What is un-American About The Tea Party


Well-Known Member
Running America into bankruptcy is not smart economics. Even stupid people can see that.
well your tea bagging tards like to shrink government influence. correct? well when our government stopped sticking its nose into big business during the 80's and 90's what happened? cough cough......financial crisis.....cough cough 2007-2008. cough

whithout government influence your free market capitalism bullshit gets run by greedy fucks. while i agree with you about running the country into the ground. the snowball is far to big to just start cutting. cutting= job loss= no money into economy, lower taxes will seperate our current classes even further apart. tea party.......to stupid. when they want a cookie, they want it at that very moment. don't care why they can't have it. they just want it. thank mr reagan for starting a fucking world of shit.


Well-Known Member
There is a black conservative named Mark Williams.
You and UB are misinformed. Simple mistake since there is a black American conservative named Mark Williams.
i think you mean juan williams.

i googled up and down but could only find mark williams in caucasian form. feel free to prove me wrong.

otherwise, it is another in a growing list of "mistakes" for you.

(hint: "mistakes" = purposeful disinformation)

Jack Fate

New Member
we're all concerned about our country, and don't want to hand it over to the people who want it to fail. these are the people that want to break government to prove it's broken.

that is why the tea party's support has been cut in half in the last year or so and earned more disapproval from all realms of the political spectrum, people can see their plans for this country. and they don't want to return to an agrarian society where we trade chickens for health care, as some tea party aficionados have proposed.

(see sue lowden for the chickens for checkups reference).
Govt is broken and we are going to fix it by removing this President and his supporters. That's why Hoffa and Biden were out there yesterday stirring up the base. If the TP is weak and ineffective, then why is the left running around stirring up their dweebs?


Well-Known Member
There is a black conservative named Mark Williams.
Its a lot of people named Mark Williams... only one is the leader of the Tea bagger express...Seems you got some learning to do before you go starting a thread about the Tea Party....ouchhhh


Well-Known Member
I'm also afraid of a retarded kid with a gun
Better vote Ron Paul then so you can have some hope of holding on to your second ammendment right to bear arms- unless they have allready stripped you of that right as they have many others-
I hear the current administration as well as previous ones have been making sure all the retards and forigners and criminals have guns and other weapons...


Well-Known Member
Govt is broken and we are going to fix it by removing this President and his supporters. That's why Hoffa and Biden were out there yesterday stirring up the base. If the TP is weak and ineffective, then why is the left running around stirring up their dweebs?
more insults, eh?

can't even stick to the rules of your own thread.

tsk, tsk.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
we're all concerned about our country, and don't want to hand it over to the people who want it to fail. these are the people that want to break government to prove it's broken.
We do not want the country to fail, just the policies of the current administration.

that is why the tea party's support has been cut in half in the last year or so and earned more disapproval from all realms of the political spectrum, people can see their plans for this country. and they don't want to return to an agrarian society where we trade chickens for health care, as some tea party aficionados have proposed.

(see sue lowden for the chickens for checkups reference).
Yes you site great evidence, as well as the 2010 mid term elections


Well-Known Member
i think you mean juan williams.

i googled up and down but could only find mark williams in caucasian form. feel free to prove me wrong.

otherwise, it is another in a growing list of "mistakes" for you.

(hint: "mistakes" = purposeful disinformation)
I know a guy named Mark Williams who was white ...but I served in the service with him ..pretty cool guy...hung out with the brothers and loved Mexican woman

Jack Fate

New Member
i think you mean juan williams.

i googled up and down but could only find mark williams in caucasian form. feel free to prove me wrong.

otherwise, it is another in a growing list of "mistakes" for you.

(hint: "mistakes" = purposeful disinformation)
Naw, Jaun Williams is not a conservative. You're right though, I did confuse him with someone else. The article he wrote, however, was satire.


Well-Known Member
We do not want the country to fail, just the policies of the current administration.
bullshit. tea partiers wanted the economy to collapse completely because they say that is the magic of the free market in action.

Yes you site great evidence, as well as the 2010 mid term elections
you mean the one where sharron angle, joe miller, ken buck and christine o'donnell were all defeated by dems and moderates?


you got toomey, paul, and johnson. 3/7 is a huge victory, eh?


Well-Known Member
Naw, Jaun Williams is not a conservative. You're right though, I did confuse him with someone else. The article he wrote, however, was satire.
the onion writes satire all the time. never seen anything that extremely racist though.