america, pay attention please


Well-Known Member
I just want to push the subject of people educating themselves on this upcoming election. I hope more american's sit down and read up on their possible next president. no more votes on swagger and the media's term of "change." (cough cough obama.) i really hope people can trudge through the media mud pit and throw party bullshit to the side. pay attention to their promises and predictions, a more educated america can certainly help to turn this country around..........well hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Well I won't vote for an Evangelical Christian so my options are pretty limited. If the Republicans nominate a moderate I might have a choice. If not, Obama gets my vote. You don't want Obama? Then don't nominate one of the whack jobs. It's all on Republican voters.


Active Member
Here we go again, being a Christian has nothing to do with it. Christian or not if the man has a sound voting record that is agreeable to you as a voter than the "Christian" excuse shouldn't matter. By the way if you recall Obama was Mr. Christian until the truth about his radical racist preacher that he spent 20 years with came out in the media.

Good job Tomahawk, I couldn't have said it better people need to move past the lazy take them for what they say mentality and make an educated decision. Parties aside a vote should be cast based off of research and past preformance and voting record then the rest will fall in place.


Well-Known Member
I said Evangelical. There is a huge difference. Obama is a Christian. He is no Evangelical. Do you know the difference? It doesn't seem like it.


Well-Known Member
Well I won't vote for an Evangelical Christian so my options are pretty limited. If the Republicans nominate a moderate I might have a choice. If not, Obama gets my vote. You don't want Obama? Then don't nominate one of the whack jobs. It's all on Republican voters.
totally agree man. in all honesty i don't hate obama at all. the guy got fucked by things that have been brewing for FUCKING YEARS that out government ignored. i don't agree with obamacare but thats about it. thats where my "get educated" thing comes into play. many americans think obama came into office and just destroyed everything lol. which is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. and yes so far like you, i see no viable candidate that has a clear idea of how to solve things. its jus the fact that when the 08 election was in full swing you could ask an obama favorer why they liked him and they'd say "cause he'll change things." or some other stupid thoughtless comment. and no it wasn't everyone but there was surely a shit ton of retarded obama supporters.


Well-Known Member
I do like what Jon Hunstman's been saying. Too bad he doesn't stand a chance in that circus of fools that is the GOP these days. If Obama is re-elected it will be the result of the GOP nominating the wrong person and it looks like they are on track to do so.


Well-Known Member
american's think that world economics and american business is as simple as cnn and fox news depicts them as. and its not. at all. this snowball has been rolling for years, not since 2008. and yes john mccain would have bailed out those company's too. anyone would have. its easy to talk the talk when all the information isn't in front of you.


Well-Known Member
Here we go again, being a Christian has nothing to do with it. Christian or not if the man has a sound voting record that is agreeable to you as a voter than the "Christian" excuse shouldn't matter. By the way if you recall Obama was Mr. Christian until the truth about his radical racist preacher that he spent 20 years with came out in the media.

Good job Tomahawk, I couldn't have said it better people need to move past the lazy take them for what they say mentality and make an educated decision. Parties aside a vote should be cast based off of research and past preformance and voting record then the rest will fall in place.
praying for rain while denying climate changeisn't my idea of a sane candidate


Well-Known Member
I'll admit I don't follow politics much. It just seems to me a candidates promises and predictions don't mean squat.
Once elected they seem to find out real quick either you play ball or you're out.

GOP runs the show, whether they fuck up everything like Bush did or not, they got the money to spend on campaigns and when people are told something enough times they are going to believe it. Seems to me, over the years, democrats build up the government while republicans rape it. Doesn't matter what the people think, its the money that talks.


Well-Known Member
Here we go again, being a Christian has nothing to do with it. Christian or not if the man has a sound voting record that is agreeable to you as a voter than the "Christian" excuse shouldn't matter. By the way if you recall Obama was Mr. Christian until the truth about his radical racist preacher that he spent 20 years with came out in the media.

Good job Tomahawk, I couldn't have said it better people need to move past the lazy take them for what they say mentality and make an educated decision. Parties aside a vote should be cast based off of research and past preformance and voting record then the rest will fall in place.
more importantly does the person believe in telling you how to live or letting you decide how you live


Well-Known Member
No I'm not one of those just pointing ot the obvious, Obama is a Muslim and is unamerican.
He isn't a muslim.

Even if he was, I'd say you're more unamerican via your intolerance of ones religion; Freedom of religion is protected in the constitution after all... Dont like the constitution?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
He isn't a muslim.

Even if he was, I'd say you're more unamerican via your intolerance of ones religion; Freedom of religion is protected in the constitution after all... Dont like the constitution?
He is not Unamerican because he is a Muslim, he is a muslim who just happens to also be unamerican.

I do not judge people by their religion, color or creed, but by the content of their character. Thus Obama being unamerican.


Active Member
i can't see why anyone other than the really rich would not be all for Ron Paul,... but idk i have seen a lot of ppl, even on here, who disagree with him.

The weird thing about Ron Paul is hes not trying to tell you whats right and wrong and a lot pf ppl see that as him avoiding the issues, but in fact his stance is "you", your state, your county, your community... should make those decision not your federal government. and that gives each person a greater say in what happens in there life, and i can't see why anyone wouldn't want that.

yeah he doesn't approve of drug bans (cannabis in particular)
yeah he doesn't support abortion
yeah he may not agree with you on a lot of things, but what he does agree on is that it should be your choice to decide for yourself those things, not his or the federal governments.