Paranormally Speaking

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tell us your local haunt/spooky spot/local legend/monster/

Across the river from my house is the Navajo Nation. The river is called Rio de los Animas or river of lost souls. There are a lot of spooky stories about the river including our very own La Llorona. She is dressed traditionally and is seen walking the river banks looking for something or walking along the road next to the river. A close friend of mine claims he saw her once. The scariest place is on the Navajo Nation right across from my house. It's a cave system that goes onn for miles. It has been told for years that skinwalkers use the caves to do their ceremonies. Sometimes you can see lights dancing in the mouth of the cave at night. No Navajo worth his/her salt would go anywhere near that cave.

What's your story? :)
i got nothing of any kewl kind here, used to be some haunted places downtown but most are tore down now.

The skinwalker stories always get me interested tho, its pretty wild stuff bu tnot many people talk about it
I've seen shadow people all my life.

One time when I was a kid on the military base, I was with my friend at night walking home. We were talking then all of a sudden I realized every time we stepped under a street light it'd turn off. We stopped for 5 minutes (timed it) and the light stayed off the whole time. As soon as we walked away it would turn on and the next one would turn off. So we waited a bit again then moved backwards and the light we were under turned on and the one behind us turned off. My friend said "my grandma died and I didn't say bye to her" so he said "bye grandma I love you!" and it stopped doing it right away.

edit: believe it or not but this did happen and it was creepy as fuck
I'v had way to much spookey shit happen in my life to even pick out A story .... But you all excited for the new season of ghost adventures this Friday??
hell yea ghost adventures kicks ass. Didn't know they were coming back so soon! I like paranormal challenge that's pretty good too.

I wanna buy a ghost box, gonna do it when I get money to blow
God I wish I had some stories.. I mean some from when I was a little kid.. Once my room door opened itself scared me shitless..
One thing I want to ask on the ghost box is if ghosts have sex. On paranormal challenge they once interupted a female and a male ghost and it sounded like they were in the middle of something embarrassing as they said
In my hometown there is a shitload of haunted places. In high school we used to go check them out, and smoke blunts in them. Never had anything crazy happen in the haunted places.

When I was in 4th grade a little blonde girl wearing a pink nightgown and juggling an apple walked into my room and stared at me for over a minuet. She scared/scares the piss out of me. However, this may have been a very vivid dream, still not sure to this day. But I can picture her like it was yesterday.
Well when i first started playing piano i recorded myself playing. About 9 at night. all lights off except a very dim light for ambience

so i got done recording played back and at the very end you could hear very very very faintly hear you suck. i heard that as was like FUCKING A! cuz i did suck but omfg that was creeeeppy

another was when i was about 8. everyone asleep about 2am. it was around halloween time and i had this bat if you hit its bottom it would make some creepy laugh

anyhow im laying there asleep then this fucking thing starts laughing!! i woke up and heard it still going my heart sunk and i was nervous as shit. and it kept laughing and laughing and i was froze still to chicken shit to turn my back to see what it was... needless to say i have never been more scared before than that time. kept going for a hr then it finally stopped!
Im actually in my cities only paranormal group recognized by PCSAIN. which is the canadian paranormal society, not much crazy in my town, mostly residual haunting's, thought we do have an old old ass graveyard but we cant get in there because the government wont give us a permit, and theres this one other place out here a bit out of town, but its owned by the military and they wont let us go in there either but they used to do school outings there and creepy ass shit would happen
Im actually in my cities only paranormal group recognized by PCSAIN. which is the canadian paranormal society, not much crazy in my town, mostly residual haunting's, thought we do have an old old ass graveyard but we cant get in there because the government wont give us a permit, and theres this one other place out here a bit out of town, but its owned by the military and they wont let us go in there either but they used to do school outings there and creepy ass shit would happen

You would love it here. We have:

  1. Skinwalkers
  2. A local Bigfoot
  3. Ute stick men (spooky as hell)
  4. Pueblo Kachinas that come to life
  5. Lots of shadow people (a local park is famous for them)
  6. Ghosts everywhere
  7. La llorona
  8. Giant Snake that supposedly lives in the river
  9. A black witch coven (We even have an area called Witch's Circle north of Farmington)
  10. An occasional Thunderbird sighting.
It's kind of fun. On some nights when the crickets stop chirping and the dogs start howling it ain't so fun. :p
You would love it here. We have:

  1. Skinwalkers
  2. A local Bigfoot
  3. Ute stick men (spooky as hell)
  4. Pueblo Kachinas that come to life
  5. Lots of shadow people (a local park is famous for them)
  6. Ghosts everywhere
  7. La llorona
  8. Giant Snake that supposedly lives in the river
  9. A black witch coven (We even have an area called Witch's Circle north of Farmington)
  10. An occasional Thunderbird sighting.

It's kind of fun. On some nights when the crickets stop chirping and the dogs start howling it ain't so fun. :p

I don't know what half of those things are!!! hahaha
You would love it here. We have:

  1. Skinwalkers
  2. A local Bigfoot
  3. Ute stick men (spooky as hell)
  4. Pueblo Kachinas that come to life
  5. Lots of shadow people (a local park is famous for them)
  6. Ghosts everywhere
  7. La llorona
  8. Giant Snake that supposedly lives in the river
  9. A black witch coven (We even have an area called Witch's Circle north of Farmington)
  10. An occasional Thunderbird sighting.

