What is un-American About The Tea Party


Well-Known Member
google: mark williams

and what about andrew breitbart intentionally editing a tape to try to make it look like shirley sherrod was engaging in black-on-white racism? it is part of the victim mentality of the tea party.

taxes are the lowest they've been in quite some time, but poor pitiful you guys are 'taxed enough already'.

sarah palin is the queen of the tea party with her constant victim mentality. i mean, blood libel? c'mon.
thats because the taxes we pay now dont go to support our local infrastructure, we pay to much to a federal body that wastes the money, by sending it through to many hands, furthermore if you actually count up all the sales tax gas tax cell phone tax health premiums, car tabs, everything you are required to pay and you will see that we are really the most taxed nation on the planet, I added it up when I was doing special inspections and i was paying 54% in taxes and health insurance, and I didnt have dental,

The more people involved in government the more it costs to run, Every other company has DOWNSIZED for the recession now it time for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to get some pink slips

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Didn't use that word. The Tea Baggers I have seen do have a problem about getting passed the color of other people's skin. Would you like to see some photos of Tea Baggers displaying such a problem? To deny that exists is woefully ignorant. And no, these people do not speak for all people in the Tea Party, but they do represent a segment of it. That you cannot deny.
Any argument you have is completely invalidated when you throw out and use derogatory terms. It really shows your ignorance and your inability to carry on an intelligent conversation.


Well-Known Member

the only spending obama took on was the american recovery and reinvestment act.

and the patient protection and affordable care act was aimed at controlling our health care costs, which are enormous and don't even cover all citizens. if anything will sink the nation, it is out of control health care costs.

the only solution i heard from the other side was the old 'tort reform and cross state lines' mantra, which would do nothing to bend the long term curve.

And what was the tea party screaming about? no more taxes no more spending, fiscal responsibility, let the market fix itself, gee i sure wish someone had listened


Well-Known Member
In that case Ron Paul is the most american candidate ever, because he has almost solely private citizen donations for his campaign, or at least a higher percentage of citizens giving to his campaing than any other candidate and that is including obama

97% of obama's donations are under $250 and average about $69 a pop.

perhaps you can post ron paul's numbers for comparison.

Jack Fate

New Member

the only spending obama took on was the american recovery and reinvestment act.

and the patient protection and affordable care act was aimed at controlling our health care costs, which are enormous and don't even cover all citizens. if anything will sink the nation, it is out of control health care costs.

the only solution i heard from the other side was the old 'tort reform and cross state lines' mantra, which would do nothing to bend the long term curve.
Bullshit. Obama added more debt than any President in our history.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Ok, I am going to show you a picture of a Tea Party leader holding a sign that has the word Nigger misspelled. How are you going to spin that one you Big Doggie? If you do it right, I'll toss you a biscuit. If you don't, you're going to have to sit and stay. Ready?
Show it to us along with his name and rank in the Tea Party.


Well-Known Member

The picture above shows Dale Robertson at a Tea Party event. Dale Robertson is the Founder and Creator of Teaparty.org.

Or as the OP refers to him, a plant.

Who do you think you fool Fido?


Well-Known Member
Any argument you have is completely invalidated when you throw out and use derogatory terms. It really shows your ignorance and your inability to carry on an intelligent conversation.
can you read?

the term "tea bagger" was self-applied by a tea partier.


Well-Known Member
And what was the tea party screaming about? no more taxes no more spending, fiscal responsibility, let the market fix itself, gee i sure wish someone had listened
you mean let the market collapse so we can start from scratch.

i shudder to think how bad a shape we'd be in right now if we weren't propping up the market.

but that is what the tea party wants, at least with obama in office. they want bad times so that he is more likely to be voted out. nevermind that they will do the same once in office, which is to say, eep the economy afloat.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
you mean let the market collapse so we can start from scratch.

i shudder to think how bad a shape we'd be in right now if we weren't propping up the market.

but that is what the tea party wants, at least with obama in office. they want bad times so that he is more likely to be voted out. nevermind that they will do the same once in office, which is to say, eep the economy afloat.
Talk about un-American.


Well-Known Member
how is calling your self a racial epitaph and your government your slave owner make you racist, when in fact the sign is obviously satire at the expense of the man holding the sign make him a racist? Yes the sign is intentionally inflamatory but then most affective propaghanda is, no sorry calling yourself a "niggar" does not make you rascist

Jack Fate

New Member
View attachment 1773317

The picture above shows Dale Robertson at a Tea Party event. Dale Robertson is the Founder and Creator of Teaparty.org.

Or as the OP refers to him, a plant.

Who do you think you fool Fido?
I've seen this on many forums. The left has found one idiot and use him to tar and feather an entire movement. It's sad, but it's even sadder to claim that he represents the TP. I can show many racial smears and insults from the left. Does that mean everyone on the left is racist?

Jack Fate

New Member
you mean, the policies obama inherited, as well as the shitty economy, have caused debt to rise more on his watch.

as i said and as is true, the only thing obama has added to the debt is the ARRA.
He didn't inherit his own spending. Obama's spending has doubled the national debt. Read the article.


Well-Known Member
Must say that TeaBaggers seem to be a rather uneducated bunch..maybe not all...but quite a few

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actually those images looked to me like average people who seem to be remarkably aware of how little the politicians are representing the will of the people, at least as intelligent as the WTO protesters and probably much more intelligent than the average may day march.