10 Years Later...


I was working on a construction job on a dairy in California. I got up, got dressed, made my coffee, and out the door I went. I was lucky enough to live 5 minutes away from the job at the time so I arrived at about 5:45 a.m. It was raining so I was waiting in my car when the lady who lived there asked me if I knew how to hook up an antenna to her tv...

So as we are walking back to her house she asked If I was listening to what was going on? I said "No, what's going on?" She said "An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building!" We went to her kitchen and I hooked up the set of rabbit ears and tuned into the first station to come in...

From there I remember my boss coming into the house saying that we would not be working due to the weather so I went home. In that 5 minute drive home, the radio station I was listening to was in confusion. All I knew when walking back through my door was something bad has happened...

I turned the tv on just before the second plane hit...

I live on the west coast. I was no where near any of that and I knew no-one lost or involved.

I will tell you that I wanted to serve our country but do to medical issues, I could not. That day, to me, was like someone busting down my door while me and my family are sitting on the couch.

I came to the realization today that I am not ready to re-live that day. I know every year we go through it but this year it's magnified...

Be Kind To One Another.....

I remember it, sitting in a 10th grade classroom I was... the teacher wouldn't let us watch it on TV, claimed it was just an airshow crash.
I was at the University sitting in class listing to an ass hole of an English teacher rant about how good his poetry was. Then this kid coming late to class swings the door open and says "have you heard what happened? the whole world has gone to shit! A plan hit the twin towers." Surprisingly we left class early. Me and my ex sat in the TV room of the all girls dorm watching the news.

To this day im still confused what the hell actually happened. I analyzed the shit out of the events of that day. Why would those towers just fall in on themselves? Where they made of sand? No they were made on earthquake proof steel beams. It would take some serious heat to melt the beams they don't just snap like a stick, and the building just sat there for awhile after the plane hit (no domino effect). How could jet fuel of supplied that kind of heat to the lower levels of the towers? Why were there blasts seen coming out of the walls just before, and when the buildings were falling? It looked a hell of allot like a planned demolition to me.
Then there is the Pentaegon. Why the hell did telephone polls get ripped out of the ground miles away, but where not bent or scratched at all? Where the hell did the plane go? No wings? No tail-fin? They later show them with some random scraps that didn't even seem to be the right plane. Why was there a very expensive reconstruction project planned in the same area? Why was the construction materials not slammed into and destroyed by the plan? Why do the videos look doctored? Why did the confiscate every piece of video tape in a huge radius which is still not released?
I was at the University sitting in class listing to an ass hole of an English teacher rant about how good his poetry was. Then this kid coming late to class swings the door open and says "have you heard what happened? the whole world has gone to shit! A plan hit the twin towers." Surprisingly we left class early. Me and my ex sat in the TV room of the all girls dorm watching the news.

To this day im still confused what the hell actually happened. I analyzed the shit out of the events of that day. Why would those towers just fall in on themselves? Where they made of sand? No they were made on earthquake proof steel beams. It would take some serious heat to melt the beams they don't just snap like a stick, and the building just sat there for awhile after the plane hit (no domino effect). How could jet fuel of supplied that kind of heat to the lower levels of the towers? Why were there blasts seen coming out of the walls just before, and when the buildings were falling? It looked a hell of allot like a planned demolition to me.
Then there is the Pentaegon. Why the hell did telephone polls get ripped out of the ground miles away, but where not bent or scratched at all? Where the hell did the plane go? No wings? No tail-fin? They later show them with some random scraps that didn't even seem to be the right plane. Why was there a very expensive reconstruction project planned in the same area? Why was the construction materials not slammed into and destroyed by the plan? Why do the videos look doctored? Why did the confiscate every piece of video tape in a huge radius which is still not released?

They wouldn't have gone to war with afghanistan and killed osama for no reason at all. Stop smoking weed, you're a paranoid schizo
That happened when I lived in TX. I was working in an oil refinery down there(Dupont) when I heard about it the morning it happened. Didn't see any footage until i got home that evening. Very tragic day...
Oh and Bush just kept sitting on his ass inside a children's classroom after the told him what happened. He just carried on like they told him all is peachy. Didn't even give a shit.

Not trying to say anything just pointing out the facts as I see them. If anyone has any answers yet lets hear them..
Osama has been trying for YEARS to take down the twin towers. He finally hit them in the right spots. End of story. I don't care if your medical, you live in Americunt the WORST country in the world. Also its not an end prohibition avatar, its a vote for NDP avatar.
Osama has been trying for YEARS to take down the twin towers. He finally hit them in the right spots. End of story. I don't care if your medical, you live in Americunt the WORST country in the world. Also its not an end prohibition avatar, its a vote for NDP avatar.

wow your a D-bag
i was in 12th grade sitting on my desk causing a ruckus in english 4 when our tv monitors turned on and displayed the news... I also remember the beheading of that journalist that made it big too
Oh and Bush just kept sitting on his ass inside a children's classroom after the told him what happened. He just carried on like they told him all is peachy. Didn't even give a shit.

are you really that stupid? do you think he was going to stand up and announce it to the class? "oh class, the twin towers just got struck and a whole bunch of people died." pretty good lecture for some 3rd graders right?

Osama has been trying for YEARS to take down the twin towers. He finally hit them in the right spots. End of story. I don't care if your medical, you live in Americunt the WORST country in the world. Also its not an end prohibition avatar, its a vote for NDP avatar.

yes, that explains why we got so many illegal immrigants coming here looking for work... I bet you would have made a great president during that time right?
America is FAR from the be all end all.

Who said it was that?

I simply stated the fact that we have millions wishing to live here, must not the "worst country in the world".

That statement in itself shows about where you are on the intelligence scale regarding world knowledge.
Who said it was that?

I simply stated the fact that we have millions wishing to live here, must not the "worst country in the world".

That statement in itself shows about where you are on the intelligence scale regarding world knowledge.
no not really. America IS one of the worst places to live. Only the rich survive and the government does nothing to help poor people (read: new immigrants). Moving to the USA would be a huge mistake plus their economy is going to shit, even the Canadian dollar, which is SUPPOSED to be lower than the american because we supply many raw supplies to them is higher. America is on the down fall.
no not really. America IS one of the worst places to live. Only the rich survive and the government does nothing to help poor people (read: new immigrants). Moving to the USA would be a huge mistake plus their economy is going to shit, even the Canadian dollar, which is SUPPOSED to be lower than the american because we supply many raw supplies to them is higher. America is on the down fall.

Yeahhhhh... no.

Our economy is producing 13x as much as Canada's... so not sure where you got your info, but it's wrong.

America is a great place to live, the majority of people are friendly, and these troubled times are what every country goes through... as soon as we rid ourselves of the destroyers of this country (which will happen soon) then we will be back on the upslope.