Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

the one that keys up next is hilarious

do you mean to say "queues up next"?

Is it just me, or is there a pattern here?

i see a pattern. certain members are trying their hardest to frame black people in the most negative light possible.

i don't understand what you gain from it.

i am tempted to spend my time posting a shit ton of threads documenting all the vile shit white people have done and all the positive things black people have done.
do you mean to say "queues up next"?

i see a pattern. certain members are trying their hardest to frame black people in the most negative light possible.

i don't understand what you gain from it.

i am tempted to spend my time posting a shit ton of threads documenting all the vile shit white people have done and all the positive things black people have done.
go live in south chicago.
do you mean to say "queues up next"?

i see a pattern. certain members are trying their hardest to frame black people in the most negative light possible.

i don't understand what you gain from it.

i am tempted to spend my time posting a shit ton of threads documenting all the vile shit white people have done and all the positive things black people have done.

You are so laughable... this isn't about any specific race.

Every race has its share of idiots... in the end we're all the same species.... HOMO SAPIENS.

Laugh about the idiots of all race, so please... showcase the white race, a lot of dumbasses there.
You are so laughable... this isn't about any specific race.

fair enough. never mind that it was mentioned in the title of the thread that this was specifically a black flash mob, nor how many corresponding threads we see specifically mention a white {insert negative description here}.

Every race has its share of idiots... in the end we're all the same species.... HOMO SAPIENS.

Laugh about the idiots of all race, so please... showcase the white race, a lot of dumbasses there.

agreed on all counts.
fair enough. never mind that it was mentioned in the title of the thread that this was specifically a black flash mob, nor how many corresponding threads we see specifically mention a white {insert negative description here}.

agreed on all counts.
i am asking seriously how is that negative?
i am asking seriously how is that negative?

Uncle Buck, I'm still eagerly awaiting you backing up your 800% number under the exact same circumstances using DOJ stats. I'll be waiting.
And I'll give you a distraction for the moment. Notice how 90% of the news articles involving violent racist black flash mobs won't mention any race. Then, when you go cherry picking and post an article about how bad white people are, let's see if they make race a front issue.
You know im interested to know the comparison numbers of black on black crime and white on white crime. What awful business it is. I know there is tension here where I live between white people and SOME black ppl but one of my best black friends, one who i trust literally with thousands of dollars, and who doesn't laugh at me when I ask him to explain cultural differences, like why a lot of black ppl will call other black ppl cousin when there is no blood relation. Well apparently there's tension here between African Americans who were born here and Africans who are coming here in droves from dif countries in Africa. You would think the color alone would be enough to make them brothers, I use the term loosely, but no, they hate each other. There are turf wars with young guys being shot and leaving kids behind for grandmothers to take care of. It's just unnecessessary.
I'm lucky to have a friend like Twizz, we clown around a lot and none of our ethnic, borderline racist humor is ever taken seriously.
Because we have mutual respect for each other and we both KNOW there is no hate in our hearts. Furthermore, there are ppl of color here on RIU whom I have the utmost respect for. And lastly, I just wanna say if lived in an all white gated community. I would friggin kill myself. Black people know how to eat. Some call it soul food, i call it comfort food. The food alone is worth being the only white guy at an all black BBQ. And I have.
Justice Department Statistics About Black On White Race Violence
'The Race War Of Black Against White' by Paul Sheehan
The Sydney Morning Herald , Australia, 20 May 1995

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.

And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:
• According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.
• Most victims of race crime—about 90 per cent—are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.
• Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
• Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.
• According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate than whites murder blacks.

These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.

Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.

When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard.
Discouraging numbers to be sure. And an embarrassment to decent black people everywhere. Can't we just fast forward to 2210 when, more than likely we will all have merged into ONE ethnic race and can finally sit at the same table and eat some good BBQ ribs and home made cornbread. I still can't get off the food
A black church in the D has one of the best BBQ's in the city and they only hold it once a year. The grills are stacked next to each other for about 70 feet. Oh my, it is good. Chicken, ribs, fish, mmmmmm. And homemade cornbread. I swear you can smell it a 1/4 mile away.

