Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
There are some things I can't show in the pictures!

P.S. Did I ever tell you that I have a Gunsmithing Degree from Lassen College?:shock:


Active Member
I've brought up some fortifications in case I have a fight with the Taliban.

This is to help keep the vital infastructure systems working during combat!


First a post about gang rape and the next is you with dark glasses and a bandanna... taliban...?holy shit JJ, now I'M screaming like a girl. Maybe your sleep deprivation is getting the best of you.:shock:



Well-Known Member
Maybe you missed the post Hoppy, where I showed my new machette, named Taliban. We've formed an aliance and patrol the garden at night together.

P.S. As they teach in Robin Sage, "Sleep is optional"!



Well-Known Member
Maybe you missed the post Hoppy, where I showed my new machette, named Taliban. We've formed an aliance and patrol the garden at night together.

P.S. As they teach in Robin Sage, "Sleep is optional"!
JJ, i like your style man.

machete, bandana, and a BPV just in case :twisted: everyone knows little gangsters with guns could never make a headshot, and an arm or a leg isn't going to save them from the taliban.....

just got to ask, from the looks of it that BPV is either american combat gear, or irish security?.... NICE score either way....


Well-Known Member
US Army issue

P.S. Obvously it's been a while since I was active duty, old school Army camo pattern!lol!


found a patch of mold on the lower stem of this bud today and highly considering chopping a little early now. Any thoughts on how ready this might be I was going to give her two more weeks. Thanks for any info... never got the greenhouse setup now im trying to dodge the mold. This no rain has been amazing
IMG_3952.jpg IMG_3699.JPG


thanks abm thats what I wanted to do. the pic of how tall she is actually was taken over a week ago (she is def fatter) and the zoomed in pic was today. goin to start flushing and give as much time as I can untill I see mold on the actual buds. Im rock throwing distance from the ocean so the moisture is a problem here for sure around those last few weeks.

JJ, anything you have noted from this years grow to do different next year? would love to know if you learned any lessons this year. You are already an amzing grower, I stay tuned. Keep it up and keep ur eyes open all night id hate to hear that someone got in there somehow. id personally do motion lights all over the front and side, although you have prob already done that. gl and thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, there's always something to learn every year. I'll try and do an ending critique of what worked & what didn't.

Right now my biggest issues are the size of the plants (again!) & rippers!
I'm staying up all night so there is a live person on duty, & Molly is my 'motion sensor'!lol!

The key to surviving a critical situation is, "Don't Panic"
The ability to stay calm when things didn't go according to plan & the shooting starts, has served me well, from the jungles of Viet Nam to 25 years in Folsom Prison. Panic won't help you!

Hang in there guy's. The one that wins is the one that doesn't panic!



Well-Known Member
I love seeing plant's reaching their full potential. Standing there looking glorious, their In my style of grow it's not really feasible or sensible so i enjoy watching you bring them to full potential


Well-Known Member
The other thing I hope I'm getting across is that anyone can do this. If just a Joe Schmo like me can grow this, anybody can!

Everything I use is easlly available at Costco & Home Depot. Just do it!
