What is un-American About The Tea Party

I've seen this on many forums. The left has found one idiot and use him to tar and feath an entire movement. It's sad, but it's even sadder to claim that he represents the TP. I can show many racial smears and insults from the left. Does that mean everyone on the left is racist?

what about mark williams? and andrew breitbart?

i can probably dredge up a few more, but i am not stuck on the point of diminishing the tea party as racist as a whole. certainly more likely to contain racists, but not a platform of racism.
answer my question first. why no tea partying when shrub was expanding government and racking up debt?
Not entirely true there UB. How do I know? My first thoughts on the Tea Party movement sounded good to me. The roots lie back when Bush got TARP pushed through. Back then, I liked the idea. Of course, it didn't take long before the neocons hijacked the party in an attempt to rebrand themselves. I no longer feel an affiliation to their hypocrisy, but I can assure you...the Tea Party did come about while under Bush' watch.
He didn't inherit his own spending. Obama's spending has doubled the national debt. Read the article.

in the end, what is un-american about the tea party is that they want to see the country fail.

I disagree. Wanting the policy of this President to fail doesn't mean America will fail. That's another leftist bumper sticker without any merit whatsoever.

The country didn't fail when Nixon and Carter failed. America is stronger than one man.
in the end, what is un-american about the tea party is that they want to see the country fail.
no what is un-american about you is that you want to control the lives of other people, sorry but thats not how our country is going to be, no socialist bullshit in my homeland, the state of new york has no say in my local laws, if you dont like it you can move back to new york, or new hampshire if you want socialized healthcare,
Not entirely true there UB. How do I know? My first thoughts on the Tea Party movement sounded good to me. The roots lie back when Bush got TARP pushed through. Back then, I liked the idea. Of course, it didn't take long before the neocons hijacked the party in an attempt to rebrand themselves. I no longer feel an affiliation to their hypocrisy, but I can assure you...the Tea Party did come about while under Bush' watch.

they just waited until the mulatto got in there to make any fuss and "demand their country back" :razz:
what about mark williams? and andrew breitbart?

i can probably dredge up a few more, but i am not stuck on the point of diminishing the tea party as racist as a whole. certainly more likely to contain racists, but not a platform of racism.

Not familiar with what Mark Williams and Breitbart have to do with racism. Can you enlighten me?
no what is un-american about you is that you want to control the lives of other people, sorry but thats not how our country is going to be, no socialist bullshit in my homeland, the state of new york has no say in my local laws, if you dont like it you can move back to new york, or new hampshire if you want socialized healthcare,

how has our health care been socialized?

last i checked, we still buy from private insurers on the open market.
The Tea Party only emerged after the word Republican was destroyed by a horrible administration.

The Tea Party today is mainly comprised of Bush Supporters who can no longer admit it. Ron Paul is the real Tea Party and the Teta Baggers hate him.

That's all you need to know right there. It's all a farce.

Has anyone noticed how bad things have gotten since these Tea Baggers got to Washington? We were making progress on all fronts until these Sons a Bitches got elected. It's pretty clear that Real Americans made a mistake in the 2010 elections. Just look around.
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The picture above shows Dale Robertson at a Tea Party event. Dale Robertson is the Founder and Creator of Teaparty.org.

Or as the OP refers to him, a plant.

Who do you think you fool Fido?
Interesting how you dig of a photo of a guy who has been publicly disavowed by the teaparty.

A Note on Dale Robertson, self-described “tea party leader”

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
By Felicia Cravens
In response to questions we have received regarding Dale Robertson and his involvement with HoustonTPS, and specifically in reference to his attendance at our rally on 27 Feb 2009, we would like to state that:

1. He is NOT a member of our Leadership team.
2. He owns a website with which we have never been affiliated.
3. He has never been a part of organizing any of the Tea Party rallies in the Houston area, or any other area that we can find.
4. We addressed some issues involving him back in April. Here it is on our website, where Mr. Robertson himself comments: http://houstontps.org/?p=318
5. We do not choose to associate with people that use his type of disgusting language.

A search on Google yields plenty of information about Mr. Robertson, and a search of the various leadership teams among legitimate national tea party organizations show him nowhere to be found.

Nice try.
Not familiar with what Mark Williams and Breitbart have to do with racism. Can you enlighten me?

perhaps you can check the letter from mark williams i posted earlier in this thread and tell me it is not outright racism from the top organizers of the tea party.
The Tea Party only emerged after the word Republican was destroyed by a horrible administration.

The Tea Party today is mainly comprised of Bush Supporters who can no longer admit it. Ron Paul is the real Tea Party and the Teta Baggers hate him.

That's all you need to know right there. It's all a farce.

Has anyone noticed how bad things have gotten since these Tea Baggers got to Washington? We were making progress on all fronts until these Sons a Bitches got elected. It's pretty clear that Real Americans made a mistake in the 2010 elections. Just look around.

it's true.

if you need any proof, just check the approval ratings for kasich and scott, both lower than obama after a much shorter time in office. lowest in the nation.
How does requiring everyone to be repsonsible for their own HC Coverage equate to Socialism? It's the exact fuckin opposite.

It amazes me that people try to use words they don't know the meaning of. How exactly is that fucking socialism?

You know what socialism is? You don't get HC coverage and go to the hospital when you get sick and expect others to pick up the tab. That's fucking Socialism and the HCR bill put a stop to that.

What part of that do you not understand? I'll walk you through it again if needed.
Has anyone noticed how bad things have gotten since these Tea Baggers got to Washington? We were making progress on all fronts until these Sons a Bitches got elected. It's pretty clear that Real Americans made a mistake in the 2010 elections. Just look around.
and we got there not a moment too soon. Good luck with your future endevors, i will no longer respond to someone who stoops so low as to use a derogorty term to describe an entire group of people.
How does requiring everyone to be repsonsible for their own HC Coverage equate to Socialism? It's the exact fuckin opposite.

It amazes me that people try to use words they don't know the meaning of. How exactly is that fucking socialism?

You know what socialism is? You don't get HC coverage and go to the hospital when you get sick and expect others to pick up the tab. That's fucking Socialism and the HCR bill put a stop to that.

What part of that do you not understand? I'll walk you through it again if needed.

Why are courts finding the bill unconstitutional?
When Ron Paul started his Tea party it was a different brand and had meaning...The teaparty today are mostly a group of redneck nuts who hate Obama just because...they are the same ones who used to claim the title of "birthers"...they love fox news and most are of low education....they seek to take their country back ( from who ??? ) and would rather see America fail then Obama succeed