Humans Are Naturally Plant-Eaters

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm just curious where exactly in the point of evolution, which lets say for the argument exists here, did primates go from herbivore - to full on red bloody meat carnivore, back to carnivore-lite (need to cook meat to prevent against disease, cannot eat it naturally or it doesn't taste good) ?
You kidding me bro? Homo erectus was a full on hunter and he had some massive canines. But humans, homo sapiens, have always been a pretty nicely balanced omnivore.


Well-Known Member
I really don't think i'm made for eating vegetable. It's just not effective enough. Way more proteine in meat ;O). Only vegetables i ate for the last couple of decades are 1: French fries and 2: Fried onions


Well-Known Member
I do not eat vegetables. I eat fries, potatoes.. yes. But anything "Green" that looks as if it came out of the ground, I will not eat. Always has been that way, always will be that way. I will turn cannibal before I turn to veggies.


Well-Known Member
I do not eat vegetables. I eat fries, potatoes.. yes. But anything "Green" that looks as if it came out of the ground, I will not eat. Always has been that way, always will be that way. I will turn cannibal before I turn to veggies.


Well-Known Member
I do not eat vegetables. I eat fries, potatoes.. yes. But anything "Green" that looks as if it came out of the ground, I will not eat. Always has been that way, always will be that way. I will turn cannibal before I turn to veggies.


Well-Known Member
I've eaten my fair share of raw produce... I've caught a deer with no tools or outside help...

But then again I'm not exactly human ^^;


Ursus marijanus
isn't this evidence that humans are not 'natural' meat eaters, that we cannot eat it without cooking it?
We can eat a fruit raw, nuts, vegetables, but we can't eat meat raw we rely on external cooking. Sure we can eat meat, but I'm saying that possibly it doesn't need to be a large part of our diet?
Meat does not need to be part of our diet ... the continuing (and mildly annoying) survival of vegans demonstrates this. But imo that is not so much an expression of our true natures as ... a moral choice.
Thirty thousand years ago, our immune systems were *trained*. No self-respecting cave peep would turn down some mammoth roadkill. Once fire made it into our collective cultural scheme, our immune systems got a bit of a break, allowing us to dedicate all that excess metabolic energy to the pursuits that ultimately led us to the exalted lords of the earth we are today, dyeing the right side of our keyboards orange as we nibble Chee-Tos between layering the keystrokes for the next devastating instance of online rhetoric. :bigjoint:

Oh. And re-creating the solar system in miniature in our closets and crawlspaces...
cheers 'neer

Total Head

Well-Known Member
we might not "need it" but we evolved eating meat. the surge of protien in our diets when we started eating meat is believed to be responsible for the development of our superior brains. of course we naturally eat plants. we are omivores. just because we have the will and access to choose our own diets does not mean we "don't need to eat" certain things. can anyone name a single surviving tribe that does not eat ANY meat? the luxury of choosing from an array of foods is a modern invention. just like "gentlemanly warfare". we force it upon ourselves. it's against our nature but it makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. pass the pork.