america, pay attention please

feff f

Active Member
Right now people should be concerned with our runaway government all parties included. They are the problem Republican and Democrat alike, do you really think they give half a shit about you. All they care about is maintaining there lifestyle at the exspense of the commoner plain and simple. They make laws that benefit them, they turn the word Patriot into domestic terrorist to suit their needs to remain in control. Our government as a whole is a broken system that needs serious cleaning if we expect any remnant of this once great nation to remain.
dont worry sen, we woke up and are still in the process of cleaning up this disaster.

hold onto your shorts in 2012. its gonna be fucking hilarious.


Well-Known Member
lie much?

you are full of shit. pre existing condition for adults doesnt go into affect until 2014.

nice try liar.

2014 is when insurers can no longer charge higher rates for those with pre-existing conditions.

believe me, my wife pays nearly 20% of her monthly stipend towards her health care insurance.


feff f

Active Member

2014 is when insurers can no longer charge higher rates for those with pre-existing conditions.

believe me, my wife pays nearly 20% of her monthly stipend towards her health care insurance.

so then pre existing conditions had no part in your wifes ability to provide you with insurance.

so basically once again, another lie. your deception and misinformation is hard to follow. dope


Well-Known Member
so then pre existing conditions had no part in your wifes ability to provide you with insurance.

so basically once again, another lie. your deception and misinformation is hard to follow. dope
ummmm, provide ME with insurance?


pre-existing conditions were paramount in keeping any insurance company from extending insurance to her, even at a hugely inflated rate.

i am half tempted to go get the policy and show you the start date. but, of course, that would just be another "lie" as you know more about the life my wife and i lead than we do.

go check the mailbox for your government cheese, mooch.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Its pointless feff. Some people simply can not exist on this planet without other people's money. They are called Democrats. The only job Uncle Buck has is working for Jesse Lee making 3 cents a post I think he said. I guess that makes it ok for him to get up on his high horse


Well-Known Member
Its pointless feff. Some people simply can not exist on this planet without other people's money. They are called Democrats.
ummm, you are aware that you are talking to someone who is living on other people's money, right? and that he is a complete conservative, right? you know this?

The only job Uncle Buck has is working for Jesse Lee making 3 cents a post I think he said. I guess that makes it ok for him to get up on his high horse
that would be someone else who dukeanthony pointed out, not sure who.

me? i grow pretty flowers.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I collect partial unemployment some days when I can't find work. I never had to until Obama took office. But I look for work every day regardless. I have no problem working for my money, and I'm sure niether does feff. Why do you think we don't like Obama? I want my work back. Not enouph customers, and I work in a highly competitive industry. Nobody is spending money right now. Obama is all over the map. Too much uncertainty


Well-Known Member
I collect partial unemployment some days when I can't find work. I never had to until Obama took office. But I look for work every day regardless. I have no problem working for my money, and I'm sure niether does feff. Why do you think we don't like Obama? I want my work back. Not enouph customers, and I work in a highly competitive industry. Nobody is spending money right now. Obama is all over the map. Too much uncertainty
it's all obama's fault.

don't even think of taking one iota of personal responsibility, blame the figurehead thousands of miles away as you sit their with your hand out, pissing your time away on pot websites rather than looking for work.

don't worry, baby. just blame obama for your lot in life.




Well-Known Member
I collect partial unemployment some days when I can't find work. I never had to until Obama took office. But I look for work every day regardless. I have no problem working for my money, and I'm sure niether does feff. Why do you think we don't like Obama? I want my work back. Not enouph customers, and I work in a highly competitive industry. Nobody is spending money right now. Obama is all over the map. Too much uncertainty
soo much uncertainty right?? you should see the crazy profits posted year after year in the private sector... they call it uncertainty, yeah, the big dogs are uncertain which color their next maybach's gonna be, because profits are BOOMING, and so are THEIR paychecks....

munch box

Well-Known Member
it's all obama's fault.

don't even think of taking one iota of personal responsibility, blame the figurehead thousands of miles away as you sit their with your hand out, pissing your time away on pot websites rather than looking for work.

don't worry, baby. just blame obama for your lot in life.
What about the other 14 million unemployed? Can they blame Obama too? What about all the small businesses going under? Are they just not working hard enouph? Did America just get lazy OR is it the LEADERS fault? OBAMA KILLS JOBS, he doesn't create them. He never has. Always talks about how hes going to. Too bad he doesn't have a record of that, just a reputation for blowing a lot of hot air. What a joke

munch box

Well-Known Member
soo much uncertainty right?? you should see the crazy profits posted year after year in the private sector... they call it uncertainty, yeah, the big dogs are uncertain which color their next maybach's gonna be, because profits are BOOMING, and so are THEIR paychecks....
Small business is booming? don't twist my words and say private sector. A lot of those people like GE are in bed with Obama. He picks the winners and the losers. The economy obviously disagrees. If you can't see, then that means you're blind.

People are not investing why? Oh thats right everything anti -obama must be racist

munch box

Well-Known Member
let me correct you AGAIN,

^^ see that.. that's the unemployment rate trending downwards when the obama stimulus went into effect.

when it ended, the trend flattened out and is in danger of increasing once again.

you're welcome.

The rest of America disagrees. We all say things are not going so well.... I guess everybody but you is crazy. Obama said if we passed the stimulus bill that unemployment would not go over 9% And that was the reason we needed it. To save jobs. So if it wasn't the truth, OBVIOUSLY. Then its fair to say he lied....


Active Member
The only job Uncle Buck has is working for Jesse Lee making 3 cents a post I think he said. I guess that makes it ok for him to get up on his high horse
that would be someone else who dukeanthony pointed out, not sure who.

me? i grow pretty flowers.
, keep listening to him. He said that person was me, probably says that about anybody that is anti OBAMA but I can assure you it wasn't me.

Typical liberal fag's that go whine to mod's just because I happen to be more active in the certian threads over others and get me stripped of my post count, pussies when all else fails cry foul right.


Well-Known Member
The rest of America disagrees. We all say things are not going so well.... I guess everybody but you is crazy. Obama said if we passed the stimulus bill that unemployment would not go over 9% And that was the reason we needed it. To save jobs. So if it wasn't the truth, OBVIOUSLY. Then its fair to say he lied....
i can totally understand your points, but you have to realize the state of mind this country is in. money being thrown around won't just throw everyone into first gear. when it comes down to shit getting done, it falls onto the laps of american business owners and the ambition of us citizens. you have to admit that the media itself lets you know everyday how "fucked" you really are living your life. its an overall downer. i applaud the people who are constantly searching for work and getting layed off every 6 months. keep fuckin pushing...........


Well-Known Member
The rest of America disagrees. We all say things are not going so well.... I guess everybody but you is crazy. Obama said if we passed the stimulus bill that unemployment would not go over 9% And that was the reason we needed it. To save jobs. So if it wasn't the truth, OBVIOUSLY. Then its fair to say he lied....
i know you disagree.

that doesn't mean you are correct. you're definitely right though....

there's the proof.

AND i cited my sources.