I think I need to BBQ tonight.
Since you guys are talking about food, why is it a stereotype that black people love fried chicken and watermelon? Doesn't everybody love fried chicken and watermelon? And koolaid? I love that shit.
I don't know why. But I love fried chicken and tater salad.
Since you guys are talking about food, why is it a stereotype that black people love fried chicken and watermelon? Doesn't everybody love fried chicken and watermelon? And koolaid? I love that shit.
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]The truth about violent flash mobs[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=-1]Posted: August 03, 2011
5:13 pm Eastern

[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]By John Bennett[/FONT]
[SIZE=-1] © 2011 [/SIZE]

Our conversation about race is suffering from a terrible abuse of the English language. As a result, we are not addressing racial mob violence. Here is an analogy to illustrate how the conversation about race goes awry: Everybody knows that not every American likes football. So when we hear someone say, "Americans like football," we understand that they mean that the people who like football are generally American. That same common-sense observation about grammar applies to controversial racial topics. Take the following statement: Black teens have been attacking non-blacks in flash mobs.
Everybody knows that not all black teens attack in flash mobs. There is no one in a position of prominence in society who would say or mean that. When someone says "Black teens have been attacking in flash mobs," we should know what they mean – that the people who attack in flash mobs have been black.

Nonetheless, in articles and radio interviews, I've pointed out the simple fact that black teens have been attacking in flash mobs. A common response to my factual observation is that "Not all blacks are that way," or "You can't generalize." But I've never stated or implied that all blacks are that way, or made any generalizations. Our conversation about race is stuck in this bizarre cycle where someone makes an observation about group behavior, and the only response from many people is a cliché like "Don't judge entire groups." It's as if the plain meaning of words becomes clouded when we pass into the forbidden topic of race. Many are playing word games to evade the stark facts about racial mob violence.

While the shooting death of a young gay man named Lawrence King makes the cover of Newsweek magazine, an equally harmful type of hateful violence has been underreported. Anna Taylor, Emily Guendelsberger and Thomas Fitzgerald of Philadelphia all suffered in separate, violent "flash mob" attacks, committed by blacks. The details of their attacks are shocking; the trend is to pick a random pedestrian, punch them and then kick them brutally while they are down. Whether it's the shooting death of Andrew Graham in Denver, or a young white lady named Shaina Perry being taunted and beaten in Milwaukee, or Carter Strange having his skull fractured in Columbia, S.C., or Dawid Strucinski beaten into a coma in Bayonne, the facts are clear: There is a trend of black teens in groups randomly attacking innocent people, usually non-black people. It's not about robbery; sometimes these attacks are just vicious "games" like the "knock out game" that took the life of 72-year-old Hoang Nguyen in St. Louis. The victims of these attacks, nationwide, are generally non-black, and the attackers are invariably black. What we are seeing is a social problem with a racial element, and it needs to be addressed.
It is undeniable, based on reporting from even liberal news sources, that the people who attack in violent flash mobs are almost exclusively black teens. According to the New York Times, "Most of the teenagers who have taken part in them are black and from poor neighborhoods." Of course, the Times can't name a single incident where non-blacks have taken part in such mobs, so their use of the adjective "most" is misleading. That Times article was the last mention, in the mainstream press, of the flash mob attackers' race.

Our conversation about race has been stifled by double standards, resolute denial and a peculiar distortion of language. Minorities can, and do, point to racial differences in group outcomes, and complain about group inequalities. Yet, when someone outside the racial group points out that racial groups themselves are responsible for those inequalities, the conversation about race starts to break down.

All black teens are obviously not responsible for flash mobs, but the only people committing theses attacks are black teens. In other words, black teens are committing these attacks, but it's only a small percentage of black teens doing so. So, in that sense, black teens are responsible for the attacks. Of course, black race is not the cause of the problem; the distinct culture of the black teen attackers is the cause of the problem. That culture in turn arises from the unique constellation of mores, habits, attitudes, family structure and government dependence found within a segment of the black community. Those factors have nothing to do with biology, or genetics, or "all black people." These qualifications wouldn't even be necessary in a society where people were prepared to face facts and be honest about social issues. Instead, our conversation about race breaks down, and the core social problem is lost in accusations about "broad brushes" and generalizations.

No one who matters is actually making remarks about entire groups. What people are doing is making observations about group behavior and race: that black teens have been attacking in flash mobs. Based on that factual observation, my interpretation is that there is an emerging social problem, made worse by double standards about race in our society. Blacks (meaning those blacks who are committing these crimes) benefit from the media's preferential protections, and the public is deliberately misinformed by media outlets like the Washington Post, New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, all of whom refuse to accurately report on the racial element of these violent crimes. The net result is that the public, of all races, is placed at greater risk as we fail to address a social problem.