Paranormally Speaking

there :p just stumbled upon one as I was saying that lol
Where the fuck does everyone get these gifs, what do you just ssit on a gif website for hours and hours? just save em up. Seriously, I wanna know cuz I need to do it its always what cracks me up most!

google images

search ______ gif or __________ animated
I have lived in a house that was haunted. TV's switch channels on their own. Lights going on/off and pets acting crazy. Haunting are either ghosts, aliens, or a parallel universe. :D Cant figure out witch.
You would love it here. We have:

  1. Skinwalkers
  2. A local Bigfoot
  3. Ute stick men (spooky as hell)
  4. Pueblo Kachinas that come to life
  5. Lots of shadow people (a local park is famous for them)
  6. Ghosts everywhere
  7. La llorona
  8. Giant Snake that supposedly lives in the river
  9. A black witch coven (We even have an area called Witch's Circle north of Farmington)
  10. An occasional Thunderbird sighting.
It's kind of fun. On some nights when the crickets stop chirping and the dogs start howling it ain't so fun. :p

Got any stories about em? Personally I've only heard of big foot and La Llorona
yea whats a Ute stick man, I tried to google but there were no results and google keeps trying to change it to cute stick man
Do I always have to be Buzz Killington and ask the pertinent question...

How do you know it's ghosts (or whatever) else and not just your imagination?

Do you kind of just go with it? People think it's ghosts (or whatever) and it's thrilling to think about or it freaks you out when you think you see it, etc?

What makes people believe in things like Bigfoot, ghosts, etc.? How could it exist if it doesn't make sense? (ghosts)

I'd LOVE to be haunted! I've always wanted to go on that Fear show on MTV. Money in the BANK!
Do I always have to be Buzz Killington and ask the pertinent question...

How do you know it's ghosts (or whatever) else and not just your imagination?

Do you kind of just go with it? People think it's ghosts (or whatever) and it's thrilling to think about or it freaks you out when you think you see it, etc?

What makes people believe in things like Bigfoot, ghosts, etc.? How could it exist if it doesn't make sense? (ghosts)

I'd LOVE to be haunted! I've always wanted to go on that Fear show on MTV. Money in the BANK!
read my post on the first page, its pretty hard to debunk that shit. We tried our self and it kept doing it over and over again. I believe ghosts exist but not big foot etc. Just watch any ghost show like Ghost Adventures, its pretty hard to deny they exist after you watch all the episodes. I don't think that everyone turns into ghosts, it just happens to some people for some reason or another.
read my post on the first page, its pretty hard to debunk that shit. We tried our self and it kept doing it over and over again. I believe ghosts exist but not big foot etc. Just watch any ghost show like Ghost Adventures, its pretty hard to deny they exist after you watch all the episodes. I don't think that everyone turns into ghosts, it just happens to some people for some reason or another.

What would be the purpose of a ghost?

Those tv shows don't amount to anything that I would call evidence. I've spent hours watching a few episodes of different ghost hunter style programs and it's always left me with the same feeling about it, nothing of any actual evidence, only subjective opinions that can't be quantified by any sort of instrument. Nothing measurable. That's why it's all labeled 'paranormal'.

Some friends and I were hanging out in the auditorium of our middle school after a rehersal or something. Some of them were taking random pictures and shit (middle school) and wanted to take a group picture. I think about four or five of them stood in front of the stage while the rest of us were just kinda chillin in the seats. The girl next to me took the picture and had a mini freak out shortly after taking the picture. I asked her what the problem was and she handed me the camera.

In the center of the picture were my friends, but off to the side there were four other people. Only they were white, all white, clothes, everything. They were also transparent/see-through. Basically ghosts. What got me was their clothes. It certainly wasn't modern day, kinda Victorian if I had to guess. AND they were posing for the picture. Creepy.

I felt a chill and had goosebumps all over. I looked to where they would have been but nothing. Everyone else had a look at the picture and everyone was spooked. Worst thing, the camera broke after everyone saw the picture. Like, literally seconds after. Camera wouldn't turn on, nothing on the memory card. :twisted:
My parents house has a ghost. A little boy. 4 or so... Me, my mother and one of my brothers have seen him.

One morning in my early 20's, I was driving home from working a 12 hour graveyard shift. My drive home was about 45 miles. I was about 3 miles away from home when I nodded off at the wheel. I had been behind a late 70's Chevy pickup that was making a left turn. I heard my dead friends voice say my name in an urgent manor. I awoke with enough time to swerve around the right of the truck...

I would have slammed into the ass end of the truck at about 70 miles an hour...
What would be the purpose of a ghost?

Those tv shows don't amount to anything that I would call evidence. I've spent hours watching a few episodes of different ghost hunter style programs and it's always left me with the same feeling about it, nothing of any actual evidence, only subjective opinions that can't be quantified by any sort of instrument. Nothing measurable. That's why it's all labeled 'paranormal'.

you gotta watch Ghost Adventures. Crazy stuff happens pretty much every episode. It's possible they faked it, I won't know until I buy my spirit box and test it out in some haunted locations.

Heres a link these guys are hilarious even if you don't believe in them

In one episode a brick just randomly flies straight into the air. Another they caught ghosts having what they think was sex or about to. Theres also one where they get to talk to an old slave in a slave quarters. They also catch a partial song sung by two slaves
All of those ghost tv shows are a joke. :lol: Only thing better than laughing @ them on tv would be to witness them film it live & laugh @ them in person. And are always disappointed at the end of the episode like.. .O_o wtf.. show me something.
Well you just don't believe in it until something weird happens to you. I've had weird shit happen my whole life. I used to see shadow people straight on for 30+ seconds at a time before they'd disappear. It just got to the point where I started waving and saying hi to them
I have witness weird, I also take the time to realize there may be a logical explanation for it that I currently am unaware of. As fun as it may be to think about the abstract & paranormal stuff alot of it can be explained or mis-interpreted. :) your shadow person is the next mans ghost & anothers demon, angel, death, spirit & so on. I am not the one with proof to dismiss it, though I do not understand why people put "names/phrases" on which they do not understand.