Question for men


Well-Known Member
this is not a serious question, this is a yahoo question... fuck yahoo.

"I caught my brother masturbating to pictures of animals?
like cartoon animals that can stand on 2 legs.He calls it "yiff" and says he's he's something called a "furry" this makes me very worried because i saw an episode of csi with these "furries" where one of them died from rabies or something.How do i make him understand that this is wrong and he can go to jail for having sex with animals?"


Well-Known Member
Lol well my mom is getting married eventually, and i read the article on yahoo
I doubt it, no one buys a cow if they have free milk on tap, and if you have a cow and it stops giving milk you get a new one, It's easier to get a new cow when your old one dries up when you don't have any ownership stake in the cow to begin with.
Urca are you getting married, or is someone you know getting married? Lol.
Why ruin it prematuerly I was waiting on a thread about it..


Active Member
I doubt it, no one buys a cow if they have free milk on tap, and if you have a cow and it stops giving milk you get a new one, It's easier to get a new cow when your old one dries up when you don't have any ownership stake in the cow to begin with.

Why ruin it prematuerly I was waiting on a thread about it..

Hahahaha you know would be coming.... Titled one of the following... "my bfffl is getting married" "this guy that I met online, I think he wants to marry me. What do I do!?!?" or "I don't know anyone that's getting married, nor am I getting married, but I'm still going to post a retarded thread about marriage cause I'm high on Internet weed aka virtual bud! (look at pictures on the Internet, and you get high off of it)"


Well-Known Member
I wonder why smut junkie deleted his post?
i don't see that anywhere on this thread please point it out to me, because now i want to know why he did as well

edit: :thinks to myself: well i wouldnt be able to see a deleted post would i.... :/ :D


Well-Known Member
no, my mom is getting married, and i read the article. your an ass, just back the fuck off
for dloc07


Well-Known Member
i don't see that anywhere on this thread please point it out to me, because now i want to know why he did as well

edit: :thinks to myself: well i wouldnt be able to see a deleted post would i.... :/ :D
btween post 44 and 45. It was actually surprisingly insightful, and well thought out from a person named smut junkie.


Well-Known Member
no, my mom is getting married, and i read the article. your an ass, just back the fuck off
for dloc07
this song goes perfectly with this comment and your hand thread!


Well-Known Member
no, my mom is getting married, and i read the article. your an ass, just back the fuck off
for dloc07
I want to get married but no one I like wants to marry me, it makes me kind of sad, but when you said back the fuck off it made me think of Backdafucup and then I listened too it and it made me happy.


Well-Known Member
i think its a stupid ritual that is used to provide the man with ownership of the woman. i wouldnt care. but i doubt i will ever get married anyways because that is also a stupid ritual IMO


Well-Known Member
I was reading a yahoo article about women giving up their last names when they get married. But then I had a thought. How do men feel about their wives taking their last name? Is it important to you? How would you react if she kept her maiden name or made a hyphenated last name?

Alot of women on the article said that they felt like they shouldnt have to, that they were losing themselves if they did, but what do you think?

food for thought
Doesn't matter to me. My wife kept her last name. Too much work to change everything when multiple countries are involved.


I am the only boy from my dad and his brother so i must keep the family name alive by procreating. This is a fact. However I hesitate to have kids because the world is in a fucked situation with everything that is going on. I digress though.