What is un-American About The Tea Party

that federalists are un-american because being a federalist goes against the division of powers laid out in the constitution of america, you know that document that defines what it is to be an american, or at least the rights and liberties that make being an american being an american, cause yeah its not like the patriot act infringes on anyones rights, and its not like having a private central bank that plans and executes constant inflation robs us of our money

can you name a strong nation without a central bank?

i'll wait while you google it up for a bit.
Tea Party = Real Americans.

That's their line.

What could they possibly mean by that besides everyone else is anti-american.

Why did you try to throw your snakes onto non tea baggers?
Real Americans don't resort to name calling.

You invalidate anything you say when you use derogatory trems.
Didn't use that word. The Tea Baggers I have seen do have a problem about getting passed the color of other people's skin. Would you like to see some photos of Tea Baggers displaying such a problem? To deny that exists is woefully ignorant. And no, these people do not speak for all people in the Tea Party, but they do represent a segment of it. That you cannot deny.

would you like to see video of hate crimes committed by Obama's faithful Unions, give it a rest, all you guys do is spout hatred about other people's political views, you cant argue the points so all you do is attack peoples character, well that shows your own character so go ahead and be a BIGOT and spout your BIGOTRY
Remember this little gem: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/07/04/what-the-founding-fathers-thought-about-corporations/

According to the founding fathers, the tea party and it's Corporate backing is VERY un-American. Ya'll are so keen about the "purity" of the Constitution. Well, here's pure for ya. ;)

they are not worried about the purity of the constitution. they want to gut the 14th amendment and abolish the 16th and 17th. or, at least, that is what a lot of the candidates who claim to be tea party candidates say in their platforms (i say claim to be tea party candidates because they all run with an "R" next to their name).
Didn't use that word. The Tea Baggers I have seen do have a problem about getting passed the color of other people's skin. Would you like to see some photos of Tea Baggers displaying such a problem? To deny that exists is woefully ignorant. And no, these people do not speak for all people in the Tea Party, but they do represent a segment of it. That you cannot deny.

There is also the possibility of people showing up as plants. That's an old political trick. I'm not saying that is the case every time, but it is possible. Also, there is nothing in the platform of the TP that is racist. I have never met anyone who has a problem with race at a TP event. Never. I believe this is a myth that has been put out by the opposition to demonize the TP.
answer my question first. why no tea partying when shrub was expanding government and racking up debt?
The movement already existed it was called the Ron Paul revolution...
Or Alex Jones listeners and their are and have been others...
The 'tea party' is being hyped by media and used to support politicians and political partys when it is not a cohesive movement like that, the idea is to change the system..so the system has tried to absorb and direct the movement to suit them
The majority of Americans just think the Tea Party is a bunch of short sighted Americans that can't spell or get passed other people's skin color.

The majority of americans are idiots. My proof is their overwhelming desire to give failures like Bush jr. and Obama a second term.

answer my question first. why no tea partying when shrub was expanding government and racking up debt?

Probably because Bush didn't increase the debt like Obama has. I agree with you that Bush spent too much, but the fact is when Obama and the last congress passed the massive health care bill it was more than we could afford and that is what sparked the TP.
There is also the possibility of people showing up as plants. That's an old political trick. I'm not saying that is the case every time, but it is possible. Also, there is nothing in the platform of the TP that is racist. I have never met anyone who has a problem with race at a TP event. Never. I believe this is a myth that has been put out by the opposition to demonize the TP.

google: mark williams

and what about andrew breitbart intentionally editing a tape to try to make it look like shirley sherrod was engaging in black-on-white racism? it is part of the victim mentality of the tea party.

taxes are the lowest they've been in quite some time, but poor pitiful you guys are 'taxed enough already'.

sarah palin is the queen of the tea party with her constant victim mentality. i mean, blood libel? c'mon.
they are not worried about the purity of the constitution. they want to gut the 14th amendment and abolish the 16th and 17th. or, at least, that is what a lot of the candidates who claim to be tea party candidates say in their platforms (i say claim to be tea party candidates because they all run with an "R" next to their name).[/QUOT

In that case Ron Paul is the most american candidate ever, because he has almost solely private citizen donations for his campaign, or at least a higher percentage of citizens giving to his campaing than any other candidate and that is including obama
Wow you act like PAC money is new and the republicans are the obly ones taking the money.

Guess a the democratic money comes from little old ladies

Shouldn't the money be coming from THE PEOPLE since this is THE PEOPLES MOVEMENT? Oh wait, Corporations are people too!
they are not worried about the purity of the constitution. they want to gut the 14th amendment and abolish the 16th and 17th. or, at least, that is what a lot of the candidates who claim to be tea party candidates say in their platforms (i say claim to be tea party candidates because they all run with an "R" next to their name).

I disagree since there are many TP people who are indies and Dems.
There is also the possibility of people showing up as plants. That's an old political trick. I'm not saying that is the case every time, but it is possible. Also, there is nothing in the platform of the TP that is racist. I have never met anyone who has a problem with race at a TP event. Never. I believe this is a myth that has been put out by the opposition to demonize the TP.

Ok, I am going to show you a picture of a Tea Party leader holding a sign that has the word Nigger misspelled. How are you going to spin that one you Big Doggie? If you do it right, I'll toss you a biscuit. If you don't, you're going to have to sit and stay. Ready?
Probably because Bush didn't increase the debt like Obama has. I agree with you that Bush spent too much, but the fact is when Obama and the last congress passed the massive health care bill it was more than we could afford and that is what sparked the TP.


the only spending obama took on was the american recovery and reinvestment act.

and the patient protection and affordable care act was aimed at controlling our health care costs, which are enormous and don't even cover all citizens. if anything will sink the nation, it is out of control health care costs.

the only solution i heard from the other side was the old 'tort reform and cross state lines' mantra, which would do nothing to bend the long term curve.