Where the fuck does everyone get these gifs, what do you just ssit on a gif website for hours and hours? just save em up. Seriously, I wanna know cuz I need to do it its always what cracks me up most!
Oh.. Duh.. Lolgoogle images
search ______ gif or __________ animated
You would love it here. We have:
It's kind of fun. On some nights when the crickets stop chirping and the dogs start howling it ain't so fun.
- Skinwalkers
- A local Bigfoot
- Ute stick men (spooky as hell)
- Pueblo Kachinas that come to life
- Lots of shadow people (a local park is famous for them)
- Ghosts everywhere
- La llorona
- Giant Snake that supposedly lives in the river
- A black witch coven (We even have an area called Witch's Circle north of Farmington)
- An occasional Thunderbird sighting.
read my post on the first page, its pretty hard to debunk that shit. We tried our self and it kept doing it over and over again. I believe ghosts exist but not big foot etc. Just watch any ghost show like Ghost Adventures, its pretty hard to deny they exist after you watch all the episodes. I don't think that everyone turns into ghosts, it just happens to some people for some reason or another.Do I always have to be Buzz Killington and ask the pertinent question...
How do you know it's ghosts (or whatever) else and not just your imagination?
Do you kind of just go with it? People think it's ghosts (or whatever) and it's thrilling to think about or it freaks you out when you think you see it, etc?
What makes people believe in things like Bigfoot, ghosts, etc.? How could it exist if it doesn't make sense? (ghosts)
I'd LOVE to be haunted! I've always wanted to go on that Fear show on MTV. Money in the BANK!
just stumbled upon one as I was saying that lol
read my post on the first page, its pretty hard to debunk that shit. We tried our self and it kept doing it over and over again. I believe ghosts exist but not big foot etc. Just watch any ghost show like Ghost Adventures, its pretty hard to deny they exist after you watch all the episodes. I don't think that everyone turns into ghosts, it just happens to some people for some reason or another.
you gotta watch Ghost Adventures. Crazy stuff happens pretty much every episode. It's possible they faked it, I won't know until I buy my spirit box and test it out in some haunted locations.What would be the purpose of a ghost?
Those tv shows don't amount to anything that I would call evidence. I've spent hours watching a few episodes of different ghost hunter style programs and it's always left me with the same feeling about it, nothing of any actual evidence, only subjective opinions that can't be quantified by any sort of instrument. Nothing measurable. That's why it's all labeled 'paranormal'.