What is un-American About The Tea Party

Sorry I have said nurmous times ITT that I find the term you use offensive yet you continue to use it.

Nowwho's the biggot here?

and i've told you numerous times that the term "tea bagger" was originally self-applied by a tea partier.

oh, you poor thing. so persecuted by being called a "tea bagger".

tea bagger is the new nigger, or faggot. you poor thing.
Yep. Obama's job czar shipped 25,000 jobs over to China. Obama is not on our side.

i only 'liked' this post for the swipe at immelt (i would add in geithner and bernanke).

this thread is not about obama, but i will add that my wife is able to buy insurance now despite her pre-existing condition thanks to the PPACA and i wisely invested my money from the ARRA and am now able to work for myself. i would call that being 'on my side'.
i only 'liked' this post for the swipe at immelt (i would add in geithner and bernanke).

this thread is not about obama, but i will add that my wife is able to buy insurance now despite her pre-existing condition thanks to the PPACA and i wisely invested my money from the ARRA and am now able to work for myself. i would call that being 'on my side'.

And your children and grandchildren are not going to thank you for the the debt that they are going to inherit. There are better ideas that Obamacare.
You give Mark Williams too much influence. The left will shine a spotlight on a crack in the wall while the house is burning down.

who is the one posting vid after vid in hopes of dispelling the rumor that the tea party is packed with racists?

many pages ago i acknowledged that racism was not part of the tea party platform. i do still believe that you will find a greater percentage of bigots and racists in the tea party than other parties, but that does not indict the tea party because they can not choose who follows them.

that said, let's get back to why the tea party is un-american. as i stated earlier, i think they are un-american because they want the country to fail. they would rather let the whole thing crash and burn in favor of allowing the magical free market sort everything out, and will even oppose policies that they originally supported if it could possibly help the guy in the oval office.
You give Mark Williams too much influence. The left will shine a spotlight on a crack in the wall while the house is burning down.
You are gonna have to stop feeding this troll,
With a poster like this above his bed there really isnt much you can do to break it of it's Stockholm syndrome.
Soetoro 2012!

oh, i get it. you are playing on bigoted fears that the president is a muslim and not american.

which is funny, because so many people made such a big deal out of the christian church he attended during the election cycle :lol:

the funniest part, however, is that trying to condemn someone based on their perceived religion (not actual) rather than the content of their character is the very definition of bigotry.

we have a first amendment in this country that allows freedom of religion. we also have certain requirements for the presidency codified in the constitution. i can not find where it says the president may not be a muslim.

article and section, please?
You are gonna have to stop feeding this troll,
With a poster like this above his bed there really isnt much you can do to break it of it's Stockholm syndrome.

i don't have a poster above my bed. my wife has a georgia o'keefe on her side of the bed, i have a window next to mine, and on the other end of the room is the huppah we were married under.

your continuous attempts at trying to smear me only let on to the limited capacities for argument inherent within you.

they also make you look kinda desperate, and desperation is a stinky cologne, kiddo.
oh, i get it. you are playing on bigoted fears that the president is a muslim and not american.

which is funny, because so many people made such a big deal out of the christian church he attended during the election cycle :lol:

the funniest part, however, is that trying to condemn someone based on their perceived religion (not actual) rather than the content of their character is the very definition of bigotry.

we have a first amendment in this country that allows freedom of religion. we also have certain requirements for the presidency codified in the constitution. i can not find where it says the president may not be a muslim.

article and section, please?
Thats it, thats the spirit.

Folks this is what i mean. lolz
In 1965, when Obama was 4 years old, his dad, writing as “Barak H. Obama” (the Communist-preferred spelling) wrote an essay on “African Socialism and its Applicability to Planning in Kenya”.

I Call your 22 year old usless fact and raise you a 47 year old usless fact.
i don't have a poster above my bed. my wife has a georgia o'keefe on her side of the bed, i have a window next to mine, and on the other end of the room is the huppah we were married under.

your continuous attempts at trying to smear me only let on to the limited capacities for argument inherent within you.

they also make you look kinda desperate, and desperation is a stinky cologne, kiddo.
Really? kinda like how you cry and make up lies about people? oh ok, i see, you can preach all day and scrutinize and make shit up, but as soon as someone does it to you, well.... thats not ok! (hands on hip with pouty face).:sad: Sorry but the 1st amendment is not a one way street.
i don't have a poster above my bed. my wife has a georgia o'keefe on her side of the bed, i have a window next to mine, and on the other end of the room is the huppah we were married under.

your continuous attempts at trying to smear me only let on to the limited capacities for argument inherent within you.

they also make you look kinda desperate, and desperation is a stinky cologne, kiddo.
LMAO Look at the pot calling the Kettle black....

Yeah I said Black.
who is the one posting vid after vid in hopes of dispelling the rumor that the tea party is packed with racists?

many pages ago i acknowledged that racism was not part of the tea party platform. i do still believe that you will find a greater percentage of bigots and racists in the tea party than other parties, but that does not indict the tea party because they can not choose who follows them.

that said, let's get back to why the tea party is un-american. as i stated earlier, i think they are un-american because they want the country to fail. they would rather let the whole thing crash and burn in favor of allowing the magical free market sort everything out, and will even oppose policies that they originally supported if it could possibly help the guy in the oval office.

It's not a "myth". It's a lie.

Getting rid of Obama and his supporters in congress will not cause America to fail. Where in the wide wide world of sports did you ever get that idea?

Presidents have failed and America is still here. The opposition always wants the other guy to fail. Do you think Americans are supposed to just keep quiet and allow this knucklehead lead us over the cliff? That's not what America is all about. The TP is made up of average Americans, black and white, Hispanic, etc, etc. This crap about race is a lie and I have made my case. The left can't talk about the real issues so they resort to smears and lies. Obama has to fail or we are going to go bankrupt.