It's kind of fun. On some nights when the crickets stop chirping and the dogs start howling it ain't so fun. :p

sounds awesome.. we have a few things around here suppoisivly , but after many hours months, and time yet to see them all the thrill of the chase i guess!
Once upon a time, there was a kid, we'll call him Boba, who was about 14 years of age. His family was a very dysfunctional one and this cause him to have to move with his mother and sister to the only place they could afford. The trailer in which they moved was out of city limits a tad, not to bad though, walking distance to the minute mart, swimming whole right across the street, lots of kids and people to make new friends with. Being optimistic, as he has always been, Boba thought this would be a great place to start a new life.

All day they have been moving, when all Boba wanted to do was going to the swimming whole with all the kids in the neighborhood. But as him and his mother arrived with the final load it was just after sunset and night was about to set in. As they entered the house for the last time, the noticed his sister was sitting in the middle of the kitchen just crying. She had been left there to start unpacking as Boba and his mother went to get the final load of things from the old house. His mother rushed to her quickly, dropping the box she had in her hand, to see what was a matter. She then noticed blood all over the kitchen floor. A knife had fallen from the counter and stuck her through the foot and into the floor. Boba's mother quickly scooped her up and took her to the hospital, which was miles away. Boba opted to stay behind and clean up, plus there wasn't much room in the car for him to come along. As he was cleaning up the blood from the floor, he had completely forgotten about the cat in the travel case, which is what he brought in from the final load.

This is where is gets weird.

Upon opening the case, the cat SHOT out of there like he was on fire. Jumped up the walls then split off into the back room, the right back down the hall into the living room. Then in the middle of the living room, the cat just froze, the hair on the back of its neck sticking straight up, back arced like he was in predator mode. Boba, a little freaked out, just stood in the hall way, watching as the cat just stood there, staring out the living room window. Boba started to move in closer and in a calm voice say "It's ok Mittens, what's a matter huh?" Boba take another few steps closer when all of a sudden the cat jerks around and faces him, then lunges at the poor boy with the loudest screeching sound he has ever heard come from a house cat! The cat manages to get a few scratches in before Boba got a hold of it by the back of the neck and and carried him back to his travel case.

For the next hour or so the cat just sat in there, breathing heavy and letting out low growling noises. Now mind you, this cat has been nothing but affectionate and loving before this incident, especially to Boba. Every night the cat would sleep on the end of Boba's bed and sometimes work his way up and sleep right next to him. The cat loved everyone and was a super playful kitty! But this is only the start of this tale!

About 4 hours later, Boba's mother and sister come back and as they walked in, they see him asleep on the couch with the TV on. They then notice something else in the window, yes the very same window that damned cat was staring at. They way it was described later to Boba was something with bright green eyes and long pointy teeth. It was stand there on all fours, hunched over like it was ready to leap out at you. Both Boba's mother and sister let out the most blood curdling scream he had ever heard. Needless to say, he jerked awake and was immediately as frightened as they were, not from the image, but from the screams.

After a few weeks, nothing else paranormal or weird happened except for one thing. The cat somehow was able to get into the walls behind the dryer. They tried everything to get it to come out, but to no avail. They left food by the dryer though, and every now and then they noticed the cat would come out to eat it, but if anyone got near it, SWOOSH, back to the hole in the wall. Sadly, the cat eventually died in the walls and the landlord had to come cut it out.

A few more weeks goes by with no incident. Boba has made a decent amount of friends and eventually was going to the swimming hole on a regular basis. One day in particular though, he was out until sunset and by the time he got home, nightfall had set in. As he walked up the porch, he noticed all the lights were off in the house, even the porch light. He knew his family was home due to the car still being in the drive way and them only having the one car. As he entered the house, he figured they probably walked to the minute mart since his sisters foot had been doing much better. As he flipped on the light, he noticed his mother asleep on the couch, his sister asleep on the floor right beneath her. Not wanting to wake them, he just walked silently as he could to the bathroom and then took a shower. As he finished his shower, he got dressed and was heading to the kitchen when he realized the lights were all off again. Not remembering if he turned the lights back off, he flipped them on to go to the kitchen and was horrified as soon as he did so! Both his mother and his sister were sitting straight up on the couch, just looking straight ahead at nothing. Freaked the fuck out, Boba just stood there, silent, looking around and wondering what was going on. They then just sat back into the couch and started talking like they were having this conversation the whole time. Pissed off to high heaven, Boba just yells at them demanding to know what their problem was and how bad they scared him. They jerked to attention, startled even, to notice Boba standing there and replied to him, where the hell did he come from and to not sneak up on them like that .... Needless to say, Boba refused to stay in that house after that and about 3 weeks later, they found a new place to live closer to his mother's work. Boba never missed the swimming hole or the new friends he made, he was just glad to get the hell out of there.

(True Story)
Well here in the hills & national forests of california there is a myth of some Bigfoot like creature snatching up children.
Well here in the hills & national forests of california there is a myth of some Bigfoot like creature snatching up children.

Does he look like this...

Where the fuck does everyone get these gifs, what do you just ssit on a gif website for hours and hours? just save em up. Seriously, I wanna know cuz I need to do it its always what cracks me up most!