought my handy dandy hand microscope and the trich's are solidly cloudy. Hope for the best in the comming weeks.


Well-Known Member

Ok, final pic's of the year. Half of the total harvest was lost to mold in the dirt and during the drying process. I just got back from pulling the one bright spot in the grow this year. It's my little clone of an LSD plant I grew indoors this past winter. It survived the toughest conditions for mold I have ever seen in my area. The G.H. Super Bud is as advertised, all the branches had big fist size bud's on the end, no smoke report yet of course but very impressed. Not much budding on the inner part of the branches but that's ok, I would rather have it all in 1-2 buds.
The G.H. Ex. Cheese stinks!!!! I hope it tastes as good as it smells. The yeild wasn't the best but it was a sativa pheno so I was just happy that it finished.
The Kannibia Spec. Fem. produced well and frosted nicely, I did pull a little bit to try and it worked well but the high didn't last. I hope that's just because of the early harvest.

In all I am very disapointed with the yeild and the mold. I have to re-asses my goals with this and wonder if the work was worth it. I may change my mind in the Spring but for now it's time to hunker down for the Winter and figure out if I am going to do this next year.... Total yeild: probably just under a pound.

I will post some smoke reports in the comming weeks as the bud's cure. Thanks for stopping by.


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
dang puck sry to hear about the mold, i had to throw out some/cutdown early because of mold too. hopefully by the time spring rolls around youll be ready to go at it again. happy smoking man and looking forward to the reports.


Well-Known Member
i am in southern new england. i have 4 plants outdoors, just for my own head. i expect to harvest in a few weeks before any serious frost. do you agree??


Well-Known Member
hey puck sorry to hear about the mold, sounds like u lucked out finding an LSD with mold resistance cause my buddy had 2 LSD clones and 2 From seed, but they all started getting mold a couple weeks back pretty bad so he had to take them. I was out shaking water off my kandy kush last night and that thing still hasn't seen any mold besides 1 popcorn about 3 weeks back, and those buds are dense, and swelled up. Probably will give her another go next season. My little LSD has a few little popcorn buds, but the rabbit took away any chance of getting any decent size buds on her. MY shelter has been holding up great, and the JH is bone dry and has plenty of room to breathe under there, and some of her colas are about the size of 20oz botles. will snap some pics later for the thread. COngrats on what you did harvest man, that one cola is HUGE, i dont have any that damn big. Any harvest is a good harvest my man.