america, pay attention please


Well-Known Member
He is not Unamerican because he is a Muslim, he is a muslim who just happens to also be unamerican.

I do not judge people by their religion, color or creed, but by the content of their character. Thus Obama being unamerican.
you're a muslim, AND unamerican. and a towel.


Active Member
what if we don't think that gays are 'unacceptable' and that civil rights was a good idea?

what? him saying that you have the right to make those decisions instead of having the federal government make them for you is wrong?

its funny how ppl forget what freedom means when it doesn't force others to follow there beliefs.....


New Member
Here we go again, being a Christian has nothing to do with it. Christian or not if the man has a sound voting record that is agreeable to you as a voter than the "Christian" excuse shouldn't matter. By the way if you recall Obama was Mr. Christian until the truth about his radical racist preacher that he spent 20 years with came out in the media.

Good job Tomahawk, I couldn't have said it better people need to move past the lazy take them for what they say mentality and make an educated decision. Parties aside a vote should be cast based off of research and past preformance and voting record then the rest will fall in place.
Oh excuse me I thought he was a Muslim that was born in Kenya That hated white people and America
You Rightys are so hard to understand


Well-Known Member
what? him saying that you have the right to make those decisions instead of having the federal government make them for you is wrong?
he wrote a bill on the federal level that stated that the gay lifestyle was unacceptable.


Active Member
one of these days we will finally realize that we don't have to agree on everything to live in harmony together. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle either, but i have 6 gay friends and i am perfectly fine with them doing what makes them happy weather i approve of it or not. Are you guys ever going to realize that is ok to be different...... it doesn't mean we can't be friends. now that i think of it, i feel the "hood" life style is unacceptable for me also but i got plenty of friends that live in the hood and live the "ghetto" lifestyle. If your scared of ppl not agreeing with you on everything then your just as much of a bigot and the ppl you don't agree with.

do you think about fucking a sea turtle a lot Uncle Buck??? or just when you think of Ron Paul? LOL anyways whatever floats your boat man, i'm not here to judge.


Well-Known Member
If your scared of ppl not agreeing with you on everything then your just as much of a bigot and the ppl you don't agree with.
sorry, not agreeing with ron paul on the bill he authored which dictates that the homosexual lifestyle is not acceptable does not make me a bigot.

do you think about fucking a sea turtle a lot Uncle Buck??? or just when you think of Ron Paul? LOL anyways whatever floats your boat man, i'm not here to judge.
it's well documented that ron paul fucks or has fucked turtles. i even took a poll.


Active Member
Obama is not a Christian, are you kidding it is obvious you use the word "Christian" as a buzz word just to describe someone who has faith. Having faith your car is going to start doesn't make you "Christian."


Active Member
All you leftys like to forget the interview when he slipped and admitted to being muslim, anyway being muslim is not christian and it doesn't change the fact that he still sucks.


Well-Known Member
He used to run 40 accounts on CNN Blogs
They gave him and his sock puppets the boot about 3 weeks ago
oh, he was one of those deadbeats that gets paid $0.03 per post to spread lies and disinformation, eh?

sounds about right.

hey sen.c, where in the constitution does it say a muslim can't be president? article and section, please.


Active Member
hey sen.c, where in the constitution does it say a muslim can't be president? article and section, please.
It doesn't fuckhead, and no one implied it either.


Active Member
He used to run 40 accounts on CNN Blogs
They gave him and his sock puppets the boot about 3 weeks ag
WTF! man take your bullshit somewhere else. ^^^^^^^^^ Shows what a jackass you are to assume you know who anyone is in a forum anyway.


Active Member
you seem to imply that a muslim has no right to be president.

and then lack the JUICE to back it up.
Gotta love some Uncle Buck, up to your typical bullshit again I see. It was never implied and you know it, I was simply telling Bend Brewer that he was not a christian but rather a muslim and said nothing about anyone not having the right to be president.

munch box

Well-Known Member
oh, he was one of those deadbeats that gets paid $0.03 per post to spread lies and disinformation, eh?

sounds about right.

hey sen.c, where in the constitution does it say a muslim can't be president? article and section, please.
differennt people see Obama as a different person . Its just too hard to take a guy seriously, when he just repeats everything from a teleprompter. And he needs to stop yelling. Does Obummer know hes got 2 mics right in front of his face? His plan blows. Liberals blow. Take your 2nd stimulus an shove it. Aint gonna happen. Call it a jobs bill or whatever you want, hes not going to be able to put this shit all on congress. The plan should have been something we can put in place immediately, He keeps saying we need to pass this now, now, pass this jobs bill now.Its just an idea in his head. He gave very few specifics. And just like Obamacare, democraps think the only way we can find out whats in the bill, is if we pass it first.