What is un-American About The Tea Party


Well-Known Member
More desperation on your part, unless you consider yourself a dweeb. I didn't refer to anyone personally. You need to work on comprehension.
you said no insults in this thread and got on anyone who made one. then you made one that covered a large swath of people. just because it wasn't directed at me doesn't turn "dweeb" from an insult into a compliment.

hence, hypocrite. and no, that does not make me desperate, that is just me pointing out your failing.

I don't know what to tell ya except that it is satire. If you want to demand that it's racist, then by all means go for it.
if you want to delude yourself into thinking it was penned by a black guy (which you've already recanted) and that it was not a purely racist hit piece, go ahead.

that is the great thing bout this country, is that you can be wrong all by yourself all you want.


Well-Known Member
LOL. The left wishes the TP was a fad.
i just feel like they are comprised of some of the most stupid americans in the country. I feel bad for them. atleast the supporters, not so much the republicans who just changed their jersey's to ride the "new wave." im 22 years old and laugh everytime i see some stupid pathetic ass picket sign that took 4 hours for a tea bagger to produce with a wig on their head american flag. i just laugh and shake my head like "wtf is going on in your little pea brain mind??"

Jack Fate

New Member
i just feel like they are comprised of some of the most stupid americans in the country. I feel bad for them. atleast the supporters, not so much the republicans who just changed their jersey's to ride the "new wave." im 22 years old and laugh everytime i see some stupid pathetic ass picket sign that took 4 hours for a tea bagger to produce with a wig on their head american flag. i just laugh and shake my head like "wtf is going on in your little pea brain mind??"
When I was 22 I thought a lot of people were stupid because I didn't understand a lot of things. I'm older now and have grown and learned a lot and see things much differently. Perhaps that will happen for you.


Well-Known Member
oh, you poor, persecuted man!

always having to deal with racism and whatnot. if you need someone to talk to about the persecution you face in your every day life, i will lend you an ear. as a fellow persecuted white man, i understand your pain.


Well-Known Member
more tea partiers playing the victim.

oh, how sorry i feel for them!

i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for the struggles you must endure.

Jack Fate

New Member
you said no insults in this thread and got on anyone who made one. then you made one that covered a large swath of people. just because it wasn't directed at me doesn't turn "dweeb" from an insult into a compliment.

hence, hypocrite. and no, that does not make me desperate, that is just me pointing out your failing.

if you want to delude yourself into thinking it was penned by a black guy (which you've already recanted) and that it was not a purely racist hit piece, go ahead.

that is the great thing bout this country, is that you can be wrong all by yourself all you want.
I'm glad to see you make a complete turn around and demand civility. Thanks so much.

Jack Fate

New Member
oh, you poor, persecuted man!

always having to deal with racism and whatnot. if you need someone to talk to about the persecution you face in your every day life, i will lend you an ear. as a fellow persecuted white man, i understand your pain.
It's called "smearing". Not persecution.


Well-Known Member
It's called "smearing". Not persecution.
you guys always set yourselves up as the victims. it's a nice little game.

race bait, then accuse the other of calling you a racist, claim victimhood.

you guys all seem to take your cues from the queen victim, mrs. bendy straw who has to face such gotcha questions like: what do you read?

clearly an unfair question.


Well-Known Member
More desperation on your part, unless you consider yourself a dweeb. I didn't refer to anyone personally. You need to work on comprehension.
WTF you say keep it civil...then you use the word dweeb in a rebuttal but state you did not refer to anyone personally so its ok ...wow..ok ...seems to be a lot of pussy made bitchs on the internet, but I'm not refering to anyone personally:roll:


New Member
I said yesterday he was a racist Got him Confused with some one else and got Roundly Criticized

Guess I am vindicated


Well-Known Member
WTF you say keep it civil...then you use the word dweeb in a rebuttal but state you did not refer to anyone personally so its ok ...wow..ok ...seems to be a lot of pussy made bitchs on the internet, but I'm not refering to anyone personally:roll:
there seems to be a lot of people who need to shut their jism-laden pie holes on rollitup, of course i am not talking about anyone personally.


that's fun!

Jack Fate

New Member
there seems to be a lot of people who need to shut their jism-laden pie holes on rollitup, of course i am not talking about anyone personally.


that's fun!
I apologize for using the word dweeb. I didn't realize how powerful an insult it was to you all. I'm deeply sorry.


Well-Known Member
I apologize for using the word dweeb. I didn't realize how powerful an insult it was to you all. I'm deeply sorry.
I personally could care less what names you call me or others....I for one know my worth and its not determined by what some cheetos eating, underwear wearing, internet bum thinks... the part when you ask others not to do what you then turn around and do yourself is the bother...a bit hypocritical if you ask me


Well-Known Member
I personally could care less what names you call me or others....I for one know my worth and its not determined by what some cheetos eating, underwear wearing, internet bum thinks... the part when you ask others not to do what you then turn around and do yourself is the bother...a bit hypocritical if you ask me
just a bit?