Let 'em die! Woooooo! Yeah!

munch box

Well-Known Member
Show me one thing I've ever posted that was racist or 'disinformation' as you put it. As far as hate propaganda, you seem to have that market cornered.
1. You said white people who identify black people as racist must have a small dick
2. You said tea partiers are a bunch of racists,which implies white racists
3. repeated use of the words cracker, hillbilly,inbred and redneck
4. you support racist people
5. you have never given insight one single topic of discussion, you only attack white people and call them racist.

Color only runs skin deep, stop obsessing like DukeAnthony. Or nobody will take you seriously


Well-Known Member
You realize you're arguing with a parrot, right? No original thoughts, just a vocabulary of a few words and phrases repeated ad nauseum.

And a brain the size of a pea.
Yea I know, my 12 year old has better reasoning abilities. It is for entertainment purposes only.


Ursus marijanus
While wasting my morning on RIU
I come to a thread that is Pee-you!
Don't know what's abouts
It seems there are louts
who'd just as soon kill you as see you.

munch box

Well-Known Member
You realize you're arguing with a parrot, right? No original thoughts, just a vocabulary of a few words and phrases repeated ad nauseum.

And a brain the size of a pea.
I said that Uncle Buck has the brain the size of a pea earlier. Stop stealing the words that you just saw me post, and then turn around and use them on me. Can't you come up with something yourself? All you ever talk about is Rush and FOX News. Another obsessed liberal.


Well-Known Member
I said that Uncle Buck has the brain the size of a pea earlier. Stop stealing the words that you just saw me post, and then turn around and use them on me....
there was once was a fella named munch
who thought those tea folks were a fabulous bunch
he spoke of brains the size of a pea,
and quite adored this party of tea,
until they made off with his lunch.


Well-Known Member
1. You said white people who identify black people as racist must have a small dick
2. You said tea partiers are a bunch of racists,which implies white racists
3. repeated use of the words cracker, hillbilly, and redneck
4. you support racist people
5. you have never given insight one single topic of discussion, you only attack white people and call them racist.

Color only runs skin deep, stop obsessing like DukeAnthony. Or nobody will take you seriously
1. There is nothing racist about that statement, although if you have a small penis you may be offended.
2. Tea partiers are for the most part racists, it is a factual statement.
3. Now you're flat out lying. Cracker is not a word I use, hillbilly...well if the shoe fits. Once again hillbilly is not a race.
4. I support racist people? Better back that one up, your words are becoming slanderous in nature.
5. If I support racist people like you say, why would I call other people racists? You make no fucking sense.

munch box

Well-Known Member
OK Libs. I think this conversation is pretty much over. Its like I'm talking to a bunch of kids at a day care center.