How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

Why would it bother me that you do a job, that you don't even get paid to do??? I made over 175k this past year, on the books, and I'm jealous of you?? HahahHa yeah right! I could own younif I really wanted you! I mean hell, a mall cop is above you, at least he gets paid to do it.

You closed down that Wilhelm123's thread because you crave power and had to show everyone that you could close it... AWESOME!!! You post your ass and tits all over the internet for guys... Have one of your pep talks with yourself!!! You love the attention though, because you don't get attention in public. You're nothing special in real life!

I don't feel picked on either... I think you pick and choose who you correct. So if you don't Like what I say, take the advice you ALWAYS give, and don't read it and don't bring yourself in it. You're totally cool cause you have guys that have your back, because they actually think it might help them get into your crab infested panties.... You're seriously a joke!! Lock this thread all you want, I can always make another...

Whenever you are perfect, then start correcting other people... But you're just as guilty as the people you correct. you ma'am are a hypocritical asshole and too conceited to see it!! Good day to you!

Calm it down guys..

your not going to "own" anyone.. especially not with making just 175k/year. LOL.. yeah, not gonna happen buddy.

Let's all get along.. how about that.
Sorry dloc07 i wont remove ur post, i would prefer the members see ur true colours and also mine ;) Maybe when u mature u might be able to express urself and understand that what ur doing is wrong. But i need to ask why u feel the need to direct such anger my way? Should we allow people to mock and humiliate another person to amuse them, is this ur goal? Oh wait ur goal is to insult me now right?
What a weird and stupid fucking thread. OP, 175k isn't shit and you certainly won't be owning anyone with that salary. Congrats on being an immature douche.
So I'm sitting in class, and I'm sick of fat people sitting down!! I'm fat and I stand during class.... And they just sit in thier seats. Makes me sick! So, anyways, I need some advice on how to wipe my ass? Yes I made a statement a question with the incorrect punctuation mark. Do I wipe front to back or back to front?? I know a guy. He's a guy I like. What should I do??

Front to back. No one likes a poopy-puss.
Sorry dloc07 i wont remove ur post, i would prefer the members see ur true colours and also mine ;) Maybe when u mature u might be able to express urself and understand that what ur doing is wrong. But i need to ask why u feel the need to direct such anger my way? Should we allow people to mock and humiliate another person to amuse them, is this ur goal? Oh wait ur goal is to insult me now right?

This wasn't to mock her... It was just to get people laughing and talking.... Yeah, unfortunately for her people laugh at her. Along with my other thread, it was making fun of her, for maybe the first few pages, and then it was just complete randomness... People can see my true colors. I am who I am. If I did the shit she does and people made threads about me, I'd have no choice but to laugh and say, yup I earned it...
Sorry dloc07 i wont remove ur post, i would prefer the members see ur true colours and also mine ;) Maybe when u mature u might be able to express urself and understand that what ur doing is wrong. But i need to ask why u feel the need to direct such anger my way? Should we allow people to mock and humiliate another person to amuse them, is this ur goal? Oh wait ur goal is to insult me now right?

April, just ignore the ignorance. This kid apparently has nothing better to do.. nor does he/she seem to have the intelligence or intellect to post a mature thread. I get the vibe that he/she is one of those "school bullies" that you hear a lot about these days, you know? Best thing to do, is just ignore the person.. unless he/she is doing something that is completely improper and out of subject for the site. Just my opinion though. But, either way.. best thing to do, is try and ignore it unless duty calls for otherwise.

peace. :)
So I'm sitting in class, and I'm sick of fat people sitting down!! I'm fat and I stand during class.... And they just sit in thier seats. Makes me sick! So, anyways, I need some advice on how to wipe my ass? Yes I made a statement a question with the incorrect punctuation mark. Do I wipe front to back or back to front?? I know a guy. He's a guy I like. What should I do??

Eewwww could you imagine the smell of something like that??? That's foul just thinking about it!!

It would be fucking horrible.
I've gone down on chicks before and I know for a FACT if some bitch wiped back to front her ass would be out of my bed and in the shower.
April, just ignore the ignorance. This kid apparently has nothing better to do.. nor does he/she seem to have the intelligence or intellect to post a mature thread. I get the vibe that he/she is one of those "school bullies" that you hear a lot about these days, you know? Best thing to do, is just ignore the person.. unless he/she is doing something that is completely improper and out of subject for the site. Just my opinion though. But, either way.. best thing to do, is try and ignore it unless duty calls for otherwise.

peace. :)

Yeah, I lack intelligence but make more in 1 month than you do in a year... I got to this point from being stupid huh?! Why don't you get off your ass and find a job that pays... Being a mod on a forum isn't gonna cut it buddy. You lack the intelligence.